
What problems do migrant workers face when they return home to start a business?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What problems do migrant workers face when they return home to start a business?

With the introduction of the "opinions of the General Office of the State Council on supporting migrant workers and other people to return home to start a business", migrant workers returning home to start a business has been considered under the background and pattern of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. For migrant workers, such a special group with little capital, lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and low entrepreneurial skills, it is very difficult to start a business. let's take a look at the problems of migrant workers returning home to start a business.

Venture capital is difficult.

1. Insufficient personal income: it is difficult for migrant workers to pay for starting a business when they do not have enough personal income. Although they have accumulated a certain amount of funds when they return home, this savings is only a drop in the bucket for the funds needed to set up a business and engage in production and operation.

2. Insufficient liquidity: migrant workers' enterprises have been set up, but they are difficult to operate because of the lack of liquidity. The enterprises set up by migrant workers returning home are all small and medium-sized enterprises, and there is little possibility of getting loans through formal financial channels. Many business opportunities have been lost.

Project selection problem

1. Most of the projects selected by migrant workers to return home to start businesses are related to the fields, because migrant workers have worked in cities for many years and have seen the world, but their income is still at a low level. For them, the safest way to start a business may be from the fields that were once the most familiar, but most of these projects are low-profit projects with small scale, single product, long cycle, slow effect and great influence from the market. it is not conducive to migrant workers to get rich and increase their income as soon as possible. In addition, the technical content is low, and it is difficult to enjoy national policy support.

2. There is a phenomenon of blind investment and running enterprises in varying degrees when migrant workers return home to start a business. restricted by their own knowledge and management experience, they do not have enough understanding of market information when they accumulate funds to return home to start a business. there is also a lack of positive and effective industrial guidance and project guidance from the government, and often make decisions and judgments that do not meet the local economic development and market needs, and there is a phenomenon of blind investment in varying degrees.

3. Migrant workers often copy the model of others when they return home to start a business. after seeing others starting a business to make money in a certain aspect, they follow blindly under the drive of the desire for wealth, and the phenomenon of small scale, low level and repeated construction is serious. once there are difficulties in saturated marketing in the local market, development funds are difficult to solve, and finally they can only go bankrupt.

Entrepreneurial ability problem

1. Migrant workers have entrepreneurial consciousness, but their own quality is low. After the baptism of society, economy, culture and thought in developed areas, the ability of migrant workers returning to their hometown has been improved, but their general quality is still low. According to the data bulletin of the second national agricultural census in 2008, among the rural labor resources, the education level of junior high school and below accounts for 89%, and among the migrant labor force, junior high school and junior high school account for 90%.

2. Lack of entrepreneurial experience. Migrant workers work abroad, most of them are engaged in low-end industries, the technical content is not high, and the technology accumulation is relatively insufficient. Migrant workers seldom have entrepreneurial practical activities outside, let alone the reserve of entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial theory. Lack of entrepreneurial experience, in the fierce market competition is often at a disadvantage, the establishment of entities is difficult to do.

3. Lack of advanced knowledge of enterprise operation and management. Some migrant workers who return home to start a business only master a single skill and cannot operate and manage according to the modern enterprise system. The short-term behavior of enterprises is serious, the product quality is uneven, and entrepreneurship can not stand the test. Therefore, enterprises are often difficult to develop persistently and rapidly.

4. Lack of technical personnel. The main sources of employment in most enterprises are migrant workers returning home and local farmers, and most of the entities established are low-profit projects, the production structure is mainly labor-intensive and manual operation, and the technical content of the products is on the low side. the living standards, environment and material and cultural conditions of entrepreneurial places are lack of competitive advantage and attractiveness, local talents and high-quality labor force still tend to developed areas, which has become an obstacle to the promotion and development of enterprises.

5. Migrant workers who return to their hometown to start a business receive less training. According to the survey, some migrant workers who are eager to get rich and are eager to start a business do not have time to receive training at all, nor are they willing to "waste" their time on training. The consequence is that when you return to your hometown to start a business, you may aim too high, or make a small fuss, the product market competitiveness and anti-risk ability is not strong, and the enterprise development stamina is insufficient.