
Thoroughly implement the major strategy of cultivating a new type of agricultural management body

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Thoroughly implement the major strategy of cultivating a new type of agricultural management body

To take the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, we should earnestly follow the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, take accelerating the cultivation of new agricultural management subjects as a major strategy, promote agricultural transformation and upgrading, enhance the overall competitiveness of agriculture, and strive to build China's agriculture into a strong industry. Focusing on the implementation of the major strategy of cultivating new business entities, efforts will be made to plan and promote them from four aspects.

Give full play to the leading role of new management subjects in modern agricultural construction

At present, China's agricultural development environment is undergoing profound changes. Internationally, with the deepening development of global agricultural integration, the world's agriculturally developed countries and regions generally adjust laws and policies to strengthen support for agricultural business entities in the market field and enhance the competitiveness of market entities, thus promoting the process of agricultural marketization. Under this background, we should make clear the positioning and breakthrough point in the new pattern of world agricultural development, give full play to comparative advantages, enhance overall competitiveness, strive to build China's agriculture into a strong industry, and strive for greater say in global agricultural competition. Domestically, China's economic development has entered a new normal state, with greater downward pressure on the economy and slowing growth. The old and new industrial structure and growth momentum are being adjusted and transformed. The growth space of external agricultural investment faces a "ceiling". It is urgent to make a big contribution within agriculture. Through government behavior and policy guidance, cultivate more dynamic market subjects that are more adapted to market competition, promote the transformation of agricultural development mode and agricultural supply-side structural reform, and accelerate the formation of endogenous dynamic mechanism of agriculture. To realize the goal of China's strong agricultural industry, it is necessary to mobilize many positive factors, especially to accurately grasp the strategic positioning of cultivating new management subjects, optimize the allocation of agricultural resource elements with new management subjects as important carriers, stimulate and release their advantages and potentials, so as to make all kinds of new management subjects play a leading role in the production of commodity agricultural products, the application of new varieties and new technologies, the shaping of brand agriculture, etc., so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of agriculture and lead the development of modern agriculture.

Promote the in-depth development of new business entities in the direction of marketization, specialization, scale and intensification

The new-type management subject is an important force to promote the development of modern agriculture and lead China's agriculture to achieve the goal of strong industry. We should focus on building the "three major systems" of modern agriculture and promoting the structural reform of agricultural supply side, and strive to promote the in-depth development of new business entities in the direction of marketization, specialization, scale and intensification. First, marketization should focus on agricultural supply-side reform. To promote the transformation of agricultural mode, adjust the structure and realize the balance between supply and demand of agricultural products at a high level, it is necessary for new business entities to play a leading role. The new subject activates demand through innovative supply, organizes standardized and branded production of agricultural products oriented by consumption, promotes high-quality and safe agricultural products to flow to consumers more efficiently, finds effective ways to solve the problem of "how to adjust the structure" and "how to plant the land", and becomes an important force to promote the structural reform of agricultural supply side. Second, specialization should focus on giving full play to comparative advantages. Different new subjects have different functional orientations, give full play to their comparative advantages in agricultural production and management, concentrate on a certain industry, field, product and production link that is best at and most suitable for them, engage in specialized production and management activities, develop and produce brand agricultural products with no one, excellent people and special people, and enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products market. At the same time, through a variety of interest connection methods and element combination methods, strengthen the cooperation between the main body, to achieve complementary advantages, balanced development. Third, scale should focus on improving labor production efficiency. On the one hand, the new-type management subject forms the internal scale benefit of agriculture through the expansion of operation scale; on the other hand, it connects the scattered land management subject through socialized service, crosses the boundary between plot and family, promotes the centralized investment of modern production factors such as capital, science and technology, management and equipment, promotes the spillover effect of scale management, and at the same time solves the problem of "who will plant the land" and "how to plant the land well". Fourth, intensification should focus on sustainable development. Through scientific, accurate, reduced and efficient utilization of various resource elements, the new-type business entities reduce the consumption of agricultural resources, transform the mode of agricultural production, realize the reduction, reuse and resource utilization of agricultural means of production, and improve the production efficiency and sustainable development ability of agricultural total factors.

Cultivating new business entities should be promoted according to local conditions and classified

