
How to ensure the quality and safety of rice

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to ensure the quality and safety of rice

Rice is one of the main grain crops in China. The quality and safety of rice production is directly related to people's production, life and health. Rice accounts for 40% of China's grain, while wheat, corn and potatoes account for 60% of the total. Therefore, improving the quality of rice and strengthening the safety of rice production have important positive significance to ensure food security.

In recent years, due to the lack of sound rice quality and safety supervision system and insufficient attention to thought, there have been incidents of poisoned rice in some areas. In 2002, hundreds of tons of "poisoned rice" were found in Guangdong, Guangxi and other places in China. In 2013, Hunan also reported the emergence of poisoned rice. At the same time, due to the fear of poisoned rice, some people were deterred from rice. In some places, rice panic even occurred, which had an adverse impact on the development of rice industry. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the factors affecting rice quality safety, correctly understand rice quality safety and put forward countermeasures for promoting rice safety production and establishing a perfect quality safety system.

1. Analysis of factors affecting rice quality safety

1.1 Industrial sewage and agricultural input abuse cause soil pollution heavy metals exceed the standard

In recent years, the state has paid more and more attention to pollution, increased the intensity of governance, and effectively alleviated the heavy metal pollution caused by the industrial field. However, new heavy metal pollution sources have appeared on the basis of not completely eliminating the original pollution sources. According to the analysis, the phenomenon of heavy metal content exceeding the standard occurs in rice, and the pollution of land is one of the reasons. In addition, there are exogenous pollution, industrial drift, aquaculture pollution, etc. In some areas, the content of heavy metals in soil did not exceed the standard, but the content of heavy metals in rice exceeded the standard. Analysis of the reasons may be related to the abuse of agricultural inputs.

At present, the excessive use of agricultural inputs in agricultural production in China is becoming more and more serious. Many agricultural and chemical fertilizer components contain heavy metal components, which can greatly reduce the organic matter content in the soil and have a greater destructive effect on the self-regulation ability of the soil.

After compound fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer are applied to soil, some heavy metals that are difficult to remove can also enter soil and crops, resulting in heavy metal pollution. For smaller farms, heavy metals are often added to feed in order to effectively kill parasites in livestock and make pork more colorful.

1.2 The government's supervision over rice processing and marketing is insufficient

Rice processing industry mainly includes rice production, broken rice, rice embryo, rice bran, rice husk and other rice processing by-products comprehensive utilization. Due to the backward processing equipment of some rice processing enterprises, it is impossible to ensure that the selected rice is high-quality rice. Some rice is even produced by small workshop-style enterprises without origin identification. Once the rice has problems, it cannot be traced back.

There are many channels for purchasing rice. According to the author's investigation, consumers mainly choose supermarkets (accounting for 69.77%) when purchasing rice, so that the quality can be guaranteed. Some consumers also go to wholesale markets (accounting for 14.73%) and mobile vendors (accounting for 4.65%) to buy rice cheaply. Consumers buy more ways, which is also one of the main reasons for the problem rice into the market.

1.3 Rice producers have weak legal consciousness and low scientific and cultural quality

At present, many rice producers do not have strong legal awareness and little understanding of agricultural food regulations. In order to improve production, they use a large number of pesticides or even some banned pesticides, which affects the safety of rice. Many rice growers have low cultural quality. The author found that in the age distribution of the main population growing rice, most of the respondents were concentrated in the age range of 41~50 years old and 51~60 years old, accounting for 45.36% and 31.96% respectively. In terms of educational level, the proportion of primary school diploma and below is the largest, reaching 35.96%, followed by junior high school diploma and senior high school diploma, accounting for 26.97% and 26.97% respectively, and the proportion of college diploma and above is the lowest, accounting for 10.11%, which indicates that the educational level of the surveyed farmers is generally not high.

1.4 Excessive media rendering will increase people's fear of problematic rice, destroy normal order, and affect the overall safety of rice production.

Sometimes, excessive media coverage will also cause deviation of public opinion, which will trigger and catalyze the psychological suggestion of the masses. In today's information technology is more and more developed today, people's lives are more and more closely linked to it. China's agricultural product market integration has been very high, the media repeatedly spread the emergence of toxic rice in a certain place, people's expectations for the problem rice may continue to strengthen and produce panic psychology, take irrational behavior. It may mislead producers, operators and consumers and disrupt the normal operation order of the rice market.

