
Loan quota and interest rate of agricultural cooperatives

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Loan quota and interest rate of agricultural cooperatives

Agricultural cooperative loans generally refer to farmers' professional cooperative loans, loans issued to farmers' professional cooperatives and their members for rural credit cooperatives. In view of the characteristics and management level of farmers' professional cooperatives, they usually adopt the loan method of "appropriate cooperatives and appropriate households". Let's take a look at the loan quota and interest rate of agricultural cooperatives.

Loan line of agricultural cooperatives

The loan lines of farmers' specialized cooperatives and their members shall be reasonably determined according to their credit status, assets and liabilities, comprehensive repayment ability and operating benefits, and shall not exceed 70% of their net assets in principle, the term of loans to farmers' specialized cooperatives shall not exceed one year in principle, and the loans to members of farmers' specialized cooperatives shall not exceed 2 years in principle.

Loan rate of agricultural cooperatives

Farmers' specialized cooperatives and their members shall apply preferential interest rates for loans, and the specific preferential rates shall be determined by county (city, district) federations and rural cooperative banks in accordance with the interest rate policy and relevant regulations of the people's Bank of China in combination with local conditions. Cooperative members do not enjoy the prescribed preferential interest rate if their business projects exceed the business scope stipulated in the articles of association of their farmers' specialized cooperatives.

Loan guarantee of agricultural cooperatives

The loans of farmers' specialized cooperatives are guaranteed by guarantee, mortgage or pledge, and the loans of members of farmers' specialized cooperatives adopt "farmers' joint insurance + mutual subsidy guarantee", "peasant household joint insurance + farmer development cooperative guarantee", "peasant household joint insurance + mutual subsidy guarantee + farmer professional cooperative guarantee" or other guarantee methods.

Loan use of agricultural cooperatives

1. Purchase large and medium-sized agricultural machinery.

2. professional cooperatives shall purchase funds for the materials needed by members to engage in planting and aquaculture.

3. Professional cooperatives purchase and sell members' agricultural products in a unified way.

4. professional cooperatives build standardized production bases, build graded storage places for products, purchase all kinds of packaging and processing facilities, purchase cold storage facilities and transportation equipment, etc.

5. Other needs of professional cooperatives for production and operation.

6. Other legitimate uses.