
After 90, the boy went from a loser to a rich man in 3 years

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, After 90, the boy went from a loser to a rich man in 3 years

His name is Wang Xiaohui, and what he is trying to find is actually his own thing! But in the course of his search, he encountered an accident. Sending pigs to the mountain is the secret of Wang Xiaohui's start-up business. in three years, how did he change from a young man who could not afford 8,000 yuan in credit card debt to a leading enterprise boss with annual sales of 5 million yuan?

Wang Xiaohui: "like this, all were bitten off by it."

Wang Xiaohui: "the bark is obviously different from the top!"

Wang Xiaohui: "it walked too much, then ate it, and ate it all." "

Wang Xiaohui: "there is mud, there are everywhere."

Wang Xiaohui: "this is a passage through which it often goes up the mountain."

Wang Xiaohui: "there are some scratches on these stones here."

The young man in front of him is Wang Xiaohui. as soon as he went up the mountain, he looked everywhere for traces left by the animals in order to find his own black pig. It is difficult to find black pigs raised at home, all because of one thing Wang Xiaohui did, sending pigs up the mountain. While looking for a pig, Wang Xiaohui noticed that the cry of a pig came from an inconspicuous cave in the mountain.

Wang Xiaohui: just now I heard the cry of a little pig, buzzing.

Wang Xiaohui's father Wang Yipin: it's strange that there are piglets in this. It has this water all the year round.

Wang Xiaohui's father said that in the early years, the local government sent an exploration team to dig the cave in order to find the entrance to the karst cave below the mountain. The water at the bottom of the cave is available all the year round, and no one knows whether the water leads to the cave or the river in front of the mountain. Wang Xiaohui and his father never went down, and for safety's sake, Wang Xiaohui brought a bamboo pole to explore.

Reporter he Ningning: how many meters is this pole?

Wang Xiaohui: this pole is seven or eight meters long.

Wang Xiaohui's father Wang Yipin: you can still get in the bucket. It's turning.

Wang Xiaohui: there seems to be a little pig here.

At this time, a dead pig suddenly floated out of the hole. Wang Xiaohui found that there was still an umbilical cord on the pig. he suddenly realized that there was something underneath. As a result, as soon as he reached the bottom of the hole, he began to tell the reporter to hurry down. He found another hole below, and there was a litter of live pigs in it. As the bottom of the cave was narrow and it was not easy to shoot, the reporter hurriedly went down with his mobile phone.

Wang Xiaohui: there are four little pigs inside, and now they are shivering with cold.

Through the picture in the mobile phone, we can see that there are four little pigs and fresh leaves in the cave, which is four or five meters above the ground and almost vertical.

Wang Xiaohui: there are also leaves, which must be taken down before they are born. Like a pig born outside, it can make a nest by itself.

It's too cold inside, the temperature is very low, it's much lower than the outside, and it's all watery.

Everyone wants to save the piglet as soon as possible, but at the same time, there is a big question. The hole is so steep that it is very difficult for people to get up and down. So, how does the sow with a big belly go up and down the narrow hole again and again, going up and down the narrow hole to give birth to piglets? These piglets are called Jixi black pigs, which are unique to Jixi County, Anhui Province, and belong to the national livestock and poultry protection breeds. Seeing that the low temperature in the cave made the piglets shiver, Wang Xiaohui hastened to transfer them to the sun. Despite the fact that this pig is small, a suckling pig can be sold for 500 yuan. If this litter of pigs is not rescued in time, it will lose a lot of money. Just then, the reporter noticed that Wang Xiaohui had no intention of saving the pig, which seemed to be dying.

Wang Xiaohui: I am going to save it now. It will definitely be much worse in all aspects of its body. If it is really put into the wild, it may not survive. What I want here is such a survival of the fittest.

Through the survival of the fittest, Wang Xiaohui left behind a top player on the mountain. These piglets born on the second day soon showed their natural wildness and began to run down the steep slope.

Wang Xiaohui: now I hear a sow barking below, and now it crawls over it again. It thinks it is its mother. The piglet has just been born the second day, such a steep slope, it has been climbing, very wild.

With the fall of the piglet, a big sow appeared. No one thought that the mother of these piglets was such a big sow. Everyone was curious that such a big sow could climb into the hole with tree leaves again and again to give birth to piglets. It's really amazing. In fact, Wang Xiaohui's pigs are not as difficult to find as those in the cave. The reporter can see the shadow of pigs in the shade of the trees on one side of the mountain and in the ditches at the foot of the mountain. Wang Xiaohui took three years to put pigs up the mountain. It took Wang Xiaohui three years to raise the price of the local Jixi black pig from less than 10 yuan per jin to 50 or 60 yuan, with annual sales of 5 million yuan in three years. Wang Xiaohui, the post-90s generation, has also become the boss of a well-known leading local enterprise. Can be such a small entrepreneurial talent, 3 years ago when he wanted to start a business, but was 8,000 yuan in debt tortured out of breath.

