
How can the "vegetable basket" and "purse" be full

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How can the "vegetable basket" and "purse" be full

Editor's note

In addition to food crops, vegetables are the most widely cultivated and economically important crops in China, which play an important role in ensuring supply and increasing income. However, with the deepening of agricultural supply-side structural reform, the vegetable industry is also facing a series of new changes and tests in structural adjustment, production standards and sales model. How to hold the "vegetable basket" so that citizens can eat more satisfactorily and farmers can sell more smoothly? Let's go to Sihong County, Jiangsu Province, and see how they develop the vegetable industry.

Dong Liang, our reporter Chen Bing

At 5 o'clock in the morning, when most people were still asleep, Liu Zheng, a vegetable farmer of the Liude neighborhood Committee in Sunyuan Town, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province, got up early and went to his greenhouse to level the land, apply organic fertilizer, and spray biological fungicides. In a few days, Liu Zheng's out-of-season Israeli tomatoes will be planted. "with good varieties and scientific management, the harvest will be good."

In recent years, Sihong County, a major vegetable production county, has consolidated the advantages of vegetable industry development and timely adjusted vegetable varieties according to market demand. So, how do they bulge the farmers'"money bags" while filling the citizens'"vegetable baskets"? The reporter went into the vegetable garden to find out.

Ensure quality and quantity for the market-- strictly control agricultural residues at the source, and cover seasonal and anti-seasonal vegetables on the industrial chain.

"after planting, this kind of tomato I planted will usually be on the market before the Spring Festival the following year, with a yield of about 30,000 jin per mu, with a wholesale price of 2 yuan per jin last year. Because it is aimed at the Spring Festival market, supply falls short of demand every year. " Liu Zheng told reporters.

In the vegetable base of Dasheng Village, Sunyuan Town, vegetable farmer Pan Daoyong is busy picking towel gourd, cucumbers and other vegetables. "Summer is the peak of vegetable consumption, and sometimes there is a shortage. I adjusted the layout of stubble ahead of time to expand the planting scale of summer vegetables. Towel gourd, cucumbers, beans and so on all sold at good prices." Pan Daoyong said.

Dong Zhengquan, deputy director of the Sihong County Committee of Agriculture, said that Sihong County has a planting area of 650000 mu of fruits and vegetables, which is rich in varieties and quantities of seasonal and off-season vegetables, and has a balanced market supply. The county attaches great importance to the market information service of agricultural products, vegetable farmers are becoming more and more scientific in the arrangement of vegetable stubble, and the level of scale, standardization and industrialization of vegetable cultivation has improved year by year, which have played an important supporting role in ensuring supply and increasing income.

"Food is the most important thing for the people. we should not only ensure that the food is enough, but also ensure that the food is good!" A relevant person in charge of the Sihong County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau said that 23 townships and towns in the county have set up agricultural product quality and safety supervision and management stations, and 390 township and village supervisors have carried out vegetable sampling inspections on supermarkets, farmers' markets, and vegetable bases in the area under their jurisdiction, and found that problems are reflected to the regulatory authorities as soon as possible, so as to ensure the safety and reliability of listed vegetables.

"it's very hot this summer, but we can't relax our sampling work in the countryside. Look, these are six kinds of vegetable samples just collected from the base! " Cui Feng, a staff member of the agricultural products inspection station in Sunyuan Town, told reporters while walking to the laboratory that she goes back to eight bases in the town every month to take points, take samples, and test them one by one after coming back. Agricultural residues are the most important indicator, and she dare not be careless at all. After the test results are out, she will immediately return to the base and fill in the inspection records for vegetable vendors around the country to read and refer to when purchasing vegetables.

According to Dong Zhengquan, deputy director of the Sihong County Committee of Agriculture, at present, the identified area of pollution-free producing areas in the county has reached 82000 mu; there are 316 "three products and one standard" agricultural products, of which vegetables account for more than 60 percent; and sales outside the county account for more than 30 percent of the total output.

