
How to grow Osmunda

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to grow Osmunda

Vicki is a kind of wild vegetables, it is very similar to bracken, many people can not distinguish, but it and bracken are really two different kinds of wild vegetables. Osmunda is a kind of green, pollution-free health vegetable, so it is very popular in the market in recent years. So do you know how to grow Vicki? How much do you know about Vicki? Let's learn about the artificial planting technology of crape myrtle.

1. Soil improvement

Osmunda has strong adaptability to the environment, but it still has certain requirements for the growth environment. Generally, you have to wait for the temperature to be about 8 degrees before you can grow. The best temperature for growth is about 15 degrees. When the temperature is higher than 30 degrees, it will stop growing. The second is the relatively strict requirements for water, like wetting, not resistant to drought. There is the planting soil had better be acidic soil, the soil contains more sufficient humus, soil quality for the upper loose and lower solid is appropriate, preferably half-shaded and half-sunny area, or there is a certain shade. After selecting the planting land, we need to apply fertilizer to improve the soil quality, generally using about 600 jin per mu, mainly chicken manure, pig manure and cow manure, combined with deep ploughing. Finally, ditches are opened to make beds and prepare for planting.

2. Mode of reproduction

There are two main ways of reproduction of Vicki, which are spore reproduction and plant propagation. Spore reproduction is generally carried out around the end of May to collect seeds, and then put the seeds into the appropriate environment for germination, wait until most of the spores budding and differentiation before sowing. The ramet is relatively simple, it is generally in the day before planting will be dug out of the ramet can be planted, but it is best to pay attention to the foundation soil dug out, so that the survival rate will be higher.

3. Planting and planting

When we plant, we can collect seed hole sowing or strip sowing. When planting holes, the distance between each hole is about 30 to 40 centimeters, while strip sowing is planted according to the distance between each row is 40 centimeters, and the distance between each plant is 30 centimeters. When planting, it should be noted that there should be at least two or three seedlings in each hole, and the planting density of Osmunda is about 4,000 to 5,000 plants per mu. We should reasonably control the planting density, because too dense or too sparse will affect the economic benefits of Vicki in the later stage.

4. Post-management

Vicki likes a humid environment, so after planting, we should often water to keep the soil moist, but also control the amount of water, the moisture should not be too large, otherwise it will cause the root of Osmunda rotten. At the same time, in the rainy season, we should also timely drainage, so as to ensure the normal growth of Osmunda. The second is to clean up the weeds in the field. About half a month after the emergence of Osmunda seedlings, we should carry out an intermediate ploughing and weeding, which can not only reduce the loss of nutrients, but also improve the permeability of the soil and promote the absorption of nutrients. Improve the growth rate of Vicki. There is a reasonable topdressing, mainly according to the growth characteristics of Vicki to topdressing, especially in the harvest season, its fertilizer demand is very large, generally every three or four days need to be topdressing. Finally, in order to promote the growth of Osmunda, we had better build a shade in the field, reasonable control of daily light, which is also very beneficial to the growth of Osmunda.

Normal Osmunda can generally grow to about 60 to 100 centimeters, and it is not harvested at that time, and it will not be harvested until the next year. The harvest should be carried out in batches, and topdressing should be carried out after each harvest to increase the yield of Osmunda so as to improve the quality of Osmunda. Finally, the editor would also like to remind everyone that after the harvest of Vicki, it is necessary to cover the sunshade cloth in time to avoid plant aging and affect the yield in the coming year.