Wang Xiaohui, 26, a native of Jixi County, Anhui Province, came up with the idea of a credit card when he graduated from college three years ago with a monthly salary of only 2000 yuan, but that income could not meet his daily expenses.

Wang Xiaohui: why do I often swipe my credit card when I go shopping in the supermarket? I swipe the quota almost every month.

In shopping, the rent was maintained by credit card. He overdrew 8,000 yuan in less than half a year, but it took him a year and a half to pay off the 8,000 yuan. This experience makes Wang Xiaohui feel that to live a satisfactory life, it is far from enough to rely solely on the income of a part-time job. At this time, he made up his father's mind. In 2012, Ching Ming Festival, Wang Xiaohui went home on holiday, and for the first time he followed his father out to catch screws. His father knew that Wang Xiaohui must have a great purpose behind his attentions.

Wang Xiaohui: I probably know that there are about 300, 000 or 400, 000 yuan in my family, so I went for it and made a plan on how to use it.

Wang Xiaohui targeted the money in his father's pocket and wanted to start a business, but when Wang Xiaohui's father knew what his son thought, he did not refuse, but promised him to take out all his savings and let Wang Xiaohui go ahead. But after Wang Xiaohui got the money, he was going to raise this kind of Jixi black pig.

This kind of pig is called Jixi Black Pig, the one with wrinkles on its face is called Lion head, and the one without wrinkles is called Horse face. Jixi Black Pig has a big belly and a lot of fat, especially if it is not raised in captivity, but if it does not grow up, the meat yield is very low. Very few people raise it in Jixi County, and not many people eat it, so many people do not like Wang Xiaohui's approach.

Friend Zhou Ruiqi: it is almost impossible to find it in the countryside, it can be said that there are almost none, none of them are raised by white pigs.

Wang Yipin, Wang Xiaohui's father: the growth rate is too slow. It usually takes more than a year and a half to raise a pig, and some of them can't kill 100 jin (meat).

No one likes Haojixi black pig, but why does Wang Xiaohui have to take all the money from his family to raise it? It turned out that Wang Xiaohui found a business opportunity on the computer.

Wang Xiaohui: sitting in front of the computer, I accidentally saw a piece of news about the sky-high price of black pigs. I said that the sky-high price of black pigs immediately aroused my interest. I thought pigs had sky-high prices at that time. So I'm curious. In our hometown, the price of a jin of meat is about 12 yuan, and the price above it is 10 times more, more than 100 yuan per jin. At that time, I thought, how can this thing be so expensive? This is very touching in my heart.

It turned out that through the search of the computer network, he found the huge business opportunity behind the black pig. over the next few days, he had been collecting information on the computer to see how others did it. He found that it was not that difficult to sell black pigs at high prices. After online comparison, he noticed that black pigs that could be sold at high prices had something in common, such as free breeding of local famous native pigs, long breeding cycles and eating coarse grains. Moreover, my father has been in the business of collecting and selling pigs. Even if black pigs are raised and cannot be sold, my father can help sell them as ordinary pigs.

Wang Xiaohui: because my father is in this line of work, he can say, I sell the pig, the price difference in the middle is a little more.

In June 2013, Wang Xiaohui spent more than 200,000 yuan to build three simple pig houses on the mountain across the river and bought back more than 100 sows and four black boars. The farm is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the river. Wang Xiaohui picked up a lot of spirit, spent every penny carefully and pinned all his hopes on these pigs. But soon, Wang Xiaohui found that these black pigs were not so easy to raise, and they were dishonest with a big belly after they were pregnant. They didn't want to stay in the pigsty, so they went to the mountains by themselves. Before long, there were many traces of black pigs on the mountain.

Wang Xiaohui: like this, it has traveled a long way, and like this place, there seems to be no tree leaves underneath, which has all been eaten by it.

Wang Xiaohui did not understand that the Jixi black pig had a big belly, and when he was about to give birth, he walked close to the land. the mountain road was so difficult and there were steep slopes everywhere. what on earth was he doing up the mountain? When he found a sow halfway up the mountain, he suddenly realized that the black pig had come up to the mountain to build a nest.

Wang Xiaohui: the bamboo on the edge of this nest is all the bamboo he gnawed from here, and then brought it over. Because there is a stone on this side, and then there is a slope below this side, and it blocks it on this side, that is, it is not easy for piglets to fall when they are born, isn't it very clever?

