
Policy on the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas in 2016

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Policy on the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas in 2016

Dilapidated houses refer to houses whose structures have been seriously damaged or load-bearing components have been dangerous, may lose structural stability and bearing capacity at any time, and cannot guarantee safe living and use. China's rural dilapidated houses transformation and land reclamation dilapidated housing projects are part of the national security housing project, let's take a look at the 2016 rural dilapidated housing transformation policy!

Scope of subsidy for the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas

1. Decentralized support five-guarantee households: decentralized support five-guarantee households refer to the five-guarantee households that have not been placed in homes for the elderly and still live separately in rural areas. in principle, subsidy funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas are only arranged for rural households that do not have houses or live in dilapidated houses.

2. Low-income households: low-income households refer to farmers who live in poverty, enjoy the national minimum security policy and have a low guarantee issued by the civil affairs department.

3. Poor disabled families: poor disabled families refer to farmers who live in poverty and have certificates for persons with disabilities issued by the Department of the disabled Persons' Federation.

4. Other poor households: other poor households refer to poor farmers whose income is below the local poverty line.

The object of subsidy for the renovation of dilapidated buildings

1. For those who are listed as the objects of subsidies for the reconstruction of dilapidated houses in rural areas, the houses they live in must be identified as Class C or D dilapidated houses in accordance with the Technical guidelines for the Identification of Rural dangerous buildings (trial) issued by the Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Construction. Those who are not Class C or D dilapidated houses cannot be listed as the objects of subsidies for the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas.

2. Those who determine the homeless households as the objects of subsidies for the reconstruction of dilapidated houses in rural areas must be the farmers with the most economic difficulties, that is, scattered five-guarantee households, low-security households, poor disabled families or other poor households, and do not have their own housing, long-term borrowed village collective houses or private houses. The five-guarantee households, low-security households, those who have fallen into houses due to disasters and belong to poor farmers must be recognized by the civil affairs department at the county level, and the families of poor people with disabilities and other poor households must be recognized by the county poverty alleviation office.

3. In the process of determining the objects of subsidies for the renovation of dilapidated houses, all localities should give priority to the poor farmers who have a particularly weak ability to raise funds as the objects of subsidies for the reconstruction of dilapidated houses, and transform them into the most basic safe housing with the help of the government.

Application conditions for renovation subsidy for dilapidated buildings

1. The reconstruction of dilapidated houses in rural areas shall be made by households, and the applicant must have the following conditions at the same time: ① has local agricultural household registration and lives in the local area, and is the owner of the property right of the house. ② belongs to the rural dilapidated houses survey statistics on the dangerous housing households. ③ belongs to any type of rural decentralized five-guarantee households, low-income households, poor disabled families and other poor households.

2. A peasant household under one of the following circumstances cannot be identified as the object of subsidy: ① has another safe housing in the village. ② housing is crowded and needs separate households. ③ already has permanent housing in other places (county towns, market towns). ④ does not belong to any type of rural decentralized five-guarantee households, low-income households, poor disabled families, and other poor households.

Standard of subsidy for the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas

According to the standard of subsidy of 6500 yuan, 7500 yuan and 9000 yuan per household in the eastern, central and western regions, and 1200 yuan per capita, we will support the construction of supporting infrastructure such as the renovation and heating of dilapidated buildings.

Model text of application for reconstruction of dilapidated houses in rural areas

_ villagers' committee:

_ township people's government:

I am the _ village _

Since the house was built, it has been _ _ years, plus years of disrepair and several consecutive years of wind, rain and natural disasters. Since the beginning of the year, there have been many cracks in the house, and the tiles on the roof often leak. At present, the house is ramshackle, the walls are cracked and tilted, the beams and columns are moldy and disjointed, the roof is bright, the tiles fall off, and it is dangerous. It has become a dangerous house, unable to live, and endangering the lives of the whole family.

My family is very poor, is a poor family, in addition to the harvest of farming and I go out to work alone, there is no source of income. Father and mother are eighty years old, old and sick, and can no longer work in the fields and up the mountains. The children are now both reading books, which is difficult for them to read. However, as the family is really very difficult, there is no extra money to renovate my house, I am willing but powerless, I do not have the financial conditions to improve my housing conditions, so that my family can live at ease, due to financial difficulties, unable to rebuild the house.

