
Model text of rural land contract

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Model text of rural land contract

Rural land contracting refers to the household contracting mode adopted within rural collective economic organizations. Rural land such as barren hills, barren ditches, barren hills and barren Huai River that should not be contracted by families can be contracted by means of bidding, auction and open consultation. The ownership nature of land after land contracting remains unchanged. Contracted land shall not be sold or sold. Let's take a look at the model contract of rural land contracting together.

Common problems in rural land contracting

The contract period for cultivated land is 30 years, the contract period for grassland is 30 to 50 years, the contract period for forest land is 30 to 70 years, and the contract period for forest land of special trees may be extended upon approval by the forestry administrative department under the State Council.

2. The contract is protected by law: the contract shall come into force from the date of establishment. The local people's government at or above the county level shall issue to the contractor such certificates as the right to contracted management of land or the right to forest ownership, and register them to confirm the right to contracted management of land. After the contract takes effect, the contract-issuing party may not change or terminate it because of the change of the contractor or person in charge, nor because of the division or merger of the collective economic organization.

3, the land contract period "extended for 30 years unchanged": after the expiration of the first round of land contract period, the land contract period extended for another 30 years, that is, the second round of land contract period for 30 years. What we are referring to here is the duration of the contracted management of family land (the contracted management of collective land by family is a long-term policy), which cannot be understood as a 30-year contract system. If the contract period is less than 30 years, it shall be extended to 30 years.

4. The rights of the contracting party contracted by the family: ① The rural land owned by the collective or owned by the state and used by the collective according to law. (2) Supervise the contractor to reasonably utilize and protect the land according to the purpose agreed in the contract. (3) Stop the contractor from damaging the contracted land and agricultural resources. (4) Other rights stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

5. Obligations of the contracting party of household contract: ① Maintain the contractor's right to contracted management of land, and shall not illegally change or terminate the contract. Respect the contractor's production and operation autonomy, and shall not interfere with the contractor's normal production and operation activities according to law.③ Provide production, technology, information and other services to the contractor in accordance with the contract. (4) To implement the overall land use planning of counties and townships (towns) and organize the construction of agricultural infrastructure within their collective economic organizations. (5) Other obligations stipulated by laws and regulations.

6. Requirements for contractors of household contracts: The contractors of household contracts should be farmers of their collective economic organizations.

Rural land contract model

Party A: Village Committee

Party B: ______

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Land Management Law and the Rural Land Contract Law, Party B obtains the contracted management right of Party A's barren beach (forest land) through various means. After mutual negotiation, both parties reach the following agreement and hereby conclude this Contract:

1. Party A shall contract out all________________ East: ________________________ To the west: ________________________________

2. After Party B contracts, the contract term shall remain unchanged for fifty years, i.e. from________

3. The total contract payment for the right to use_____________contracted by Party B and its attachments on the ground is RMB Yuan only, and the payment method is: ________________________

4. Party B shall, after contracting for_______, actively harness the barren hills, plant trees, grass or engage in diversified operations. With the approval of the relevant departments, Party B may engage in non-agricultural production, utilize the mineral resources such as trees, clay and sand within the contracted scope or build fixed facilities.

5. Party B shall have independent management rights over the contracted_____, but shall not subcontract.

VI. Party A shall respect Party B's autonomous right of production and operation contracted by Party B, protect its legitimate rights and interests from infringement, and all the achievements of development and treatment of barren hills shall belong to Party B.

7. Party B shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred in the_____contracted by Party B during the performance period of the Contract except for the contract payment paid by Party B.

VIII. After Party B contracts________

9. Party A warrants that there is no dispute with others about the boundary line between________. In case of any dispute arising therefrom, Party A shall be responsible for coordination and settlement, and Party A shall be responsible for full compensation if economic losses are caused to Party B.

Both parties must abide by the contract. If Party A breaches the contract and causes the termination of this contract, Party A shall pay Party B a penalty of RMB________

11. If land is requisitioned for national construction or other development and construction within the contract period, Party B shall first guarantee the payment of actual economic losses and expected profit losses due to the unfulfilled years from the land requisition payment.

XII. After the expiration of the contract, if Party B is willing to continue the contracted operation, both parties shall renew the contract. If Party B no longer contracts the operation, Party A shall reasonably price Party A for Party B's management achievements and economic input, and pay Party B in one lump sum without delay. Otherwise, the contract term shall be extended until Party A pays off Party B in full.

XIII. If Party A and Party B disagree on the price and negotiation fails, Party A and Party B shall entrust an intermediary agency jointly recognized by Party A and Party B to evaluate the price, and the result shall be binding on both parties.

Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be settled by________

XV. This contract is made in quadruplicate, one for each party, one for the notary office and one for the township people's government. It will come into effect after notarized by the notary office.

Party A (Seal):______________Party B (Signature):________________

Legal Representative (Signature):________________