
Cultivation cycle farmers raise pigs and fruits to become a leader in getting rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation cycle farmers raise pigs and fruits to become a leader in getting rich

The sunshine in July is full of enthusiasm. Zhang Yonglin, a party member of Luowuping Village, Liuwu Town, Lingshan County, drives his newly bought SUV to work in the pig farm. Several poor households in the next village have been waiting in the pig farm for a long time. Since Zhang Yonglin raised insured pigs to save money to buy beautiful cars, from time to time the masses came to inspect his pig farm and learn from him to raise pigs.

"Two studies and one doing" Establish confidence in getting rid of poverty "Sorry, let everyone wait for a long time, just now in the village committee 'two studies and one doing' special party class, after class and copy study notes, so late." Zhang Yonglin said while shaking hands with everyone one by one,"Look at my orchard before looking at the pig farm."

Zhang Yonglin's orange orchard is located around the pig farm, with a total of more than 30 mu. The fertilization depends entirely on pig manure and pig urine. The fruit trees grow happily and bear numerous fruits. It is estimated that the yield per mu will exceed ten thousand catties, and a bumper harvest is in sight. Zhang Yonglin introduced the fruit and pig farming technology to the masses in detail, encouraged them to boost their entrepreneurial spirit, establish confidence in getting rid of poverty and strive to get rid of poverty as soon as possible.

This is a microcosm of productivity brought about by "two studies and one doing" in Luwu Town. It is understood that in the in-depth development of "two learning and one doing" special study, the town combined with the town situation, pay attention to the combination of "learning" and "doing", with "learning" guidance "do", to point belt surface, comprehensive flowering, received good results.

"Two learning and one doing"

Wang Meng Village is a poverty-stricken village in Luwu Town during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period. During the study of "two studies and one doing", the first secretary led the party members and cadres of the friendship unit to deeply understand the situation of poor households, solve the urgent needs of life, raise 42,000 yuan for poor students 'aid and orphan relief, and contact Fujian Chamber of Commerce for orphan claim aid. In order to realize the goal of poverty alleviation, the village fully exploits its resource advantages and plans to use Wangmeng Reservoir and tea farm to build eco-tourism park. At present, the project has been preliminarily implemented. At that time, tourists can experience the fun of picking tea and fruit, visiting mountains and playing with water, fishing, barbecue, etc., and villagers can enjoy industrial dividends and get rid of poverty and become rich. "To learn a series of speeches, we must learn them thoroughly and apply them flexibly." Shi Xianguo, director of Shen 'an Village in Luwu Town, wrote in his learning experience. As a cadre of poor villages, Shi Xianguo plays an exemplary role in becoming rich. In 2015, after learning that there was policy support for planting "double-high" sugar cane, Shi Xianguo contracted 322 mu of dry land in the village through land transfer to establish a "double-high" sugar cane base. At present, villagers can not only collect land rent, but also work at their doorstep, so their confidence in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich has increased. Since the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called on everyone to carry out in-depth special study of "two studies and one doing", Shi Xianguo has strengthened his confidence in leading everyone out of poverty and becoming rich in his study.