
Application Form for Rural Subsistence Security

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Application Form for Rural Subsistence Security

The rural minimum living security is the minimum living security for rural residents, and the guarantee object is the rural residents whose annual per capita net income is lower than the local minimum living security standards. all Chinese citizens as long as their family per capita income is lower than the minimum living security standards for local urban and rural residents, they all have the right to get basic living material assistance from the local people's government. Let's take a look at the model application for rural minimum living security.

Fan Wenyi, an application for rural minimum security

Dear superior leaders,

My name is _, male, Han nationality. I was born on July 25, 1952. I am 61 years old. I am from six groups of city, town and village. ID card: _. With nowhere to live, I am now living in the home of my 83-year-old mother.

I basically lost my ability to work many years ago because of diabetes. Because of my illness, I have sold three earthen houses and are now heavily in debt. For me and this family, my wife Ma Fengjin went to work in Dalian Garment Factory two years ago. My wife is also nearly sixty years old, and she is away all the year round, so there is no need to talk about it in detail. At present, living in my old mother's house, I can't do anything. My old mother's three meals a day and my mother's washing and rinsing really make me feel guilty. I can't eat and sleep.

At present, the party's policy of benefiting the people gives the most living security to the vulnerable groups, which gives me confidence in life. After several considerations, I hereby submit an application to the superior leader to give me a minimum living guarantee. I would like to ask the superior leader to understand the actual situation and approve it as a thank you!

Of course, I believe that the party and the people's government will approve my application for minimum living security and effectively solve my practical difficulties.



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Fanwen er of the application for rural minimum security

Dear superior leaders,

My name is _, I am 62 years old, and I live in _ township _ village _ group. I was the head of the village from 1985 to 1987 and the secretary of the village branch from 1985 to 1987. during my term of office, I led and organized all the villagers to build highways to enter the village, led all the villagers to set up high-voltage power lines to enter the village, and organized all the villagers to expand the pond. it solved the traffic problems, electricity problems and farmland irrigation problems of the first three difficulties at that time. Selfless work for the collective cause, dedication, won the trust of the organization and the support of the masses.

However, unfortunately, I suffered from sciatic nerve disease in 1992. The merciless illness prevented me from working and working. I resigned voluntarily at the end of that year, and the burden of the whole family was placed on my wife alone. Now, my condition is still getting worse, and every year I have to spend thousands of yuan on medicine to control my illness. my wife, who is in her sixties, is old and sick. she can no longer work in the fields and loses her basic ability to work in the fields. the unfilial only son lives by selling physical strength in other provinces all the year round, living in the wind, eating and sleeping, and is unable to take care of my two elders, sickness and illness. My two old people lead a hard life, often with this meal and no next meal, and life is so hard that even the medicine to control the disease has to be stopped.

Fortunately, I heard that the state has a policy to take care of farmers with special difficulties and can apply for minimum living security. I am so happy that I seem to have grasped a life-saving straw. Therefore, I specially apply to my superiors for minimum security in order to get through the current difficult times.

I have reason to believe that the great Communist Party of China, I believe that the great government will solve my practical difficulties, solve my life crisis, and lend me a helping hand!



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Application for Rural minimum Security Fan Wen-San

Dear leader,

My name is _, _ county _ town _ village _ group, _, _ He narrowly escaped death, suffered an honorable injury to his thigh, and won third-class merit.

After returning to China, he joined the League in 54 and was demobilized and returned home in February 56. in the 1960s, due to the influence of well-known historical events, he has been unable to solve the organizational relationship due to family background. Now he is unable to work, old and sick, his wife dies early, there is no quilt cover in winter, and there is no charcoal fire in cold weather. The two sons are also local farmers. Their families have not been very good. In order to raise their grandchildren, they have all been heavily in debt. I can't look after this lonely old man at all. Due to the old injury in the body, rheumatism in the leg has not been cured. The annual medical expenses are more than 3,000 to 4,000 yuan, which cannot be afford by one's own efforts. In addition, now that we have lost our basic working ability, we can only rely on picking up some junk every day to support our basic living needs. Without a fixed source of income, life is very difficult.

Now even the usual medicine to control the disease has to stop, fortunately, I heard that my situation can apply for minimum security, I am extremely happy, as if holding on to a life-saving straw, saw a glimmer of dawn, can save me from water and fire. So after several considerations, I personally apply to you for a minimum living allowance to tide over the current difficult times.

I have reason to believe that the great Communist Party of China, I believe that the great government will solve my practical difficulties, solve my life crisis, and lend me a helping hand!



