
The seabuckthorn farm of the bingtuan between China and Mongolia has become a "green engine" for workers to shake off poverty and become rich.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The seabuckthorn farm of the bingtuan between China and Mongolia has become a "green engine" for workers to shake off poverty and become rich.

"there is a large amount of seabuckthorn hanging fruit this year, and now we are in the picking season. We can pick 50 baskets of seabuckthorn fruit every day, about 900kg, and the gross profit is about 4500 yuan."

On the 5th, Tasheng, a Kazakh worker of the third independent battalion of the 133rd Division of the 10th production and Construction Corps, located on the border between China and Mongolia, told reporters that the price of seabuckthorn fruit this year was very good, and the order contract was signed early with local seabuckthorn processing enterprises, and the income is expected to reach 40,000 yuan.

* * the third independent battalion of the 183rd regiment of the 10th Division of the Corps is less than 1 km from the Sino-Mongolian border, 135km away from the battalion and 310km from the regiment. 19 families of the company are responsible for guarding the border of 37.5km all the year round. The natural environment of the company is poor, the wind and sand are raging all the year round, the lowest temperature in winter is-49.7 ℃, and the average annual frost-free period is 103 days. The endless Gobi Desert highlights the desolation. In order to improve the natural environment and increase the income of workers, in 2003, the regiment implemented the national project of returning farmland to forest and grassland, actively guiding workers to plant 3000 mu of large fruit seabuckthorn.

"the cultivation of Hippophae rhamnoides not only effectively curbed the wind and sand, but also brought considerable economic benefits to the 19 employees of the company. At present, the big fruit seabuckthorn has entered the picking period, the total output is expected to be more than 250t, and the net income can reach about 900000 yuan. " Guo Yulan, instructor of the third company of the 183rd regiment independent battalion, told reporters that from 2009 to 2015, the average income of the company increased from 5000 yuan to 30,000 yuan, and the seabuckthorn industry has really become a "green engine" to shake off poverty and become rich on the border, realizing the simultaneous development of ecology and economy.

It is understood that for all land covered by Hippophae rhamnoides, surface runoff is reduced by 80%, topsoil loss is reduced by 75%, and wind erosion is reduced by 85%. Planting Hippophae rhamnoides can achieve ecological, economic and social benefits.

Hippophae rhamnoides, also known as vinegar willow, black thorn and acid thorn, is a kind of perennial shrub or small tree fruit tree which is resistant to dry and cold, salt and alkali, barren and strong vitality. At present, it is a precious economic forest tree species with the largest variety of natural vitamins in the world, and its vitamin C content is much higher than that of fresh jujube and kiwifruit, so it is known as the treasure house of natural vitamins.