
The price of soybeans sold when they were young is several times different from that when they grow up.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The price of soybeans sold when they were young is several times different from that when they grow up.

Beijing, September 3 (Reporter Bo Yi) according to China Rural Voice "three Rural China" report, many friends who do not farm land do not know the relationship between boiled edamame beans and soybeans in summer. In fact, edamame is the childhood of soybeans. When sold as a vegetable, soybeans become edamame beans.

Although it is all the same thing, the current market situation is much worse. As a big soybean grower in our country, soybeans have been listed one after another. So how is the soybean market this year?

In about 10 days, the soybeans of Kang Luwei's family, a group of villagers in Houxie Township, Luohe City, Henan Province, should be harvested. Although the drought is serious this year, Kang Luwei still thinks that drought-tolerant soybeans will be as productive and rewarding as in previous years.

According to the current growth situation, 400 jin is sure. Soybeans are drought-tolerant crops and do not need watering.

Speaking of the soybeans that are about to be harvested, Kang Luwei is delighted. Prices have been stable for several years in a row, and he is not worried about selling them. The beans were taken away without having to be pulled home, which made Kang Luwei, a migrant worker, very secure:

Kang Luwei: the machine is harvested. After harvesting, you don't need to transport it home. You can sell it in the field.

Since the cancellation of the purchase of temporary storage soybeans in 2014, the price of soybeans has dropped significantly, and the purchase price of northeast soybeans has dropped from 2.45 yuan / jin to 1.75 yuan / jin. Over a period of time, farmers' enthusiasm for planting has greatly declined, and the current domestic soybean output is generally insufficient. Zhang Jinjie, an analyst at Zhuochuang Information, believes that the purchase price of soybeans this year is still stable and rising steadily:

Zhang Jinjie: uneven precipitation across the country this year has led to an overall decline in soybean production in all soybean producing areas. Among them, Hubei suffered from flooding, while Henan, Anhui and Northeast China experienced obvious drought. At present, Hubei beans have entered the middle stage of listing, and other producing areas are expected to be listed collectively by the end of September. Due to the reduction in soybean production this year, farmers are more reluctant to sell. It is expected that the soybean price this year will not be too low. The purchase price of northeast bean opening scale is about 2 yuan, and Henan and Anhui beans are expected to be about 2.3 yuan. The price of southern soybeans is up more than 20% from the opening price of 1.90 yuan last year.

Kang Luwei, who continuously grows soybeans, firmly believes that the purchase price this year will not be low.

Kang Luwei: last year's price was 1.8 yuan per jin. It can't be dropped again. The use of soybeans is too wide. In our local area, there are too many processing plants for soybeans, with an income of 700 Mu per mu.

As an important food crop, Kang Luwei's soybean can bring his family an income of 700 to 800 yuan per mu, which makes him very satisfied. The income of Ma Hongmei, a soybean grower in Zhongpai Community in Feixi County, Anhui Province, is much higher:

Ma Hongmei: we planted it as a vegetable, and we have finished harvesting it. The earliest is 4 or 5 yuan, generally relatively late more than 3 yuan, more than 2 yuan, the time is pushed back a little bit cheaper, the yield per mu can generally reach 3000 murmur6000.

It is also soybeans, why is the price gap so big? The yield and income per mu has soared from 700 to 800 to 3000 murmur6000, the key lies in the listing period and how to sell it. Ma Hongmei, a soybean grower in Zhongpai Community in Feixi County, Anhui Province, takes soybeans as a vegetable, wholesale in large quantities, for diners to cook edamame beans or cook dishes, and the price is naturally high.

But not all soybeans can be touched at such an attractive price, says Zhang Jinjie, an analyst at Zhuochuang Information.

Zhang Jinjie: fresh edamame, as a vegetable, is only a kind of ingredient supplied in stages. It is lack of preservation and there is no such deep processing in the market. Farmers still have to choose a suitable way to sell.

The price cannot be compared, but the output can still be increased. Ma Hongmei, a soybean grower in Zhongpai Community in Feixi County, Anhui Province, suggested that Kang Luwei should consult more agricultural technicians:

Ma Hongmei: we have agricultural technicians who specialize in guidance.

The stability of the soybean market has also strengthened the confidence of Kang Luwei, a group of villagers in Houxie Township, Luohe City, Henan Province, to continue to grow:

Kang Luwei: first, it is more time-saving and labor-saving. For example, we need to invest 150 yuan in chemical fertilizer to grow corn, but we don't need a little chemical fertilizer to grow soybeans.

Although soybeans are coming on the market one after another, the market demand is still huge. If storage conditions are available, Zhang Jinjie, an analyst at Zhuochuang Information, believes that farmers might as well wait and see before selling:

Zhang Jinjie: due to the flood disaster, the overall output of Hubei beans has been reduced by about 30%, and farmers are more reluctant to sell. The highest price of precocious soybeans, 2.80 yuan / jin, fell to the current 2.70 yuan / jin, a small decline, and there is still room for recovery in the future. The per unit yield of soybean has dropped significantly this year, and the supply has decreased. It is expected that the price of soybean will rise in the later stage. I hope that farmers will not be in a hurry to sell their soybeans and wait and see the market price before they sell.