
What are the characteristics of modern agriculture?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What are the characteristics of modern agriculture?

Modern agriculture is a dynamic and historical concept, not an abstract thing, but a concrete thing, and an important stage in the history of agricultural development. It refers to socialized agriculture that applies modern science and technology, means of production provided by modern industry and scientific management methods. Let's take a look at the characteristics of modern agriculture.

The development trend of modern agriculture

1. Scale agriculture: scale agriculture is the most basic feature of modern agriculture. The emergence of scale agriculture is related to three factors, one is related to the reform of land system, the second is related to the transfer of rural surplus labor force, the third is related to the experience and management mode of dealing with agricultural enterprises and farmers, the third point is very important, many agricultural enterprises have not come at this level. In the scale agriculture, the most obvious is the scale of aquaculture, which has achieved a relatively high degree of scale. The planting industry has also developed very rapidly in the past decade.

2. Technicalization: the era of slash-and-burn cultivation is over, China's agriculture is entering a scientific and technological revolution, and bio-agriculture, precision agriculture and equipment agriculture are becoming an important part of modern agriculture. Take bio-agriculture as an example, China's agriculture has gone through the stage of chemical agriculture in the past 30 years, and now this stage has basically come to an end, and has entered a period of transition from chemical agriculture to biological agriculture. The industry is particularly optimistic about bio-agriculture, and the prospects for the development of bio-agriculture in the next 10, 20 or even 30 years may be very good.

3. Branding: China is currently building its own brand system of agricultural products, but the process is still very difficult. The formation of the brand of agricultural products needs excellent variety guarantee, similar to harsh quality assurance, and continuous brand operation. Brand agriculture means a long investment period, which means that the income of the enterprise is more important than the profit, and the product quality is more important than the cost. So far, there are not many national agricultural brands with high influence in China, but many domestic agricultural enterprises are trying to build their own brands.

The Construction significance of Modern Agriculture

1. The concrete embodiment of development: the development of modern agriculture is the concrete application and implementation of the scientific concept of development in agricultural and rural work. Through the construction of modern agriculture, promote the transformation of agricultural growth mode, optimize the agricultural and rural economic structure, intensive use of agricultural resources, improve agricultural competitiveness, and achieve sound and rapid development of agriculture. Vigorously develop modern agriculture, strive to change the mode of agricultural growth, optimize the industrial structure and layout, intensively and economically use natural resources and factors of production, protect the ecological environment, and truly bring agricultural and rural development into the track of scientific development.

2. The primary task of the new countryside is to speed up the construction of modern agriculture, promote the development of production, increase farmers' income, improve the ecological environment, and lay a solid industrial foundation for the construction of a new countryside. Speed up the transformation of traditional agriculture, promote the socialization of rural services, broaden farmers' employment channels, increase farmers' income, promote the development of ecological agriculture, and promote the harmonious coexistence and coordinated development of man and nature. This is consistent with the goal of building a new socialist countryside.

3. The way to increase farmers' income: actively developing modern agriculture is the concrete implementation of the scientific concept of development in agriculture and rural work, the fundamental way to realize the stable development of grain and the sustainable increase of farmers' income, and the only way to realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Speed up the construction of modern agriculture, comprehensively improve the comprehensive production capacity of grain, improve the comprehensive efficiency of agriculture, and fundamentally consolidate the foundation for increasing grain income.

4. the only way to agriculture: agricultural development is faced with the double restriction of resources and market, the contradiction of resource shortage is becoming more and more prominent, and the pressure of market competition at home and abroad is increasing. Speed up the construction of modern agriculture, promote the progress and innovation of agricultural science and technology, vigorously develop circular agriculture and rural circular economy, further improve the efficiency of resource utilization, improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture.

What are the characteristics of modern agriculture?

1. Having higher comprehensive productivity: modern agriculture has higher comprehensive productivity, including higher land output rate and labor productivity, and agriculture has become an industry with high economic benefits and market competitiveness. this is the most important symbol to measure the development level of modern agriculture.

2. To become a sustainable development industry: agricultural development itself is sustainable and has a good regional ecological environment. Extensive use of ecological agriculture, organic agriculture, green agriculture and other production technologies and production models to achieve the sustainable use of fresh water, land and other agricultural resources, to achieve a virtuous circle of regional ecology, agriculture itself has become a good recyclable ecosystem.

3. Become a highly commercialized industry: agriculture is mainly produced for the market, has a high commodity rate, and allocates resources through the market mechanism. Commercialization is based on the market system, and modern agriculture requires the establishment of a very perfect market system, including the modern circulation system of agricultural products. Without a developed market system, there can be no real modern agriculture. In countries with a high level of agricultural modernization, the commodity rate of agricultural products is generally more than 90%, and the commodity rate of some industries can reach 100%.

4. modernization of production material conditions: on the basis of relatively perfect production conditions, infrastructure and modern material equipment, various modern production input factors are used intensively and efficiently, including water, electricity, agricultural film, fertilizers, pesticides, improved varieties, agricultural machinery and other material inputs and agricultural labor inputs, so as to achieve the purpose of improving agricultural productivity.

5. Modernization of agricultural science and technology: advanced and applicable agricultural science and technology, biotechnology and production models are widely adopted to improve the quality of agricultural products and reduce production costs, in order to adapt to the development trend of market demand for high quality, diversification and standardization of agricultural products. The development process of modern agriculture is essentially a process of extensive application of advanced science and technology in the field of agriculture and a process of transforming traditional agriculture with modern science and technology.

6. to realize the modernization of management mode: the advanced mode of operation, management technology and management means are widely adopted to form a relatively complete industrial chain of close connection and organic connection from the prenatal, mid-production and post-natal period of agricultural production. with a high degree of organization. There are relatively stable and efficient channels for the sale and processing of agricultural products, an organizational system that efficiently organizes scattered farmers, and an efficient modern agricultural management system.

7. Realizing the modernization of farmers' quality: having high-quality agricultural management personnel and labor force is not only the prerequisite for the construction of modern agriculture, but also the outstanding feature of modern agriculture.

8. Realize the scale of agricultural production: by realizing the scale, specialization and regionalization of agricultural production and management, reduce public and external costs, and improve the efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture.

9. Realize the macro-control of the government: establish a perfect agricultural support and protection system, including legal system and policy system.