Black pigs all like the mountain, do not like to stay in the pigsty, dislike the cement ground is too hot and breathless in summer, too cold in winter, the mountain is muddy, sleep comfortably and freely, and most importantly, if you give birth to piglets in the pigsty, other pigs are noisy and threaten baby pigs, so sows like to go to the mountains to find a quiet and safe place like this.

Reporter he Ningning: do you usually have to look at it this way?

Wang Xiaohui: yes, it must be gently. Its vigilance is very high, so we can only stand on this side and have a look. This pig is a bit of a lion head, a pig with a lion face, very vigilant. Get close to it slowly. I'll go over and try it out.

Jixi black pig has a strong ability to climb a hill. on a mountain road like this, it is difficult for people to walk, and the black pig can run away soon. Wang Xiaohui tried to drive the black pig back to the pen, but after a long time, the effect was not obvious. he simply gave up and told his father that he wanted to put the pigs up the mountain and let them run up and down the mountain. Wang Xiaohui saw that Wang Xiaohui raised pigs so casually that many friends who had raised pigs advised him.

Friend Zhou Ruiqi: the pigs are very wild. After they were released, they said whether they could go home or what. Everyone was very worried.

By putting pigs up the mountain, three years later, Wang Xiaohui expanded the number of black pigs 10 times, and his small pig farm also became a leading enterprise at the county level. So, what is the secret of his success in sending pigs up the mountain?

This is the picture taken by Wang Xiaohui with his mobile phone. it was raining heavily that day, and the piglets were huddled together to keep warm, while the sows let Wang Xiaohui see a warm scene. The sows were constantly looking for branches and weeds everywhere and gently placed them on the piglets to protect them from the wind and rain. Wang Xiaohui was worried that the piglets would die unexpectedly on the mountain, but he did not expect that these black pig mothers could take care of the piglets so well. And what surprised him even more was that after putting the pig up the mountain for a period of time, Wang Xiaohui found that every time the piglet was born more than 20 days later, he would follow his mother down the mountain. Wang Xiaohui is very curious, the distance from the mountain to the foot of the mountain is not long, why does the pig have to wait more than 20 days before coming down the mountain? It turned out that the little pigs were timid and afraid of the strange environment. They followed their mother, advancing dozens of meters every day, and they had to go back a few meters and take three steps and two steps. Finally, after more than 20 days, they were able to follow the sows down the mountain and integrate into the herd. Only at this time can Wang Xiaohui know how many more black pigs he has on the mountain by vaccinating the pigs.

Wang Xiaohui: not long after this nest was brought back, it moved forward step by step. Now it has been here for two or three days, and then its next step is to take the piglet directly to the place where there is food below.

Sending pigs up the mountain originally made Wang Xiaohui feel that it was very risky, but he did not expect to make it easy to raise pigs. He only needed to go up the mountain to throw materials twice a day. In order to let more black pigs go up the mountain, Wang Xiaohui deliberately made the pigs not full. In this way, the pigs not only went up the mountain, but also had more food to eat.

Wang Xiaohui: in addition to wild persimmons like pecans, and then there are bamboo shoots in spring. In places like this, those roots are all eaten by pigs. Come over there. I don't know if you have seen peaches, many peach trees, and plum trees and so on.

At the end of 2014, Wang Xiaohui's black pig was about to be listed. Wang Xiaohui felt that the big hotels in big cities must be his target customers, so he went straight to Beijing and Shanghai. But several places ran down, but found nothing. At this time, Wang Xiaohui really felt pressured. although his father was willing to use all his savings to support him in raising pigs, he really saw that the pigs could not be sold, and Wang Xiaohui felt very sorry to his father.

Wang Xiaohui: in that way, I would feel very sorry to them. I took them for hard-earned money all my life, and then I casually lost the money because of my capriciousness or some other factors. I feel very guilty. I feel sorry.

It turned out that Wang Xiaohui was too young and skinny. After going out, many people thought that he was a student, and he was often depressed and didn't know how to raise the price, so he didn't make a deal in the end. At this time, more than 100 black pigs were to be fenced, and more than 300 new black pigs were added to the mountain to eat, with less and less money to buy food. Wang Xiaohui's father was also worried, but Wang Xiaohui seemed to be a different person. he went up the mountain every day to take pictures, took pictures at home, and sat in front of the computer, staring at the pictures motionless. Soon, tens of thousands of pictures were stored in the computer. To his father's surprise, Wang Xiaohui relied on this computer and sold the hard-to-sell black pig without leaving the house.