Now I am glad to hear that the government's renovation project of dilapidated houses in rural areas and the relevant policies to benefit the people, as well as protecting the lives and property of the people, make the families of dilapidated houses far away from danger and weep with joy. Therefore, I would like to ask for a subsidy and urge the village committee and the township government to check the dangerous situation of dilapidated houses in time and help them apply to their superiors for relief funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses. I guarantee that the subsidy I applied for is only to improve the housing problem of my family. I will not do anything else that has nothing to do with it. I beg the leader for approval! I hereby apply.

Applicant: _

_ day

Procedure for determining subsidy for renovation of dilapidated buildings

1. Voluntary application: the head of household shall submit an application to the villagers' committee at the place of household registration, and truthfully fill in and provide the following information. Application form for rural dilapidated house renovation project in ① province. ② household registration book, resident identity card and other information. ③ has the right to issue five guarantees, low guarantees, disability certificates and other poor disability certificates issued by the department. The villagers' committee shall truthfully register after accepting the application.

2. Villagers' democratic evaluation and publicity: after receiving the application materials, the villagers' committee of the applicant's place of household registration shall conduct investigation and verification by means of door-to-door investigation and neighborhood visits, and organize villagers to conduct public evaluation. During the household investigation, at least two village cadres and more than one village people should participate. Village cadres and investigators shall sign and seal the form respectively. After the end of the investigation and verification, the villagers' committee shall publicize the results of the investigation in the public column of village affairs or the main venues of villagers' activities, which shall not be less than 7 days. If the masses have any objection, they shall promptly verify and listen to the statements of the parties concerned. If they do not meet the conditions for subsidy, they shall disqualify the subsidy object. After the expiration of the publicity period, the relevant materials shall be promptly sorted out and submitted to the township (town) people's government.

3. The township (town) people's government shall examine and publicize: the township (town) people's government shall examine the materials reported by the villagers' committee and organize relevant personnel to conduct an on-the-spot investigation on the door-to-door entry of the objects declared for the renovation of dilapidated buildings. Those who are controversial in the evaluation and have public objections must be strictly reviewed and verified. After the township (town) has completed the review and verification, the list of eligible objects of proposed subsidies and the ways of transformation shall be publicized in the township (town) government affairs open column, the village affairs public column and the main activities places of the villagers. The publicity time shall not be less than 7 days. If the masses disagree, the township (town) people's government shall promptly organize a review and listen to the statements of the parties concerned. After the expiration of the publicity period, the evaluation results and relevant materials with no objection or no objection shall be collected and reported to the county (city, district) rural dilapidated building renovation leading group in time. If it does not meet the policy conditions after examination, the relevant materials shall be returned to the villagers' committee, which shall notify the applicant and explain the reasons in writing.

4. The county (city, district) rural dilapidated building reconstruction leading group examination and approval and publicity.

The housing and urban-rural construction departments of ① county and city districts collect the situation of each township (town), register the summary situation, examine the situation of the applicants in conjunction with the county, city and district civil affairs departments or poverty alleviation departments, examine the relevant materials, and organize key reviews and spot checks on some applicants.

② organizes technical personnel of relevant departments and township construction managers to go deep into farmers' homes, investigate and evaluate the dangerous degree of houses in accordance with the standards of the Technical guidelines for the Identification of Rural dangerous buildings (trial), and fill in the Appraisal form of Rural dilapidated buildings in Hunan Province. If the house in which the applicant lives is not a dangerous house of class C or D, it shall not be reported for approval.

The ③ county (city, district) rural dilapidated house renovation leading group shall examine and approve the applicant, renovation mode and subsidy funds, and publicize the examination and approval results on the local TV station or government website for no less than 7 days. If the masses have any objection, they shall promptly organize investigation and verification and listen to the statements of the parties concerned. If it is not approved, the county (city, district) rural dilapidated building renovation leading group shall notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons.

5. The farmers identified as the objects of subsidy shall sign an agreement on the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas with the county-level government and allocate funds in accordance with the agreement.

6. Those who are approved as the objects of subsidy and are not included in the renovation plan of dilapidated buildings in the current year due to limited indicators can be transferred to the priority arrangement for the next year.