
Hebei strives to build a demonstration province for the revitalization of China's dairy industry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hebei strives to build a demonstration province for the revitalization of China's dairy industry

Dairy industry is an important part of modern agriculture and the most dynamic and potential industry in China's animal husbandry, which is related to the national economy, people's livelihood and the future of the nation. The outline of the 13th five-year Plan clearly puts forward the need to promote agricultural modernization and promote the high-quality and safe development of the dairy industry. On August 26 this year, the 2016 D20 Summit and Dairy Revitalization Conference of China's dairy industry was held in Shijiazhuang. Hebei will sign a strategic cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the State Administration of Food and Drug Administration to jointly build a demonstration province for the revitalization of the dairy industry. Hebei will take this opportunity to vigorously promote the supply-side structural reform of the dairy industry, speed up the construction of a modern dairy industry system, and comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of Hebei dairy industry.

Hebei is a big province of traditional dairy industry, which has rich resource endowment, unique location advantage and long development history. The melamine incident in 2008 brought a heavy blow to Hebei dairy industry and even Chinese dairy industry. Over the past eight years, in the face of painful lessons, Hebei dairy industry has achieved a great transformation from heavy blow to stability, from stability to consolidation, and from consolidation to revitalization. At present, Hebei dairy industry has taken on a new look, the level of comprehensive production capacity, industrial competitiveness, quality and safety has been greatly improved, the level of large-scale and standardized breeding of dairy cows is in the lead in the country, and the facilities, equipment and intelligent level of dairy farms are first-class in the country. the output of dairy products ranks first in the country, and the production capacity of infant milk powder ranks first in the country. Hebei Sanyuan infant milk powder brand has won the first place in the national public opinion evaluation of milk powder industry for three years in a row. On August 8, Junlebao infant milk powder officially entered the Hong Kong market for sale, which is the first export of infant milk powder in China.

Stick to the bottom line of quality and safety

Revive consumer confidence in the dairy industry

For dairy enterprises, trust comes from quality, and quality and safety is the lifeline that must be firmly held. Hebei has experienced the collapse of a domestic dairy giant, so it has a better understanding of the importance of quality and safety and is more eager to reshape the image of China's dairy industry. Since 2008, Hebei has persisted in putting quality and safety at the core, starting with the supply-side structural reform, vigorously implementing the safety strategy of the dairy industry, and promoting the transformation of the dairy industry with quality improvement. really shift the focus of development from quantity increase, scale expansion to quality and safety.

Hebei establishes the fresh milk monitoring system with "the most stringent standards, the strictest supervision, the most severe punishment and the most serious accountability", innovates and improves the monitoring means: focus on improving the supervision network, establish a three-level supervision system with the province as the main body, the city as the backbone and the county as the basis, increase monitoring investment, be equipped with monitoring equipment, improve monitoring means, and increase monitoring frequency. The qualified rate of prohibited additives such as melamine has been maintained at 100% for 8 consecutive years. Efforts should be made to strengthen the whole-process monitoring chain, extend quality and safety to all links in the chain of the whole industry, and establish a risk monitoring and quality traceability system for dairy products from the source to the terminal and from the pasture to the dining table. responsibility to every enterprise, every workshop, every milk station, every employee, the whole process of monitoring does not leave a dead end Focus on innovative network regulatory methods, the establishment of fresh milk purchasing station network video supervision platform, in the milking station milking room, milk storage room, loading place and other key links to install cameras, equipped with monitoring equipment, to achieve a 24-hour, panoramic Internet monitoring, fresh milk transport vehicles installed GPS positioning system, stipulating transport routes, greatly improved the level of supervision, walking in the front end of the country.

At present, the negative impact of the melamine incident has not been completely eliminated, some consumers still have doubts about the quality and safety of domestic milk powder, and there is a long way to go to rebuild the confidence of domestic milk powder. Hebei will continue to further strengthen regulatory measures in accordance with the requirements of the "four most stringent", improve the quality and safety level of the dairy industry, take the lead in building up high-quality and safe brands of domestic dairy products, raise consumer confidence, and strive to be the "defender of Chinese conscience milk, reassuring milk, and low-priced milk", and strive to open a new future of China's dairy industry with the transformation of quality and safety.

Build a first-class milk source base

Tamp the foundation of settling down and making a living

Milk source is the foundation of the development of dairy industry. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of milk source safety, Hebei Province, starting from the source of milk source base, accelerated the promotion of the large-scale standardization level of dairy farming, and realized the transformation from traditional farming to standardization, from quantity growth to quality improvement, and from loose cooperation to industrial connection.

Since 2008, Hebei has set up international quality standards and advanced feeding methods, paid close attention to the key links such as cow breeding, milk station management and forage feed, and made great efforts to build a first-class milk source base. it has initially formed a good situation of "building a good house, planting grass, breeding well, raising well and producing good milk". In the construction of milk stations, the standard of "five have one meets" should be strictly implemented, and 1558 substandard milk stations should be completely banned. In dairy farming, large-scale farming should be carried out vigorously, and all free-range dairy cows should be concentrated on the market. The province's large-scale breeding rate reached 100%, 45 percentage points higher than the national average, of which more than 300 farms (areas) accounted for 98%. In the breeding of improved varieties, comprehensive implementation of improved breed breeding of dairy cows, the establishment of a domestic first-class dairy cow production performance testing center; in the adjustment of planting structure, seize the opportunity of implementing the pilot project of over-exploitation of groundwater, and vigorously develop high-quality forage grass. At the same time, the country took the lead in implementing a long-term mechanism for linking the interests of the dairy industry, implementing long-term contract acquisitions and planned simultaneous development between dairy enterprises and farms, and starting a provincial price coordination mechanism for fresh milk. effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of dairy enterprises and farms (areas).

