
Subsidies and preferential policies for agricultural cooperatives in 2016

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Subsidies and preferential policies for agricultural cooperatives in 2016

The state encourages the development of cooperative economy in rural areas, supports the development of large-scale, professional and modern operation, allows financial project funds to be directly invested in qualified cooperatives, allows assets formed by financial subsidies to be transferred to cooperatives for holding and management, and allows cooperatives to carry out credit cooperation. let's take a look at the subsidies and preferential policies of agricultural cooperatives in 2016.

Policy adjustment of agricultural cooperatives in 2016

1. Large agricultural households can also apply for projects that are no longer required to be independent legal persons: the new policy stipulates that new types of agricultural operators, such as professional large households, family farms, and social service organizations identified or registered by relevant departments, can be included in the scope of support for industrial management projects and are no longer restricted by the qualifications of independent legal persons. The threshold for applying for subsidy for farmers has been further relaxed, for example, it does not matter if you do not register with the industry and commerce department, as long as you register with the relevant departments. Large agricultural households and family farms can apply for projects, and the state will give more and more support to new types of agricultural operators.

2. Applicants do not have to make "two consecutive years of profits": for farmers' cooperatives and leading enterprises, as long as they are registered in the industrial and commercial sector for more than one year and have the ability to operate sustainably, they can apply for industrialized management projects. But in the past, many people reported that it was really troublesome to prepare materials. This time, the policy stipulates that the declaration materials will cancel the provisions of "more than 70% from the place where the enterprise is registered, two consecutive years of profits, asset-liability ratio, bank credit rating,"three no arrears", net fixed assets, and so on. In other words, the application materials are simpler, and agricultural operators can spare more energy to make the project refined and solid.

3. Farmers can also hold shares in the investment of financial funds: encourage some financial funds to be invested by farmers or farmers through cooperatives to hold shares in leading enterprises. Generally speaking, the national agricultural industrialization management is in the organizational form of "leading enterprises + farmers" and "leading enterprises + professional cooperative economic organizations + farmers" and so on. Now farmers and enterprises are one, but the roles of shareholding and non-shareholding are very different. If farmers can hold shares in the invested funds, it means that they can enjoy dividends. If the enterprise is well run and the farmers can earn both wages and dividends, the income will certainly be much better than just working for the enterprise.

4. Encourage provinces to implement funds "build first and then supplement": the new policy proposes that provinces can implement "build first and then supplement". After the project is approved, the project will be implemented first, and the account will be reported after the project has been completed and has been checked and accepted by the financial department at the county level and the agricultural development agency. Agricultural economic organizations do not have to wait for money to build again, they can start project construction after the application is successful, as long as they keep all kinds of bills and make up for them when the project is settled. However, the preliminary expenses such as feasibility study, preliminary design and environmental assessment of the project cannot be reported.

Preferential policies for Agricultural Cooperatives in 2016

1. Preferential tax policies: the sale of agricultural products produced by its members to specialized farmers' cooperatives shall be regarded as agricultural producers selling their own agricultural products and shall be exempted from value-added tax. Tax-free agricultural products purchased by general taxpayers from farmers' professional cooperatives may be deducted for VAT input tax at a deduction rate of 13%. Agricultural films, seeds, seedlings, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery sold by farmers' specialized cooperatives to their members shall be exempted from value-added tax. The contracts for the purchase and sale of agricultural products and agricultural means of production signed between farmers' specialized cooperatives and their members shall be exempted from stamp duty.

2. Financial support policy: bring all farmers' professional cooperatives into the scope of rural credit evaluation. We will increase credit support, focusing on supporting farmers' professional cooperatives with a solid industrial foundation, large scale of operation, high brand effect, strong service ability, driving many farmers, good standard management and good credit record. We will support and encourage rural cooperative financial institutions to innovate financial products and improve their services. Encourage qualified farmers' specialized cooperatives to develop credit cooperation.

3. Financial support policies: from 2003 to 2010, the central government allocated a total of more than 1.8 billion yuan in special funds, which were mainly used to support farmers' specialized cooperatives to enhance their service function and self-development capacity. The special financial subsidy for the purchase of agricultural machinery gives priority to farmers' specialized cooperatives.

4. Agriculture-related project support policy: in 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture and other seven ministries decided to include farmers' professional cooperatives in the scope of declaration for agriculture-related projects suitable for farmers' specialized cooperatives. If farmers' specialized cooperatives have not yet been clearly included in the scope of declaration, they shall be included as soon as possible and the declaration conditions shall be clearly defined. For new agriculture-related projects in the future, as long as they are suitable for farmers' specialized cooperatives, they should be included in the scope of declaration and the declaration conditions should be clearly defined. At present, the establishment of a vegetable horticultural crop standard park of the Ministry of Agriculture, large-scale livestock and poultry breeding farms (residential areas), the establishment of a demonstration farm for healthy aquaculture, a new round of "vegetable basket" project, the creation of high grain production, standardized demonstration projects, national agricultural comprehensive development projects and other related agriculture-related projects, have begun to entrust qualified farmers' professional cooperatives to undertake.

5. Agricultural product circulation policy: encourage and guide cooperatives to link up with urban large chain supermarkets, university canteens, agricultural production enterprises and other market entities.

6. Talent support policy: since 2011, we have organized and implemented a modern agricultural talent support program to train 1500 cooperative leaders every year. We will continue to incorporate the training of farmers' professional cooperatives into the "Sunshine Project", focusing on the training of cooperative leaders, financial and accounting personnel and grass-roots cooperative counselors. College student village officials are encouraged to participate in and lead the running of cooperatives.

