
It is said that 99% of fresh O2O doesn't make money?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is said that 99% of fresh O2O doesn't make money?

Now open the search engine to enter "fresh O2O", the page pops up the most is about "loss, bankruptcy, reflection, failure summary" such negative words, looking at, it seems that fresh O2O is not optimistic. However, Yuan Lei did not forget the original ideals and aspirations, down-to-earth, Mr. Yuan brought to every customer moved, but also brought demand to every customer.

[people] Yuan Lei, the founder of Yuan Xiansheng, started with a single imported fruit, and so far it has involved the coexistence of vegetables, flowers, desserts, snacks and other modes, serving customers in the local market in Xiamen. His idea is to focus on the needs of customers, so that customers have everything they need every day.

Now open the search engine to enter "fresh O2O", the page pops up most about such negative words as "loss, bankruptcy, reflection, failure summary". Looking at it, it seems that fresh O2O is not favored. "that is the platform where e-commerce bosses want to build a big pattern, while I pursue small and beautiful." Mr. Yuan Lei Yuan, invited by Nancai exclusive interview today, takes fruit as the starting point, with customers from 0 to 20,000. How did he make his "source fresh" small and beautiful?

The highest quality

In Mr. Yuan's view, the so-called fresh e-commerce companies have only set up a framework to attract investment and overpackaged their products, while neglecting the most important quality. why should fruits worth five yuan a jin be sold for 20 yuan a jin after packaging? He does not play crowdfunding, group buying or bargaining. He plays with quality. "I believe what my customers want is not a dozen yuan cheaper, but quality. If they buy products of poor quality because they are cheap, then customers will never buy them again. This is a consumption, not the needs of customers."

What are the needs of customers? Use high-quality products to improve the quality of life. Today, suppose there are two products for me to choose, one with higher profit and the other with higher quality. I definitely choose the latter. As a customer, you may not feel the difference, but it doesn't matter. I'd rather take the best one. For the fruits and vegetables on sale, Mr. Yuan asked for the original ecology. "the vegetables on the market look very bright in the morning and wilt in the evening, because many vegetables have been soaked in potion. But my request is that vegetables look like what they look like when they are picked. Never soak anything. It may not look good, but health is the most important."

One of people's psychology is to come into contact with good things, just like opening a window that can no longer be closed. Yuanxiansheng has been providing customers with the best quality for three years. "I don't have to advertise, our products are advertisements."

The heaviest mode

On big platforms like Taobao, their logistics and distribution is the most traditional express delivery, but we have our own fleet, our own trained drivers and deliverers, who make two trips a day, which is our O2O model. Mr. Yuan asked his distributor to put down the list that he could not take, but once the list went out, the customer would be responsible to the end, and the customer would have to wait and send it upstairs even if there was a power outage. "when there are only old people and children at home, I will ask them to ask if there is any garbage they need to take down, because there is no elevator in the old neighborhood." All distributors who are praised by customers in customer service feedback will be directly rewarded with 100 yuan red envelopes.

This is Mr. Yuan's model of training a group of qualified distributors instead of outsourcing responsibilities to express companies. "what customers want is respect for them, and the quality of our distributors is absolutely different from that of couriers and errand companies outside."

Not only that, Yuan Xiansheng's distributor is divided by district, for customers are familiar faces, can be mixed into one, "express companies are mobile, from time to time to change people, if you have a stranger in your home every now and then will not feel safe, right?"

The best service

"I often tell my customer service that just because one or two customers have broken our standards and led to a decline in the overall image, if we control the problems of principle, we have to bear our problems to the end." Don't lose your temper with customers. This is Mr. Yuan's request to the customer service, the driver and even the whole team.

Mr. Yuan said that once a customer bought eight jin of mangosteen and kept muttering that the mangosteen was all broken and demanded full compensation. "that night I asked the driver to send it to him with eight jin of mangosteen and apologized to him face to face. It is impossible to destroy eight jin of mangosteen, but what we have to do is to have a clear conscience." this is the breadth of mind and bearing of a boss or even a team.

"I often tell my distributor that you can't choose what kind of customers to serve, but once you take over the task, you have to be responsible to the end. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can give feedback to the headquarters and send someone there. Even if there is no one in the end, I will also drive my own car to deliver to customers." Mr. Yuan said that in order to deliver goods to customers, a distributor was once stuck on the Haicang Bridge on New year's Day on the hour. This is the consciousness and responsibility of a team.

There is always a reason why people are successful. Yuanxiansheng may not be as good as some big e-commerce companies, but perhaps it is what Mr. Yuan called "small and beautiful", never forgetting his original ideals and aspirations, and keeping his feet on the ground. Mr. Yuan has moved every customer and brought demand to every customer.