Hebei will, in accordance with the requirements of "scale, standardization, facilities, and intensification", continue to vigorously develop circular and green farming with the combination of planting and breeding, and further promote the transformation of dairy farming communities into pastures. Dairy processing enterprises are encouraged to build stable and controllable self-owned milk source bases, comprehensively implement information management of dairy farms, and strive to create a brand of Hebei high-quality milk source base.

Expand the leading enterprises in the dairy industry

Promote the transformation and development of innovation

Enterprises are the main body of the development of the dairy industry, and the leading enterprises of the dairy industry are the backbone of the revitalization of China's dairy industry. Hebei regards expanding and strengthening dairy enterprises as an effective starting point for building a strong province of dairy industry, insisting on internal and external coordination, actively introducing domestic well-known enterprises, making great efforts to strengthen local enterprises, and constantly expanding the scale and strength of Hebei dairy enterprises.

On the one hand, through preferential policies such as capital, land, and taxation, we have actively introduced domestic well-known leading enterprises such as Mengniu, Yili, Sanyuan and settled in Hebei, cultivating Junlebao and other leading local dairy processing enterprises with strong growth ability, new technology, and guaranteed quality and safety. At the end of 2015, the number of dairy processing enterprises in the province reached 42, with a daily processing capacity of 15000 tons of fresh milk, and the output of dairy products and liquid milk were 3.46 million tons and 3.36 million tons respectively, ranking first in the country for two consecutive years. On the other hand, speed up the construction of infant milk powder enterprises and reshape the image of a big province of infant milk powder. In September 2013, Hebei issued and implemented the opinions on speeding up the development of the dairy powder industry in the province, and planned to use 4 years to invest 1.7 billion yuan to expand and strengthen the dairy processing enterprises in the province. As soon as this document was issued, it received a positive response from many dairy processing enterprises. in a short period of more than two years, six infant milk powder enterprises with an annual output of more than 10,000 tons were built, such as Junlebao, Hebei Sanyuan and Banner Dairy, with an annual production capacity of 155000 tons, double that of 2008, realizing a historic leap in the development of Hebei infant milk powder industry.

In the future, Hebei will make every effort to build first-class dairy enterprises, further strengthen industrial policy guidance, give priority to supporting key dairy enterprises to carry out technological transformation and expansion, encourage enterprises to establish and improve the modern enterprise system, increase varieties, improve quality, and create brands. We will strive to build two large multinational dairy enterprise groups with industry leading level by 2020.

Strengthen policy support and guidance

Reshape the good image of the industry

The dairy industry has a long chain, involving forage planting, dairy farming, raw milk purchase, dairy processing and sales and other links, which not only needs the self-discipline development of upstream and downstream enterprises, but also can not do without the support and guidance of government departments and all sectors of society. Since 2008, the state has issued and improved the laws, regulations, policies and standards of the dairy industry. Hebei has successively formulated and implemented documents such as "opinions on vigorously rectifying the order of the Dairy Industry and promoting the healthy Development of the Dairy Industry", "opinions on accelerating the Development of Modern Animal Husbandry" and "opinions on speeding up the Development of Dairy Powder Industry in the whole Province" From the construction of milk source base, strengthening leading enterprises, improving the circulation system, strengthening quality supervision, strengthening financial support, ensuring land demand and other aspects to open up a green channel, build a relatively perfect dairy policy system, and provide a strong driving force for the healthy development of the dairy industry in the province.

In the future, Hebei will further increase its support and introduce more preferential policies and measures to consolidate and enhance the good momentum of the development of the dairy industry. At the same time, actively create a good environment, carry out in-depth positive publicity and guidance, tell good brand stories, create a good reputation, and comprehensively display the new achievements in the development of Hebei dairy industry by means of industrial tourism and user experience. fully demonstrate the new achievements of Hebei milk source construction and quality safety, further boost people's dairy consumption confidence, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the dairy industry.

Since 2008, Hebei Province has made great efforts to rectify the dairy industry order, resolutely strengthen quality supervision, strengthen the leading dairy enterprises, played a series of high gold content, unconventional policy combination, and made great efforts to promote the second rise of Hebei dairy industry. At present, China's dairy industry is in a period of great opportunities, and it is also facing the severe challenges of innovation and development, transformation and upgrading. At the upcoming D20 Summit of China's Dairy Industry in 2016, the ceremony of "Declaration on the Revitalization of China's Dairy Industry" will be held to break the bottleneck, make up the deficiency and raise the level, so as to work together to build China's dairy brand and build a world-class dairy industry.

Zhang Qingwei

(the writer is the governor of Hebei Province)