
Wheat varieties with lodging resistance should be selected.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wheat varieties with lodging resistance should be selected.

Lodging of wheat directly affects the yield of wheat. Although some varieties have high theoretical yield, they have poor lodging resistance and actual income. Recently, Jiangsu Suqian farmer Zhang Hua contacted the reporter, hoping that this newspaper will find experts to give an evaluation on the lodging resistance effect of "Huaimai 33" planted by him. For this reason, our reporter connected Hu Xianggen, deputy manager of conventional rice and wheat department of Jiangsu Tomorrow Seed Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and discussed the lodging resistance characteristics of "Huaimai 33".

Hu Xianggen, Deputy Manager of Conventional Rice and Wheat Department of Jiangsu Tomorrow Seed Industry: Don't worry about yield if varieties are selected well

"Huaimai 33" has strong tillering power, strong stem flexibility, strong lodging resistance □ observation meeting pre-order + huge agent network convenient for farmers to buy seeds

With Zhang Hua's question, the reporter contacted Jiangsu Tomorrow Seed Science and Technology Co., Ltd., which has exclusive management rights for "Huaimai 33".

"The farmer's choice to plant Huaimai 33 is very targeted, especially in this year's climate. In fact, the main characteristic of our variety is its strong lodging resistance." Hu Xianggen, deputy manager of regular rice and wheat department of tomorrow seed industry, introduced to reporters.

Before Huaimai 33 was born, Yannong 19 was the wheat variety with the largest area in Huaibei area of Jiangsu and Anhui Province. It had good high and stable yield and good sales volume, but its lodging resistance was not ideal. The successful breeding of Huaimai 33 not only solved the problem of poor lodging resistance of Yannong 19, but also inherited the characteristics of strong tillering and good quality of female parent Yannong 19, and possessed the ability of good lodging resistance and cold resistance of male parent Zhengmai 911. Huaimai 33 is a variety with high yield and disease resistance.

It is understood that Huaimai 33 belongs to semi-winter mid-mature varieties. Seedlings are semi-creeping, leaf color is dark green, early growth is fast; tillering ability is strong, panicle number is more, average panicle per mu is 380,000 - 450,000; plant type is compact, appearance is delicate, panicle layer is neat, leaf blade is erect, plant height is about 80 cm, stem elasticity is good, lodging resistance is good; nearly rectangular panicle, panicle type is large, fruit setting is good, average seed setting per panicle is 36-38; seed is hard, 1000-grain weight is 42-45 g.

"For Huaimai 33, Zhang Hua's crop, this year's yield is still acceptable. If everything is better, it can reach 500 or even 600 kilograms per mu. We can rest assured about this." Hu Xianggen told reporters,"From 2010 to 2012, the average yield per mu of Huaimai 33 in Jiangsu and Anhui Huaibei areas reached 531.86 kg, which was 6.28% higher than that of Huaimai 20." In 2014, Lianyungang, Yancheng and other places in Jiangsu Province created a record of 680-690 kg per mu."

It is reported that tomorrow seed industry has also innovated in sales mode, bringing some advanced marketing modes in hybrid corn sales to wheat sales, opening up a new blue sea for wheat seed sales. "I suggest that this farmer pay attention to our company's variety observation meeting." Hu Xianggen put forward suggestions on seed purchase to Zhang Hua."Variety observation meetings will be held many times every year. Our experts will explain and display the planting effect on the spot. As long as farmers can see it, they can pre-order seeds on the spot, which is very convenient."

Jiangsu Suqian farmer Zhang Hua: Which variety has good lodging resistance effect?

Not only lodging resistance, but also high yield □ How can it be more convenient in the purchase channel

"I want to ask an expert to help me see how the variety I chose is." Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, Sihong County, Machen Township, Magong Village planting large household Zhang Hua contacted reporters. According to Zhang Hua, the wheat varieties he had been planting in the past were "Liangxing 66", which was planted mainly because of its high yield and good benefits. But later found that this variety is relatively fragile, highly susceptible to scab, lodging resistance is relatively poor, there are several years of heavy losses.

Last year, Zhang Hua bought a new "Huaimai 33" from the dealer. After a year of careful care, this year's harvest is still good. "A lot of wheat here has fallen this year. My Huaimai 33 is still good. The yield can reach 450 kg/mu, which is 80 kg/mu more than others. But after all, it's the first year of planting, so I'm still not sure, so I want to ask experts to give some comments." Zhang Hua told reporters.

For this reason, the reporter specially consulted relevant information and found that 2016 is unfavorable for the whole growing season of wheat. Drought of dry stubble, waterlogging of rice stubble, cold damage at seedling stage, continuous overcast rain, strong wind and other bad weather in the middle and late stages led to scab outbreak, variety lodging and other problems in some areas. Diseases such as wheat sharp eyespot and total erosion also occurred in some areas. The overall situation is not very ideal.

So, is Zhang Hua planting Huaimai 33 an ideal choice this year?

variety characteristics

Good disease resistance: leaves are sharp, bottom is clean, ventilation between plants, not easy to get sick, natural disease in the field shows moderate resistance to powdery mildew, leaf blight, light sheath blight;

Strong frost resistance: when severe cold in late spring hit in 2013, Huaimai 33 was basically harmless;

Good drought resistance: dark green leaves, compact plant type, very conducive to photosynthesis; resistance: short and strong plants, developed roots, tough stems, good elasticity, the first section short (3cm), thick, thick wall;

Late-sowing tolerance: flexible sowing date, early growth fast, especially suitable for large planting;

Excellent quality: seed cutin, high unit weight (national average 802 g/l in 2 years, Jiangsu Province average 843 g/l in 2 years), hard wheat (hardness index 65, 66).

cultivation points

1. Sowing at the right time, striving for strong seedlings to winter

October 5 ~ October 25 is the suitable sowing period, which shall be subject to the guidance opinions of local agricultural administrative departments.

2. Moderate Density Planting, Suggest Population Structure of High Quality and High Yield

150,000 basic seedlings per mu, 450,000 - 600,000 overwintering seedlings, 800,000 - 900,000 peak seedlings, and 400,000 - 450,000 final ears per mu.

3. Scientific fertilization, saving nitrogen, increasing phosphorus and potassium, maintaining quality

According to the soil fertility and soil testing formula fertilization technical requirements, the general yield of 500/600/700 kg per mu is recommended to apply 16/20/24 kg of total nitrogen per mu, and the ratio of N: P2O5: K2O is about 1: 0.5: 0.6. The ratio of nitrogen fertilizer base to dressing is 5:5, and the base fertilizer is applied with 45% compound fertilizer 35kg (or local equivalent formula fertilizer) and urea about 8kg per mu; the amount of nitrogen fertilizer base for returning straw to the field is increased to 10~ 12kg urea. The ratio of phosphate fertilizer to potassium fertilizer is 7:3 and 6:4.

4. Disease prevention and pest control to ensure high quality and high yield

According to the forecast of diseases and insect pests and the incidence of diseases in the field, powdery mildew, rust, scab, sheath blight and aphids should be controlled in time.