
Cauliflower can't be so yellow.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cauliflower can't be so yellow.

Reading tips: from how the traffickers collect, how farmers can only sell, to the process of "e-commerce poverty alleviation", use a safe and reliable e-commerce platform to "endorse" the quality of farmers 'agricultural products. Hunan Shaodong farmers 'daylily industry starts with solving the sales channel, forces the standardization and standardization of the whole production chain, and then realizes the prosperity of a rural characteristic industry again. Facts have proved that when the Internet links large markets thousands of miles away with scattered and closed production bases, the scientific management system will improve the industrial system of agricultural special products as a whole. Please see our reporter's report from Hunan-

"The person who bought the day lily can rest assured. As a day lily producer, I can rest assured." On September 7, in Longsheng Village, Liuguangling Town, Shaodong County, Hunan Province, Zeng Yunan, a poor household, sold the last batch of dried day lily at a price of 40 yuan/catty through an online shopping platform.

Anxin preferred online shopping platform to Zeng Yunan paid 33 yuan/catty purchase fee, why can day lily sell so high price? All of this is due to the cooperation project of "precise poverty alleviation, purchase instead of donation" launched by the county poverty alleviation office and peace of mind preferred online shopping platform.

Two years ago, Zeng Yunan's pure dried day lily could not be sold, but fake day lily was popular. Not only Zeng Yun 'an, known as "China's hometown of yellow flowers" Shaodong County because some buyers driven by interests to use sulfur fumigation yellow flowers, resulting in few people interested in day lily. One loss is all lost, and the day lily growers suffer.

How to keep the yellow flowers yellow? Shaodong County seized the opportunity of being selected as the second batch of e-commerce in rural comprehensive demonstration counties in China and launched An 'an Ideal Network Technology Company to take the lead in e-commerce poverty alleviation.

A platform drives the revitalization of an industry. Through the peace of mind optimization online shopping platform, Shao Dong uses the "Internet +" thinking to leverage the high-quality demand for agricultural products to force harmless processing and pure ecological planting, pull out a traditional industry that has lost momentum from the trough, and gradually support the development into a high-quality industry.

Color "bright" market "cool"

"Fifteen years ago, 100 jin of day lily could be exchanged for 1200 jin of rice. But two or three years ago, the pile of day lily rotted at home and was exchanged for sadness." Longsheng village day lily planting big Li discuss cloud said.

Shaodong yellow flower was once one of the famous "two flowers" in central Hunan, as famous as Longhui honeysuckle. More than 30 years ago, 1 ton of day lily could be exchanged for 6.4 tons of wheat, and 5.6 tons of day lily could be exchanged for a large car.

It is conceivable how hot the market of day lily was at that time. From the beginning of the 21st century until 2014, the price of daylily fluctuated only around 10 yuan/catty.

In Shaodong day lily main production area-Longsheng Village, village director Tan Xingwang introduced, because day lily is most afraid of "tide", and picking yellow flowers concentrated in the annual plum rain season, once the yield is large, can not be dried. In order to prevent mildew, farmers will add sulfur in an appropriate amount, but usually within the national standard range, that is, the sulfur dioxide addition of dry daylily does not exceed 0.2%/kg.

Tan Xingwang said that the real driving force behind it was some out-of-town traffickers who added sulfur more than ten or even dozens of times more than the standard after purchasing it from farmers 'homes. Because the smoked daylily is bright and beautiful, the face value is high, while the "native" dried yellow flower is dull in color and not good in appearance.

Since there are no other sales channels, farmers have no choice but to sell as the traffickers collect. Daylily with dryness of 80% is 15 jin more than daylily with dryness of 95%, but the purchase price is only 1~2 yuan lower, and the effort of drying is saved. For more than ten years, there has been a strange phenomenon in the acquisition of day lily: dried and unadded day lily is not easy to sell, while day lily with more moisture and sulfur smoking is popular.

"The color is 'bright' but the market is 'cool'!" Shen Zihua, a villager, said that although at that time, everyone felt cheap, but smashed Shaodong's brand of day lily, the glory of the past is gone forever.

Platform "live" sales "fire"

"Daylily market is cold, from the appearance of sulfur caused disaster, essentially farmers market information shortage, sales channels are not smooth, resulting in production and consumption disconnect." Yuan Lianfang, head of the e-commerce unit of Shaodong County Bureau of Commerce, said.

In July 2015, Shaodong made great efforts to rank among the second batch of e-commerce comprehensive demonstration counties in rural areas. According to the industrial distribution, Shaodong has set up 280 e-commerce village-level service stations. Give full play to the advantages of a new round of "Internet + agriculture", build an e-commerce platform, and build a daylily e-commerce industry chain.

The "shell" has been set up. Who will do the "lining"? An An Ideal Network Technology Company became the first person to "eat crabs" in Shaodong professional agricultural e-commerce. Chen Ming 'an, the company's 33-year-old chairman, told reporters that e-commerce, especially agricultural e-commerce, has been criticized for its uneven product quality, shoddy and counterfeit. Therefore, in 2014, he decided to establish an agricultural products e-commerce platform-"peace of mind optimization", so that customers can rest assured of consumption, the best of the best.

