
Who is to blame for the reduction of "high yield" seed corn?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Who is to blame for the reduction of "high yield" seed corn?

The autumn harvest season is fruitful and a happy day for farmers, but Mr. Feng, a villager of Beihuaidian Township, Ninghe District, and others are not happy. This year, they chose the "Hengdan 456" corn seed produced by Hebei Yuansheng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., with a serious reduction in corn production of 1040 mu and heavy losses. "in the two adjacent plots of land, we used other seeds in the next piece of land, which is growing well. Such inferior seeds have made us suffer. " These farmers questioned the quality of seeds and repeatedly found manufacturers and local seed management stations. However, the manufacturer said that it was caused by the climate and did not bear the responsibility. The people from the seed management station in the district went to the scene to have a look, but did not give a clear statement.

On August 9, the reporter walked into Mr. Feng's cornfield in North Huaidian Village. A corn field is growing well and full of corn grains, but in another corn field next to it, Mr. Feng broke the corn apart and said, "Don't pick, just break it. You see, 80 to 90 percent are bald."... " The reporter learned that Mr. Feng and his family contracted 2300 mu of land and set aside nearly half of the field to plant corn seeds of newly bought varieties. "in March this year, we bought corn seeds from the Jinshishenong seed Company in Lutai Town. At that time, the sales staff highly recommended the" Hengdan 456 "corn seed, which was produced by Hebei Yuansheng Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., the main selling point is strong disease resistance, high and stable yield." Mr. Feng thought that choosing a kind of seed with high and stable yield would be helpful to ensure the harvest, so he bought 59 packets of seeds, totaling 45,000 yuan.

Mr. Feng said that they chose 1040 mu of land to plant new varieties of corn seeds, and another land to plant old varieties of corn seeds. "at the beginning, there was nothing wrong with the new seed. A few days ago, I accidentally broke an ear of corn, only to find that the corn had a serious bald tip. When we break other things, the situation is the same, and then we realize that there is a problem. " Mr. Feng said that the corn is about to be harvested, because it is not full, so no one is buying it now, and almost all of it has been destroyed. Trust relationship can be sold to others as livestock feed, resulting in heavy losses.

Mr. Feng told the reporter that he thought it was a good seed at that time, and the yield was very high, but now it is good, and the output has been lost instead of going up. They found the sales company and the seed manufacturer, and a technician came to the manufacturer. He looked at the seed and said that there was no problem with the seed. The seed was an American variety with a weak physique. Due to climate and high planting density, improper pollination leads to yield reduction. "Why is there nothing wrong with the seeds of the old varieties of corn? Why do you sell it if you know you don't get used to it? " Mr. Feng said he asked the technician at that time, but the technician did not answer.

Mr. Feng and others reserved a bag of "Hengdan 456" corn seeds. The reporter saw that the packaging of the corn seed proclaimed the words "big rod, fine axis, deep grain, high yield" and so on. In addition, it is written on the back of the package that the rate of yellow seed emergence is more than 90%, and the yield performance: the yield of Tianjin urban trial is 19.4% higher than that of the control, and the production test is 13.4% higher than that of the control. The average yield per mu in the field is 780kg, and the highest yield per mu in the land with high water and fertilizer is more than 1000 kg. The suitable area is: suitable for summer corn planting in Tianjin area.

With such good publicity, "Hengdan 456" must be equally high-yielding. Why did something go wrong? Mr. Feng said that the technician sent by the manufacturer to the scene at that time asked them about the situation. When he heard that the seeds were sown around April 16 and April 28, he said that the sowing time was wrong, and the correct sowing time should be "before April 10. Or after May 1". "before sowing, no one told us about it, let alone given us relevant training or guidance. Besides, what are the differences in the past few days? What's the problem? In the end, the technician did not say why. " The reporter looked through the seed packaging carefully and did not find a specific sowing time on it, nor did it write down a specific time before it could be planted. The villagers said that in the two adjacent plots of land, we are also planting, and the harvest of other corn species is normal, but there is something wrong with this piece of land, and it is obvious that there is something wrong with this seed. "in order to grow these lands, several of our families cobbled together and invested more than 2 million yuan. The general output of corn per mu is 500kg, but now it is only more than 200kg, and 1000 mu of land will lose 500,000 to 600,000 yuan. Work hard, not only did not make money, but lost money. "

In the investigation, the reporter found that it was not Mr. Feng and several other people who planted "Hengdan 456" corn seeds to reduce production this year. Li Mou and other farmers in the same village of Mr. Feng also chose the corn seeds. The reporter broke a few pieces of corn casually in the fields of these farmers, and they were all "bald tips" and "bald buttocks."

The reporter then found Jin Shishi Shennong seed Company, which is the wholesaler of "Hengdan 456". Ms. Zhao, a staff member, said that the villagers in North Huaidian Village bought the seeds from retailers, and she did not know the details. But she has been selling corn seeds for more than 20 years, and this year she has sold tens of thousands of bags of "Hengdan 456" corn seeds, and only received a phone call from North Huaidian Village. After going to the people with the manufacturers, they found that the main reason was that there was no problem of seed quality in terms of climate and planting. If the villagers suspect that it is a seed quality problem, they can identify it to a professional department, and if there is a problem, the manufacturer promises to be responsible. She said that because she had to sell seeds the next year, she did not want this kind of problem to occur and affect her business. Due to climate reasons, this has happened to many varieties this year, but some are lighter and some are heavier, and farmers in North Huaidian Village belong to the heavier category.

The reporter and the villagers found the seed management station in Ninghe District, Tianjin. According to the duties of the inquiry and management station, the functions and responsibilities of the inquiry management station are: to organize and implement plans for the introduction, demonstration, breeding and promotion of crop varieties, and to release information; to issue and manage crop seed production and management licenses; to supervise crop seed production, management activities and seed quality; to train crop seed professional and technical personnel and management personnel; to investigate and deal with illegal acts in the production and management of crop seeds according to law. According to the person in charge of the station, "Hengdan 456" is in line with the seed law, or improved varieties subsidized last year. After receiving the complaint from Mr. Feng and others, the seed management station has sent someone to the scene to investigate, and it is preliminarily believed that the emergence of corn tip baldness is closely related to temperature, over-dense planting, overcast and rainy weather and management, and the reasons are complicated. They found that it was not only the planting of "Hengdan 456" that showed apical baldness this year, but also other seeds. If the villagers want to identify whether there is a quality problem with the corn seed, they can contact them and go to the professional department to draw a conclusion.

The person in charge of the seed management station said that the station will conduct management training for large growers and operators every year. In this regard, Mr. Feng immediately said that in recent years, the seed management station did not inform him and several other contractors to participate in the relevant training, they all took the initiative to find experts to learn and explore. Mr. Feng and others have contracted more than 2000 mu of land, which obviously belongs to large growers in the area, but in response to the response of Mr. Feng and others, the person in charge of the seed station said, "some work cannot be done in all aspects."... We must not forget that farmers depend on heaven for a living in farming. "

The damaged villagers said that the good corn seeds were chosen because of their disease resistance, lodging resistance and high yield. Now when there is a problem, it is said that it is due to the climate and the planting density, so why is there nothing wrong with the seeds of other varieties? When you sell it, you boast it, but when you have a problem, you push 625. Corn planting seriously reduced production, poor quality, such a big loss, who will bear the responsibility?