2. Suggestions on Strengthening Rice Safety

2.1 Strengthen government regulation and improve quality and safety awareness of manufacturers

At present, many consumers in our country have doubts about rice safety, and more than 1/2 have negative or vague attitudes. Food safety as a matter of public health of consumers, the government should do a good job of supervision and management, regulate the rice market, and strengthen the supply of market information. The government should strengthen the management of safety certification work, so that relevant production standards and product standards can be implemented to prevent producers from using improper means to reduce production costs in order to obtain short-term benefits, thus damaging the interests of consumers. On the other hand, due to the high price of organic rice products, it is inevitable that some enterprises in the market will attempt to substitute inferior products for good ones and disrupt the normal market order. Therefore, government departments should strengthen the supervision of the market, increase the punishment for illegal activities, establish information disclosure and transmission mechanism to ensure the healthy and orderly development of rice products market.

2.2 Strengthen the protection of cultivated soil in rice producing areas

One is to establish a soil detection system in rice producing areas. Soil monitoring in major rice-producing areas should be incorporated into the construction of advanced environmental monitoring and early warning systems, and soil environmental monitoring plans should be developed and implemented. Increase investment, continuously improve environmental monitoring capabilities, gradually establish and improve national, provincial and municipal soil environmental monitoring networks, and regularly issue soil environmental quality reports. Second, actively control the release of agricultural chemicals. It is strictly prohibited to use prohibited agricultural products and counterfeit agricultural materials; in typical areas, the total amount of agricultural chemical inputs should be reduced in an all-round way to avoid abuse or excessive use, and farmers in rice areas should be guided to use organic fertilizers or biological fertilizers, because organic fertilizers contain a variety of organic substances, which can effectively promote the growth of rice.

2.3 Improving the Comprehensive Quality of Rice Producers and Managers

The first is to improve the legal awareness of rice producers and operators. Strictly punish the production, sale or malicious use of prohibited agricultural chemicals, prohibit chemical pollution in the process of rice planting; strengthen inspection on rice sales links, focusing on strengthening inspection on rice wholesale markets and mobile vendors. Focus on chaos control, severely punish the illegal acts found, and truly create a good legal environment atmosphere to comprehensively enhance the legal awareness, rule awareness and social responsibility of the vast number of agricultural food producers and operators, enterprises and farmers. We will carry out legal popularization education and strengthen the propaganda, study and training of relevant laws and regulations such as the Food Safety Law, the Agricultural Product Quality Safety Law and the Regulations on the Administration of Agricultural (Veterinary) Drugs to ensure the implementation of these measures.

Second, improve the scientific and cultural quality and ideological and moral quality of rice producers and operators. According to the author's investigation, the general cultural quality of farmers engaged in rice production and management is not high, and they are older. In view of this characteristic, we should carry out various basic education, vocational education and continuing education. Rice agricultural technicians should go deep into the field, not only in the classroom to carry out theoretical education. At the same time, compulsory education in rural areas should be further improved to ensure the basic cultural quality of future agricultural producers. Establish and perfect a unified platform for basic education and vocational education. For example, through the network video platform, experts can communicate face-to-face with farmers to solve problems in production. Establish credit evaluation mechanism to comprehensively improve the ideological and moral quality of rice producers and managers.

2.4 Establishment of Rice Technical Standard System

Draw lessons from the advanced experience of other countries and establish a standard system for the whole rice industry chain on the basis of the original standardization system. Establish standards for water resources and pesticide residues in rice. Accelerate land circulation, encourage scale management, and lay a foundation for unified rice sowing and seedling machinery operation. Relying on scientific research institutes and agricultural colleges, we will train comprehensive agricultural standardization talents and provide talent foundation for the construction of standardization system.

2.5 News and public opinion should actively guide consumers and producers, and do not let negative news hurt farmers by accident.

Journalists must be cautious and objective when reporting, shoulder the responsibility of supervising and guiding consumption, and must not be one-sided, hype, etc., let alone create panic. Journalists involved in agriculture should have basic agricultural knowledge and consult experts modestly. They should not publish hearsay information and must report objectively and truthfully. The production of poisonous rice is affected by many factors. Water pollution and chemicals exceed the standard. It is unfair for farmers to pay and bear the responsibility finally.

In addition, expert opinions play a very important role in the agricultural crisis, so experts must not make irresponsible remarks and must not be encouraged by objective facts for the sake of grandstanding.