Subsidy Policy for Agricultural Cooperatives in 2016

1. Comprehensive agricultural development and industrialization management projects and land management items

[accepting unit] General Cooperative of supply and Marketing, Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office

[scope of support] planting and breeding bases and facility agricultural projects, processing projects of agricultural products such as cotton, fruits and vegetables, tea, edible fungi, flowers, sericulture, livestock and poultry, storage and preservation, wholesale markets of producing areas, and other circulation facilities.

[subsidy amount] 80-1.6 million yuan.

[declaration time] March

2. Transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements

[accepting unit] Department of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Commission

[scope of support] the transformation of major technological achievements in modern seed industry, food processing, feed, bio-pesticides, agricultural machinery and equipment, biomass utilization and bioenergy, forest products processing, rural environmental protection, rural logistics and other agriculture-related industries.

[subsidy amount] 100-3 million yuan.

[declaration time] April.

3. Funds for promotion projects of agricultural products

[accepting unit] Ministry of Agriculture

[scope of support] it is mainly used for organizing overseas market promotion of agricultural products, carrying out production and marketing docking of domestic market, network promotion, market development and so on.

[subsidy amount] 10-800000.

[declaration time] June.

4. The standard farmland demonstration project of drought and waterlogging in national modern agricultural demonstration area.

[accepting unit] Ministry of Agriculture

[scope of support] the 800 national modern agricultural demonstration areas outside the national grain production capacity of 100 billion jin are selected to build farmland demonstration projects of drought and waterlogging harvest protection standards.

[subsidy amount] 600 yuan / mu, individual item no more than 10000 mu.

[declaration time] May

5. Support the production project of "vegetable basket" products

[accepting unit] Ministry of Agriculture

[scope of support] focus on supporting vegetables (including edible fungi and melons), taking appropriate care of fruits and tea, more than 200mu of each facility base (the same below), and more than 1000 mu of each open field base.

[subsidy amount] 5000 yuan per mu, no more than 3 million.

[declaration time] July to August

6. Seed engineering plant protection project reserve project

[accepting unit] Ministry of Agriculture

[scope of support] it has been engaged in intensive breeding of vegetables for more than 3 years, and it has cultivated more than 5 million strong seedlings of high quality and suitable age every year, and there is no problem of fake and inferior seedlings in the past 3 years.

[amount of subsidy] within 5 million of the central funds.

[declaration time] May to June

7. Pilot projects of leading enterprises driving industrial development and "one county, one special" industrial development

[receiving unit] Ministry of Finance

[scope of support] Construction of public welfare projects such as agricultural infrastructure, breeding of improved varieties, prevention and control of agricultural pollutants, comprehensive utilization of wastes and socialized service system, as well as popularization and application of new products and new technologies, intensive processing of agricultural products, etc.

[subsidy amount] 500-8 million.

[declaration time] October

8. General industrialization project support

[receiving unit] Ministry of Finance

[scope of support] Agricultural products, economic forests and facilities agricultural cultivation, livestock and poultry aquaculture and other planting and breeding bases, agricultural products processing, storage and preservation, wholesale markets and other circulation facilities.

[amount of subsidy] 50-1.5 million.

[declaration time] October

9. Subsidy project for initial processing of agricultural products in producing areas

[accepting unit] Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance

[scope of support] focus on supporting farmers and farmers' professional cooperatives in the construction of potato storage cellar, fruit and vegetable ventilation warehouse, cold storage and drying room and other initial processing facilities.

[amount of subsidy] build first and then make up, depending on the specific situation.

[declaration time] September

10. New Network Project

[accepting unit] head office of supply and marketing cooperation

[scope of support] Transformation of agricultural and sideline products and agricultural materials distribution centers, chain operation outlets, wholesale trading markets, cold chain logistics system of agricultural and sideline products, public welfare service projects such as information collection and release of agricultural products and agricultural materials market, agrochemical service system, quality and safety service system, etc.

[subsidy amount] 200-4 million yuan.

[declaration time] April

11. Poverty alleviation projects

[accepting unit] National Poverty Alleviation Office

[scope of support] Agricultural products processing industry with strong ability to increase farmers' income.

[amount of subsidy] 5 million yuan.

[declaration time] is uncertain

12. application for the establishment of a pilot project in modern agricultural park

[accepting unit] Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office

[scope of support] High-quality and high-yield grain production base, large-scale planting base of famous, special, excellent and new cash crops (or forest and fruit industry), intensive processing of grain and other agricultural products, cold chain logistics, ecological tourism, leisure agriculture and other functional areas.

[subsidy amount] 1000-20 million.

[declaration time] May

13. Water-saving supporting transformation project in medium-sized irrigation district

[accepting unit] Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office

[scope of support] the main grain producing areas, irrigated areas are located in or across comprehensive agricultural development counties (cities and districts), and the irrigated area is 5 ~ 300000 mu.

[subsidy amount] the total cost of a single project shall not exceed 20 million yuan.

[declaration time] August

14. Agricultural comprehensive development and industrialization management project

[accepting unit] Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office

[scope of support] planting and breeding bases and facility agricultural projects, processing projects of agricultural products such as cotton, fruits and vegetables, tea, edible fungi, flowers, sericulture, livestock and poultry, storage and preservation, wholesale markets and other circulation facilities projects

[amount of subsidy] 3 million

[declaration time] June

15. Demonstration base project for breeding and production of improved horticultural varieties

[accepting unit] Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office

[scope of support] varieties have obvious comparative advantages, characteristic advantages and export advantages, have good economic benefits, have strong radiation-driving ability, and play a significant role in increasing the income of the surrounding people.

[amount of subsidy] 1.5 million yuan

[declaration time] June to August

16. Cold chain logistics and modern logistics projects

[accepting unit] Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Department of Commerce

[scope of support] warehousing facilities, means of transport.

[amount of subsidy] 1 million

[declaration time] July