
The output of Hancheng Zanthoxylum bungeanum ranks first among 40,000 growers in the country to shake off poverty and become rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The output of Hancheng Zanthoxylum bungeanum ranks first among 40,000 growers in the country to shake off poverty and become rich.

Nowadays, it is the time to pick pepper. The demonstration base of the pepper industry in Beidingyuan, Zhiyang Town, Han City, is dotted with endless pepper forests, the particles of pepper are gorgeous and gratifying, and the pepper farmers are happily working with the workers in the pepper garden. In Hancheng, Zanthoxylum bungeanum accounts for 60% of the city's total agricultural output value, with a total income of 2 billion yuan, helping more than 40, 000 growers shake off poverty and become rich. Today, the planting area of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is 550000 mu, with an annual output of 24000 tons, making it the county (city) with the largest scale, the highest yield and the best benefit in the country.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a characteristic industry to strengthen the forestry industry and increase the income of forest farmers in our province. In recent years, Shaanxi forestry has continuously increased policy support and capital investment, and made every effort to promote the construction of forest and fruit demonstration bases, resulting in the emergence of a number of state-level famous, special and excellent economic forest demonstration counties in the province. find a way to organically combine ecology with industry, invigorating forests and enriching people. At present, the planting area of pepper in the province has reached more than 2.6 million mu, with an output of 64000 tons, ranking first in the country.

A the "golden string" of increasing farmers' income

Hancheng "Dahongpao" is famous both inside and outside the province for its "rich meat, bright color, rich aroma and mellow hemp flavor".

When the reporter saw Ning Xiaowu, a villager of Zhaofeng Village, Zhiyang Town, he had just walked out of the ground from the pepper forest. Having planted pepper for more than 20 years, he now has more than 10 mu of pepper forest and 700 or 800 pepper trees. Last year, the market for pepper was good, selling for 80 yuan per kilogram, and his more than 1000 kilograms of pepper brought him a net income of more than 60, 000 yuan.

"in the past, grain was the main business, and the fields were full of wheat, but life was difficult. Since planting pepper, life has gradually improved, but now life is getting better and better. Nowadays, every family in Murakami grows pepper, and the most they can get is four or five thousand jin a year. " Ning Xiaowu said that through the cultivation of pepper, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes, built five new houses the year before last.

In order to promote the development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum industry, Hancheng has set policies, grasped training, built markets, revitalized enterprises and built brands in accordance with the thinking of "base scale, brand management and service socialization". The management pattern of "government guidance + association + leading enterprise" and "wholesale market + base + peasant household" has been formed, and the pepper industry has gradually stepped into the track of marketization, brand, standardization and industrialization. At present, the city has formed 195 professional pepper villages, pepper farmers per capita income of 13000 yuan.