
Loan conditions of rural credit cooperatives

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Loan conditions of rural credit cooperatives

Rural credit cooperatives refer to rural cooperative financial institutions established with the approval of the people's Bank of China, composed of shares of members, democratic management, and mainly provide financial services to members. Rural credit cooperatives are independent enterprise legal persons, which take responsibility for the debts of rural credit cooperatives with all their assets and enjoy civil rights in accordance with the law. let's take a look at what conditions the loans of rural credit cooperatives need to meet.

Personal property mortgage loan

In order to meet the short-term capital needs of individuals or other people's private real estate (including commercial housing, comfortable housing and public housing allowed to be listed on the market, etc.) as collateral for loans to rural credit cooperatives, the object of the loan is a natural person with full civil capacity between the ages of 18 and 60, the borrower must meet the following conditions:

1. Provide valid identity documents and their photocopies.

2. Have stable economic income, good credit, and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time.

3. In addition to the mortgaged property, the mortgagor has another set (or more than one) of the property available for the mortgagor to live in.

4. There are assets approved by rural credit cooperatives as collateral or / and legal persons, other economic organizations or natural persons approved by the cooperative and with sufficient compensatory capacity as guarantors.

5. Other conditions stipulated by rural credit cooperatives.

Personal housing / commercial housing loan

Personal housing / commercial housing loans refer to RMB loans issued by rural credit cooperatives to qualified natural persons for the purchase of their own housing and commercial housing (excluding second-hand housing). The object of the loan is a natural person with full civil capacity between the ages of 18 and 60, and the borrower's application conditions:

1. Local permanent residents with legal identity certificate and full capacity for civil conduct.

2. Have stable economic income, good credit, and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time.

3. There are legal and effective contracts and agreements for the sale and purchase of houses and other supporting documents approved by the loan agency.

4. The funds above 20% (inclusive) / 40% (inclusive) of the total price of the purchased house shall be used as the down payment of the house purchase.

5. Assets approved by the Society shall be used as mortgage or pledge, or / and legal persons, other economic organizations or natural persons approved by the Society shall be used as guarantors.

6. Other conditions required by rural credit cooperatives.

Personal second-hand housing loan

Personal second-hand housing loan is a loan issued by rural credit cooperatives to borrowers for the purchase of personal housing or commercial housing in which the seller has obtained the house property certificate and has the right to dispose of it completely and legally traded in the secondary market. The object of the loan is a natural person with full civil capacity between the ages of 18 and 60, and the borrower's application conditions:

1. Have a legal identity and provide valid identity documents and their photocopies.

2. Have legal and stable economic income, good credit, and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule.

3. The house property approved by the loan agency (which must be the building property that has obtained the house ownership certificate) as a mortgage, or (and) a legal person, other economic organization or natural person approved by the loan agency with sufficient compensatory capacity as a guarantor.

4. There are legal and valid contracts and agreements for the sale and sale of second-hand houses and other supporting documents required by the loan agency, as well as invoices or other vouchers for the down payment of the transaction between the two parties.

5. There are funds of not less than 20% (inclusive) of the total price of the second-hand house purchased as down payment or provide valid invoices or other vouchers for the corresponding down payment.

6. Other conditions required by rural credit cooperatives.