Shaodong day lily production farmers are mainly poor households. Because in the daylily market once dim situation, most farmers choose to abandon the transformation, and most of the struggling to keep daylily are poor households without access. Therefore, under the matchmaking of Shaodong County Poverty Alleviation Office,"peace of mind optimization" is preferred to cooperate with poor households.

Take Longsheng Village as an example, among 210 farmers in the village, 71 precision poverty alleviation households with filing cards almost rely on planting yellow flowers for their business, and there is no other source of income. "Most of them are honest farmers. In the past, sulfur was added with the flow. As long as they were guided by market concepts and let them get real benefits, they could be pulled back to supply additive-free day lily." Chen Ming 'an said.

Poverty alleviation departments, e-commerce platforms and poverty alleviation households are willing to participate, and a new project quickly promotes: "Internet + precision poverty alleviation + food safety". According to Xie Xinrun, chairman of the labor union of Shaodong County Poverty Alleviation Office,"Peace of mind optimization" has formed cooperation with more than 1000 poor households in 85 poor villages of the whole county: the company builds sales platform for characteristic agricultural products dominated by day lily; poor households provide safe product sources for the company.

Platform "live", sales also "fire"! Since the online shopping platform of "Peace of Mind Optimization" was opened for one year, it has sold more than 21 million yuan of agricultural products to nearly 3900 poor households and farmers in Shaodong County and even central Hunan, among which 98 yuan/kg of gift daylily is exported to all parts of the country.

Quality "rises" brand "rings"

High-quality market demand forces e-commerce platforms and farmers to win with quality in production and processing.

When signing the acquisition agreement with farmers,"peace of mind optimization" clearly defines three requirements: no sulfur added, dryness of more than 90%, no flowering daylily and no impurities.

In the production link, in order to help poor farmers improve planting technology, experts from Hunan Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences were invited to guide planting on the spot. From the beginning of seedling selection, the quality was strictly controlled, and the plots to be selected were investigated, and the plots with strong growth, no diseases and insect pests and high purity of varieties were taken as seed selection objects.

In the harvest link, pay attention to timely harvest. Every harvest season, buyers will be sent to large planting bases to monitor the harvest and supervise farmers to choose to harvest before the buds are fully grown but not yet open.

Processing is crucial. The traditional processing method of farmers is drying, but villagers admit that if the weather is not good when picking, they have to adopt artificial drying method. Sometimes the rainy weather lasts, so they have to add proper amount of sulfur to smoke. Therefore, in order to completely eliminate the addition of sulfur,"An An Ideal" network technology company plans to cooperate with the village to invest a set of 30 million yuan "steaming drying flow processing line" to dry day lily. After the completion of the processing line, 50,000 catties of fresh yellow flowers can be dried every day.

E-commerce poverty alleviation makes the daylily brand resound again, which has aroused the high attention of the main leaders of Hunan Province. On the afternoon of December 1,2015, Xu Shousheng, then secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, experienced an online purchase at "Peace of Mind Optimization". He clicked the mouse and spent 36.8 yuan to buy 300 grams of day lily.

"Such e-commerce poverty alleviation has achieved results and characteristics." Xu Shousheng, deputy director of the Agriculture and Rural Committee of the National People's Congress, said: "Small commodities such as daylily also have a big market. We should use 'Internet +' to base ourselves on rural areas and serve farmers to solve the problem of poor rural information and agricultural products not being sold out."

Good sales lead to health industry chain

"One bowl of chili fried meat, one bowl of daylily soup." It was the favorite flavor of Xiangzhong people.

"One ton of daylily can be exchanged for 2.21 tons of steel." It was the most valuable industry in Xiangzhong people's homes more than 30 years ago.

Farmers are willing to plant, consumers love to eat, the market is the most popular, but it is such day lily in the past ten years "yellow"!

Daylily "yellow", one of the main factors that can not be avoided is: sales "stiff", resulting in quality "poor", resulting in yellow "yellow".

What can I do to save the fallen daylily?

Behind the guidance of the government, there must be market impetus. Chen Ming 'an, the boss who has always made money faster in municipal projects, stood up. In addition to the aggressiveness of young entrepreneurs, there are also rural children's nostalgia and pursuit of rural original ecological products, and there is also a vision of promoting farmers to get rid of poverty through e-commerce poverty alleviation to drive industrial development.

Shaodong is known as "the first county of Hunan private economy". It is not a miracle to develop e-commerce of agricultural products in a large agricultural county, but it takes courage and strategy to transform and develop agriculture in a large commercial county. In Chen Ming 'an's view, such a strategy is actually very simple: do a good job of "An" word: sales peace of mind can force product safety. So there is such a miracle, in last year's "double eleven," Shaodong County express delivery volume ranked first in Hunan, and one of the sales protagonists was actually "day lily." It can be seen that a successful e-commerce platform not only leads to sales volume, but also a healthy and sustainable industrial chain behind it.