Applicant: _

Application date: _

Application for Rural minimum Security Fan Wensi

_ county _ town _ village committee:

My name is _, gender _, born on the day of the year, Han nationality, husband (wife) _, _ year _ month _ day born, Han nationality, now live in _ county _ town _ village _ _ group. Because our husband and wife are old and sick, especially I have been paralyzed for many years, paralyzed in bed, completely unable to take care of myself, making the family extremely difficult, the annual income is still unable to maintain a basic living, living is very tight.

To this end, for our husband and wife to enjoy the state's care for our old, weak, sick and disabled.

We hereby apply for a minimum living allowance so that we can spend our twilight years in peace! Please approve it!



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Application for Rural minimum Security Fan Wenwu

_ county _ town _ village committee:

My name is _, there are five people in my family. I live in the countryside now. Housing is public housing purchased during the housing reform in 1998. The living area is 46.1 square meters. My family income is only 207 yuan, the family life is difficult, specially applies for the minimum security. My family situation is: I was born in 1948, chronic tracheitis asthma, perennial illness. He used to work in a building ceramics factory and retired from illness in 1998. The factory gives 207 yuan for living expenses and has no other income. His wife, Wang Xiuzhi, born in 1950, has never worked and has no income. My son, Tang Mingjun, born in 1973, is born stupid with no job and no income.

I also have a daughter named _, born in 1977. Now married. Live in Room _ room. I work in Tangshan Ninth porcelain Factory with a monthly salary of _ _ yuan. Her husband is a laid-off worker in the same factory. The cost of living for laid-off workers in the factory is _ yuan. She has a daughter for two weeks. Her family life is also very difficult, can not give me the cost of living. Ask the government to give me a minimum standard of living in accordance with the "rural minimum security".



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Rural minimum Security Application form Fan Wenliu

Dear leader,


My name is _, household registration is _, now _ years old, frail and sickly, _ years off from illness so far. Now I am divorced from the child and I, the child is in high school, the family is seriously overdrawn, and now life is difficult. I have elderly parents to support, I have a non-adult son to support, and I often see a doctor and take medicine. I am very worried about the life of the whole family. I don't know what to do. Fortunately, I heard that we can apply for the minimum living standard in this situation, so I would like to apply to you to tide over the current difficult times.

I believe that the government will solve our practical difficulties, solve our life crisis and lend us a helping hand!



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Application for Rural minimum Security Fan Wen Qi

_ town _ village (neighborhood) committee:

My name is _, gender _, born on _, Han, ID number _ _, wife _, female, _ born on _, Han nationality ID card number _ _, the household registration is _ city (county) _ town (township), now live in _ city _ town (township) _ village (residence) _ group. Now because of _ _. At present, the monthly (annual) income of the family is only _ yuan, which makes the family extremely difficult. The monthly (annual) income is still unable to maintain the basic living, and the life is very tight.

To this end, it is necessary to apply for (urban) rural minimum living security treatment, in order to solve the current difficulties encountered in basic living, hope for approval!

I hereby apply!

Applicant: _

Application date: _ day

Rural minimum Security Application form Fan Wenba

Dear leader,


My name is _. I am a farmer of Dapo Group, Chengguan Town, Chengnan Village, Guizhou Province. There are four people in my family. I now live in my own house on Huimin Road. The house was built many years ago, and the housing area is about 40 square meters. My family's monthly income is only _ yuan, but also to raise two children, for two children to study, the family life is difficult, specially apply for minimum security, my family situation is as follows.

I was born every year. Because of my poor family, I only studied in primary school for five years. Chronic tracheitis, cervical protrusion of one millimeter, lumbar bulge of two millimeters, perennial disease. There has been no regular job and no fixed income.

My wife, born every year, did not take part in work, was chronically ill, could not do heavy physical work, and had no stable income.

The eldest daughter, born every year, is now studying in _, relying on student loans and the support of the school, she is also very difficult, can not give us the cost of living.

The youngest daughter, born every year, is now studying in _. She has no job, no income, and has been weak and sickly since she was a child.

As my wife and I are too old to do farm work, coupled with the illness caused by overwork, the high medical expenses have prevented us from crossing the threshold of the hospital, and life is now difficult. I heard that I could apply for minimum living security in this situation. I was so happy that I seemed to grasp a life-saving straw and see a glimmer of dawn that could save me from water and fire. Therefore, after several considerations, I hereby apply to you for a minimum living allowance to tide over the current difficult times.

I would like to ask the government to solve my practical difficulties and give me a minimum standard of living. I will be very grateful. I hope the leaders will understand and approve it. I believe in the great Communist Party of China. I believe that the great government will solve my practical difficulties, solve my life crisis and lend me a helping hand.



Applicant: _

Application date: _ day