
Prevent the increase of income from reversing the momentum

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Prevent the increase of income from reversing the momentum

At present, in the operation of agricultural and rural economy, affected by the difficulties in the growth of household operating income and wage income, there is greater pressure on farmers to increase their income, so it is necessary to do everything possible to prevent the reversal of the good momentum of sustained and steady increase of farmers' income.

It is also difficult to sell grain. During the purchase of summer grain this year, in Anhui, Henan and other places, some wheat farmers encountered sales problems. Once again, the problem is in terms of quality, due to the influence of continuous rainy weather in the early stage, some wheat appeared scab and imperfect grains exceeded the standard. Due to the failure to meet the wheat quality standard of the minimum purchase price, it is impossible to achieve policy grain collection and storage. At the same time, due to the low enthusiasm of market-oriented buyers to enter the market, farmers hesitate to sell because of low prices and other reasons, wheat sales are blocked. Many growers sigh that although they have caught up with the bumper harvest year, they have not only failed to increase their income, but also lost money. In addition to the reasons for grain quality, industry insiders also remind that in the next purchase of autumn grain, major grain producing areas should beware of the risk that it is difficult for farmers to sell grain due to tight storage capacity.

At present, household operating income, including growing grain, still occupies an important position in the composition of farmers' income, and the increased risk of selling grain will undoubtedly affect farmers' cash realization and income increase. Affected by the weakening prices of grain and other major agricultural products, the "ceiling" of farmers' income in major grain producing areas seems to have emerged. At the same time, in the face of the overall downward pressure on the economy, the reduction of migrant workers' opportunities, and the increase in the difficulty of raising wages, it is also difficult for wage income, which is also a pillar of farmers' income, to continue to grow at a high speed.

The statistics released a few days ago also confirmed this point. In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 6050 yuan, an increase of 6.7% in real terms. Although this growth rate has not only kept pace with economic growth, but also further narrowed the relative income gap between urban and rural residents, it is worth noting that its growth rate has dropped by 1.6 percentage points compared with the same period last year. Although there is only a decline in the growth rate, the trend problems contained in it are worthy of our vigilance. In the current agricultural and rural economic operation, there is a great pressure on farmers to increase their income, so we should do everything possible to prevent the reversal of the good momentum of sustained and steady increase of farmers' income.

From 2936 yuan in 2004 to 2015, it broke through the 10,000 yuan mark for the first time, reaching 11422 yuan. The income of farmers in China has achieved rapid growth for 12 consecutive years. During the 12th five-year Plan period, the average growth rate reached 9.6%, which "outperformed" GDP for many years in a row, which was also higher than the income growth rate of urban residents in the same period. Farmers with more and more pockets have a real sense of achievement.

To prevent the reversal of the good momentum of increasing farmers' income and promote the growth of farmers' income, we should strengthen system innovation and policy creation, strive to establish an institutional environment and endogenous mechanism conducive to increasing farmers' income, and consolidate the foundation for increasing farmers' income. At the level of institutional innovation, the reforms of rural land system, agricultural management system and rural property right system should be further deepened in the future to open up the power source for increasing farmers' income; at the level of policy creation, efforts need to be made in agricultural input, agricultural product prices, agricultural subsidies, rural finance and urbanization to promote farmers' income through multiple channels. Of course, all these must be carried out on the premise of respecting the dominant position of farmers and playing a decisive role in the market mechanism.

At present, there is still potential to be tapped to increase farmers' income. In recent years, affected by the improvement of the level of compensation for rural land expropriation, the increase of farmers' land circulation and housing rental, and the increase in the number of people participating in investment dividends, farmers' property income has been increasing. In the long run, with the continuous improvement of the rural property rights market, farmers' property income still has a lot of room for growth. In addition, in the first half of this year, China's secondary and tertiary investment increased by 4.4% and 11.7%, while agricultural investment increased by 21.1%, which is much higher than the investment growth rate of secondary and tertiary industries, indicating that agriculture and rural areas have become a hot place for current investment. Investment growth brings rare opportunities for the development of new industries in rural areas and new business type, as well as opportunities for rural entrepreneurship and employment expansion, all of which help to broaden channels for farmers' income.

Achieving a sustained and stable increase in income is not only directly related to the well-being of the broad masses of farmers, but also related to whether the "fellow villagers" can synchronously enter into a well-off society in an all-round way. If the fellow-townsman wants to be well-off, the bulging of the purse is the prerequisite, therefore, the good momentum of increasing income must be stabilized.