
Late-maturing varieties: come late but sell well

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Late-maturing varieties: come late but sell well

Editor's note: in recent years, there are more and more precocious varieties on the market, and people pursue early crop maturity, hoping to enter the market early, sell at a good price and make more money. However, everyone wants to get a head start and there is no advantage to speak of. On the contrary, those late-maturing varieties can be sold at a good price because of their long growth period, not only their quality is more guaranteed, but also staggered with a concentrated listing period. In fact, early-maturing and late-maturing varieties have their own advantages and disadvantages. Farmers should judge rationally and adjust measures to local conditions at the right time.

Nectarine: CNOOC No. 8 is listed at the wrong peak for 15 yuan per jin.

In only seven days, I sold more than 4000 kilograms of late-ripening nectarines in these two greenhouses, with an income of more than 100,000 yuan. I didn't expect to sell them so fast, but they planted a little less. Li Cuimei, a farmer from the 29 regiment of Korla, looked at the nectarine trees covered with fruit and said happily on August 13.

A few years ago, Li Cuimei opened a shop, planted cotton and raised pigs, and the whole family's life has been very difficult. Even the children's tuition fees have to be subsidized by the union. Once, the science and technology winter activity held by the 29 League Trade Union gave Li Cuimei hope. She used her three months of winter leisure to learn greenhouse cultivation techniques. At the beginning of spring, Li Cuimei borrowed 100000 yuan from the bank, built two greenhouses, bought more than 1300 late-maturing nectarine seedlings, "Zhongyou 8," and cultivated them according to a row spacing of 3 meters by 3 meters. In order to take care of the late-ripening nectarines, she simply moved her family to the greenhouse. Every flowering period, she rents boxes of bees and asks these little angels to act as pollinators to make sure that every tree is full of fruit. In order to make the fruit early color, good color, and increase sweetness, more than a month before picking, Li Cuimei also carried out a "clear chamber" of the peach tree to ensure that the peach was fully lighted.

After several years of meticulous care, Li Cuimei succeeded in planting late-ripening nectarines, which ripened two months later than locally grown nectarines, matured in late July and went on the market for more than 20 days, just to fill the gap in the market. When the author interviewed, her greenhouse was full of fruit and fruitful. Nectarines with bright colors and sweet juice have attracted many tourists to pick and taste. Li Cuimei could not get out of the shed and without a finger, the nectarines were snapped up. Her nectarine has a yield of 2000 kilograms per mu and sells for 25,000 yuan per kilogram, with an average income of more than 60,000 yuan per mu, which is seven or eight times higher than that of planting cotton and wheat. Tasting the sweetness, Li Cuimei and her husband together plan to build two more greenhouses to expand the planting area.

Today, Li Cuimei has become a famous local nectarine grower, and has been rated as a civilized well-off household by the regiment and company. Villagers have asked her for advice. Whether they are from the local company or from other places, Li Cuimei unreservedly teaches them the technology. It is understood that nectarine is a respiratory jump fruit, which is not resistant to storage. In order to adjust the market supply and prolong the supply period, nectarines mainly rely on the cultivation and promotion of varieties of different ripening periods to meet the needs of consumers.

Grape: there is a longan relay behind the giant peak.

On August 31, the author came to Guo Yulan's vineyard in Baozigou Village, Hubo Town, Lulong County, Hebei Province. I saw a string of ripe giant peaks, rose grape grains full, fruity, very attractive. Guo Yulan is busy picking and packing fresh grapes. And next to the late-ripening variety longan grape is full of green, as if you can pinch out the water, they are quietly sucking the essence of the sun and moon, precipitating the gifts of nature.

Speaking of grapes, Guo Yulan opened the chatterbox. Her family has grown grapes for more than 30 years, and there are a variety of varieties. This late-ripening variety of longan grape was introduced from other places and has the characteristics of bright color, thin skin, high sugar content and good taste. And suitable for making wine. she

According to the introduction, longan grapes will not be on the market until October, staggering the local grape centralized sales period, and the price is higher than that when the grapes are concentrated on the market.

While skillfully playing the time difference, Guo Yulan also worked hard on the quality of the grapes. All the grapes in the family are grown green and pollution-free. In addition, Guo Yulan also implements "family planning" for grapes, paying attention to thinning flowers and fruits, strictly controlling the yield and making the grapes more round and fuller, so that the trimmed grapes are not only beautiful but also taste good. Due to the growth of the mountain and plenty of light, her grapes are sweeter and are deeply loved by consumers.

Last year's market was not very prosperous, and grape prices were low. talking about this year's market, Guo Yulan said: "the prices of Jufeng and Rose-fragrant grapes this year are not very ideal, and some time ago there were too many Rain Water. The low-lying grape seedlings were soaked by Rain Water due to poor drainage, and the grapes went bad on the shelf. It was really distressing to look at the clusters of bad grapes. Now I hope that more merchants will sell the ripe grapes on the shelf as soon as possible, and then take good care of these late-ripening grapes. "

It is understood that in recent years, Baozigou Village has made full use of mountain resources, opened mountains and planted fields, and planted green in seams. The grape planting area of the whole village has reached 1500 mu, and grape planting has become an effective way to increase farmers' income. While expanding the scale of grape cultivation, the village pays more attention to the improvement of grape varieties and the learning of new planting techniques. Some villagers also strengthen the breeding of late-ripening grape varieties, increase planting, appear on the market at the wrong time, enrich the market and earn the price difference. The village also strengthens the technical training and guidance to the villagers, improves the villagers' scientific planting level, and strives to build the brand of "Baozigou Grape".