To cultivate new business entities, we cannot ignore the important role of hundreds of millions of ordinary farmers in providing basic agricultural products and ensuring total supply. On this basis, we should adhere to the new development concept, adhere to the requirements of constructing the "three major systems" of modern agriculture and promoting the structural reform of agricultural supply side, adhere to diversified, open, integrated, shared and standardized development, adapt to local conditions, highlight key points, and promote the development and growth of new business entities by category. First, family farms should be standardized. Family farm members 'interests are highly consistent, labor supervision cost is low, it occupies a dominant position in the production link of planting and breeding industry, and it is a new force in the production of important agricultural products such as grain. We should support family farms to engage in the production of bulk agricultural products, ensure the supply of commodity agricultural products, and play an important role in demonstrating and driving small-scale farmers, improving labor productivity and resource allocation rate, so as to make them the most important business form leading moderate scale operation and developing modern agriculture. Second, farmers 'cooperatives should innovate and develop. Cooperatives organize scattered farmers, which is conducive to reducing production and transaction costs and facilitating the circulation of agricultural products; it is conducive to extending the industrial chain and promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries; it is conducive to farmers sharing the spillover effect of agricultural production and operation activities and promoting farmers 'income increase. We should encourage the development of diversified and multi-type new cooperatives, standardize the development of land share cooperation, internal credit cooperation, processing and circulation business and development of cooperatives, constantly broaden the scope of cooperation, innovate cooperation methods, and make them the basic form to lead farmers to connect with large markets, improve the degree of agricultural organization, and overcome the limitations of small-scale farmers. Third, leading enterprises and various agricultural enterprises should be transformed and upgraded. Agricultural enterprises have advanced technical equipment, strong financing and anti-risk capabilities, and have obvious advantages in the production of high-end agricultural products, shaping brand agriculture, enhancing agricultural added value and leading the development of modern agriculture. It is necessary to encourage and support the transformation and upgrading of leading enterprises, promote the development of enterprise clusters, enhance the radiation driving ability, guide them to effectively connect with other business entities through various forms such as order acquisition, secondary rebate and stock cooperation, and form a close connection relationship of "risk sharing, benefit sharing and win-win cooperation". At the same time, it is necessary to establish and improve the supervision and risk prevention mechanism of industrial and commercial capital leasing farmland, strengthen the supervision of farmland management use, and prevent some industrial and commercial capital from engaging in "non-agricultural" construction after intervening in land circulation in rural areas, affecting cultivated land protection and grain production. Fourth, socialized service organizations should play a greater role. All kinds of service organizations can provide services and support for agricultural production and operation entities, and play an important role in reducing production costs, serving and upgrading small farmers, and leading the development of service scale operation. In accordance with the principle of diversified subjects, diversified forms and full competition, we should vigorously cultivate various types of business service organizations, actively promote new service modes such as land trusteeship, contract farming, joint farming and joint management, and promote moderate scale business development and modern agricultural construction through specialized and large-scale services. At the same time, we should explore innovative agricultural socialization service supply mechanism and realization mode by means of government purchasing service.

Speed up the construction of a policy system for cultivating new business entities

To implement the major strategy of cultivating new business entities, we must speed up the construction of a policy system for cultivating new business entities. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan and the No.1 Document of the Central Committee have clear requirements for this. In accordance with the requirements of the central government, we should focus on basically establishing a complete policy system during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, and strive to plan and promote the introduction of special policy documents from four aspects. First, strengthen policy focus. Focus on the main body, clearly regard the new business entities and service entities dedicated to the production and service of commodity agricultural products as the target groups supported by policies, so as not to let grain farmers suffer economically; Focus on industries, focus on relevant industries and fields involved in agricultural restructuring and supply-side reform, and guide new business entities to increase investment and develop production through policies; Focus on the region, the policy focuses on the main grain-producing areas, the dominant agricultural product-producing areas and the poverty-stricken areas, and does not allow the large grain-growing counties to suffer financially. Second, strengthen policy implementation. The central and local governments have issued many policies, and the key is to implement them. It is necessary to promote relevant departments to study and formulate specific measures and methods for implementing policies through performance appraisal, summarize and refine successful experiences of local and departmental innovation policies, and upgrade them to higher-level policy measures in due course. Third, strengthen policy creation. Promote the investment policy that the government should fully undertake the construction of agricultural infrastructure in the main producing areas; the subsidy policy should focus on new business entities and grain farmers; while strengthening product innovation and service innovation, the financial policy should increase the innovation degree of agriculture-oriented institutions, create farmer-oriented banks, and encourage the development of rural cooperative finance; Insurance policy should be based on the goal of "expanding the coverage, raising the standard and increasing the product", expanding the coverage of policy-oriented agricultural insurance, raising the premium subsidy standard, increasing the agricultural insurance coverage, especially supporting insurance companies to create new agricultural insurance products exclusive to business entities. Fourth, strengthen policy convergence. Give full play to the role of financial funds in financial capital and social capital, promote the connection and linkage of industrial policies, fiscal policies and financial policies, form a complete policy system for cultivating new business entities, support structural reform on the agricultural supply side, and serve the development of competitive industries. At the same time, actively innovate the organizational mechanism of business entities, encourage the development of new subject alliances such as family farmers 'associations, farmers' cooperatives or federations, leading enterprise associations, etc., form organic consortia, establish stable interest linkage relations, jointly deal with market risks, improve negotiation position, and promote the integrated development of new subjects. We should pay close attention to the preparation and improvement of the "13th Five-Year Plan" for the development of modern agricultural management system, study and formulate policy documents for cultivating new business entities, and provide a strong policy guarantee for promoting structural reform on the agricultural supply side, developing modern agriculture, and promoting farmers 'sustained income increase.