Wang Xiaohui: when there were a lot of orders, I was busy all day, doing customer service, packing and working as a courier, sending goods everywhere. At that time, sometimes I was so busy that I didn't even have time to eat.

Why is it easy to sell black pork that was once difficult to sell on the Internet? When Wang Xiaohui opened an online store, he noticed a special phenomenon: although the price of local black pork is less than 10 yuan per catty, black pork raised in other provinces can be sold online for 60 to 70 yuan per catty, with the highest reaching more than 100 yuan. Wang Xiaohui decided to set the price of his black pork at about 50 yuan and free delivery, which gave him a very obvious comparative advantage in price. The relatively low price has attracted many consumers, attracting customers from Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and many other places to place orders through the Internet.

Wang Xiaohui: since I came into contact with the computer and the Internet, I feel much more relaxed. The most common thing my father says to me now is that he says this thing is good, and take the money in first, and this thing should be done well.

Selling and raising black pigs on the Internet, relying on the comparative advantage of price, is Wang Xiaohui's first move to seize the online market. Half a year later, Wang Xiaohui made the second move by borrowing a boat to go to sea. These people are all friends that Wang Xiaohui met in the Jixi County Electronic Commerce Association. they all work in e-commerce for agricultural products. Wang Xiaohui used to fight alone. After knowing these people, he developed many of them into his own agents. with the help of the mature channels that they have accumulated over the years, Wang Xiaohui's black pork was once in short supply.

At its peak, he sold more than 10 pigs a day, and Wang Xiaohui went up to the mountain to catch pigs every day. To everyone's surprise, the black pig caught by Wang Xiaohui's father was a 3-year-old pig, which only grew to more than 150 jin in three years, and the meat killed was only about 100 jin, but the meat quality was quite good.

Wang Xiaohui: the fat is very obvious. first of all, how do you feel at first glance?

Reporter he Ningning: Tuoliang.

Wang Xiaohui: this is like the kind of very high-end jade, very transparent, this kind of meat is when you cook, you have to release water, it shrinks very well, and all the moisture is shrunk in the meat.

Online sales solved the sales problem, and soon Wang Xiaohui thought of the third move, situational sales, which made his pork sales faster and more stable.

Wang Xiaohui invited 20 or 30 people to his breeding base through Wechat moments on July 29, 2016. Soon, a primitive stove made of stone was built, and many children began to experience roasting black pork for the first time.

Tourists: pork kebabs roasted at a black pig farm in Jixi County, China.

Reporter he Ningning: did you string the meat yourself?

Tourist: yes.

Reporter he Ningning: how do you feel after coming here?

Tourist: it feels a little wild.

To the surprise of the parents, these children have all become barbecue masters. Everyone was looking forward to making black pork delicious after the dish. At this time, Wang Xiaohui proposed to make everyone a famous Huizhou dish, braised meat. He cut the meat into large pieces, added some oil and salt, and began to cook it.

Wang Xiaohui: fat meat doesn't have to be fried too dry, and you don't have to squeeze all the oil out of its meat. It's the easiest way to burn out its most authentic flavor.

Thirty minutes later, before the meat was cooked, everyone was attracted by the fragrance and began to eat it.

Tourist: I find this pigskin very delicious.

Reporter he Ningning: this pigskin is very elastic.

Tourist Wang Yumin: fat meat is not greasy. Lean meat is the kind with chewy taste.

Tourist: the braised pork is ready, come and eat!

Soon a pot of meat was lost, and everyone was full of comparisons and praise.

Wang Xiaohui: is this meat delicious?

Tourist: incense!

Wang Xiaohui: say good things three times

Tourist: incense! Incense! Incense!

In fact, these people are not ordinary tourists, some of them are local agricultural products e-commerce, some are specially rushed from other provinces to do product agents. Wang Xiaohui really let everyone see the quality of his pig in this way.

Tourist: Hu Jingwen: after eating this meat, I can feel the taste when I was a child. At that time, my grandmother had the taste of pork raised at home, and then we personally experienced the taste. I just want to cooperate with him in the future, if I can cooperate with him.

Now, with the linkage between online and offline, the annual sales of black pigs have exceeded 3 million yuan. together with the sales of other products such as native chickens and ducks, Wang Xiaohui's annual sales have reached 5 million yuan and have been rated as the leading enterprise at the county level. In three years, from graduation to returning to his hometown, from debt of 8,000 yuan to annual sales of 5 million yuan, Wang Xiaohui's ignorance at the beginning of graduation has turned into a thriving career. For Wang Xiaohui, he has gained more than wealth.