Apple: red Fuji is in short supply until the Spring Festival

Late-ripening Red Fuji in towns such as Dawangzhai Town and Zhanglu Town in Shenxian County, Shandong Province, will be on the market one after another in October, where the soil is sandy, the climate is suitable, and apple cultivation is unique. For this reason, Shenxian actively introduces and promotes new apple varieties and new technologies to improve fruit quality, prolong apple supply period and seize the market.

"only by choosing a good variety and finding a good way can we really keep up with the pace of development," said Pan Zhenhe of Dachangji Village, Dawangzhai Town. With the continuous progress of planting technology, transportation mode and storage technology, the seasonal difference of fruit is getting smaller and smaller. How to give full play to the advantages of late-maturing varieties to make fruit farmers earn the maximum benefit, fruit farmers in Shenxian County have gone through in-depth exploration.

There was a bumper apple harvest in 2015, but sales were "cold". Pan Zhenhe was anxious in his eyes. During the National Day holiday, his children who worked in Beijing went home to visit their relatives. After dinner, they talked about the issue of Apple sales. Everyone unanimously proposed "online" sales, but it was based on excellent quality and a good reputation.

When it comes to the quality of apples, Pan Zhenhe is confident. In 1988, Dawangzhai Town was rated as a provincial model garden by the Agriculture Department of Shandong Province. after more than 30 years of development, it has become a high-quality apple production base with a "high selenium-rich" Red Fuji of 60 million mu and an annual output of 50 million jin of apples. fruit into Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Wuhan and other markets.

Pan Zhenhe has sold 60, 000 jin of apples using Wechat's e-commerce platform since his first order was issued last October. Pan Zhenhe's hot sales are in sharp contrast to the current apple market. Apple producing areas are generally high-yielding this year, and many growers have encountered the embarrassment of increasing production without increasing income.

Our late ripening "Red Fuji" can be stored at room temperature and ventilation until March of the following year, so that our apples can catch up with the good selling point of the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival last year, Pan Zhenhe used the Internet to sell more than 10,000 jin, making a lot of money.

The Internet has broadened Apple's sales and increased its value. According to the apple diameter, smoothness, color and other indicators, Pan Zhenhe divides the apple into fine fruit, common large fruit, small fruit and other categories, and sets the retail price. Last year, offline normal ripe fruit sold 1.3 yuan / jin, online selling late-ripe fruit excluding logistics and packaging can be sold at about 3 yuan per jin. "Super fruit with a diameter of 9 centimeters can be sold for 45 yuan a box." Pan Zhenhe said happily.

Watermelon: Xinhongbao sells well when it comes to market 25 days later.

In recent years, a group of scientific and technological farmers in Gutian Town, Liancheng County, Fujian Province have planted melons, fruits and vegetables, no longer singing "songs of the four Seasons" according to traditional agricultural festivals, but changing their ideas. By introducing late-maturing varieties and delaying harvest, the quality of agricultural products produced is guaranteed to be good and the benefit is high.

Shen Shunhuan, a science and technology demonstration household at Gutian Town Science and Technology Huenong Service Station, and other farmers introduced a late-ripening watermelon variety "Xinhongbao". Compared with medium-ripe watermelon varieties, this variety had a wrong mining harvest time of about 25 days, and became a popular seller after the product was on the market. the wholesale price is more than 2 yuan per kilogram of origin.

The growing period of "Xinhongbao" is 110-120 days. It is sown in early April and harvested in early August. Melon-shaped oval, green peel, cyan net pattern, a single melon weighs about 12 kilograms. The variety has strong adaptability, vigorous growth, resistance to Fusarium wilt, anthracnose, downy mildew, deep pink flesh, not easy hollow, sugar content of about 12%, juicy and sweet, resistant to storage and transportation, with a yield of about 4000 kg per mu.

"Xinhongbao" was used to cultivate strong seedlings with nutrition cups before sowing. The specific operation step is to put the melon seeds into a ceramic basin, soak them in clean water for about 5 hours, then filter out the water, wrap them with clean semi-dry and wet towels, and place them in a cool place to promote germination. To cultivate the nutrient soil of melon seedlings, it is necessary to select the loose and aerated fine-grained soil of organic matter in the tillage layer, use a bowl-sized seedling nutrition cup, load the soil 4/5, and then arrange it on the leveled seedbed. Each nutrition cup into two sprouted melon seeds, and then covered with 2 cm of topsoil, after all sowing, spray moisturizing, every 3 days or so, moisturizing again.

After melon seedlings are unearthed, we should also do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The diseases and insect pests of watermelon during the whole growth period are seedling wilt, anthracnose, and chewing mouthparts pests. A mixture of fungicides and pesticides can be used. When the melon seedlings grow 4-5 thick leaves, or the root system protrudes the outlet of the nutrition cup, it can be transplanted. The planting density of watermelon varies with variety and soil fat and thin, and it is appropriate to plant about 450 plants per mu.

After seedling planting, according to different growth stages, seedling fertilizer, cluster fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer and head melon fertilizer were applied separately. After the first batch of melons were picked, in order to grow two or three batches of melons well, two melons fertilizer should be applied to improve the fruit setting rate. It takes about 35 ~ 40 days for watermelon to mature from young melon to fruit, and the accumulated temperature is 900 ~ 1000 ℃.

Timely harvest is the key to ensure the quality and seize the opportunity to cultivate melons to increase the total yield. Therefore, melon farmers generally adopt the means of observation and anatomy to harvest one batch at a time.