Build a brand to win the market-intensive planting brings economies of scale, good quality brings good reputation

"how big this chili pepper is! there are many on one plant!" "this is the new variety we introduced this year, 'Moxiu No. 8', that is' Sujiao 16', and the one in the greenhouse next to it is' Sujiao 17 '...." Sihong County Sihe Township Huaifeng Village vegetable base greenhouse, vegetable grower Pang Junshan introduced to the reporter.

Led by Pang Keishan, farmers are organized to build bases and carry out intensive and large-scale vegetable cultivation. At present, they have a vegetable planting area of 2200 mu and more than 800 steel greenhouses. Pang Kuan Shan contracted more than 1800 mu of land and planted 500mu of vegetables, mainly growing chili, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, zucchini and other vegetables.

When it comes to the benefits of growing vegetables, Pang Lianshan opened the chatterbox. "to sell vegetables well, the key depends on brands and word of mouth. Our vegetables can sell well in Nanjing and Huai'an in the province, as well as markets in Mingguang, Chuzhou, Wuhe and other places outside the province." 'We regularly invite experts to train everyone, 'Mr. Pang said.' planting technology is one piece, and how to better build brand influence is also an important content, 'Mr. Pang said. Two days ago, the Da Runfa supermarket in Sihong County sent a special car to the base to purchase vegetables. when everyone raced against the clock and rushed to work, they picked, sorted, and packed a truckload of vegetables in less than an hour, and cooled down ice cubes and other methods to ensure that vegetables were fresh on the shelves, winning praise from supermarkets and consumers.

As he spoke, Han Fuzhan's mobile phone, which was in charge of sales, rang. The phone came from Yancheng, who planned to purchase 15000 jin of zucchini and asked if he could contact the logistics vehicle to deliver the goods as soon as possible. "help contact a logistics car, we can earn 500 yuan, zucchini sold to him for 50 cents a jin, a net profit of 3000 yuan." Without time to discuss it in detail with the reporter, Han Fuzhan turned around and began to contact other vegetable farmers by telephone to implement picking and logistics and distribution matters.

Tang Zhaosong, deputy secretary of the party committee of Sihe Township, said: at present, there are nearly 2000 households and more than 4100 farmers in the township engaged in vegetable cultivation, covering an area of 12000 mu, with a total output value of 144 million yuan, and farmers in major vegetable producing areas have an average annual net income of more than 3000 yuan per mu. Ma Xuanjun, a villager, has grown 10 mu of vegetables and has made a fortune on vegetables in recent years. He bought a 108-square-meter building in the farmers' concentrated residential area and paid off 150000 yuan in a lump sum.

Break into the market online and offline-- big growers run around to engage in logistics, and online stores set off a wave of e-commerce entrepreneurship.

Different from the large-scale base and large-scale operation of Huaifeng Village, the vegetable cultivation in Xuer Village of Sihe Township is mainly small-scale operation of farmers. The vegetable planting area of the village is 2500 mu, with more than 300 growers, accounting for more than half of the village's population. "there are as many as 18 kinds of vegetables grown in the village all the year round, and basically everything that can be bought on the market is available in our village." Ma Yongbo, secretary of the village branch, said.

Vegetable grower Tang Lexin said that from March to June every year, vegetables are concentrated on the market, with many varieties and large quantities, and cars go to the ground to load goods every day. "I often go to Nanjing, Xuyi, Mingguang, Tianchang and other surrounding markets to pull my own dishes and help the villagers sell some of them." Tang Lexing said.

While expanding traditional sales channels, vegetable farmers in Xueer village also use Taobao and postal e-commerce platforms to develop online sales. "there are also a lot of retail investors buying vegetables online. Surprisingly, this year, the county postal company also placed an order for us to order 10,000 jin of green radish for online sale, which can be planted on September 15." Ma Yongbo said that according to the current online sales momentum, he is confident that it will not be long before the vegetables in Xueer Village can come out of Sihong in large quantities and increase the income of more vegetable farmers with high quality and high prices.

According to the person in charge of the Sihong County Bureau of Commerce, in order to let more farmers learn to open shops online and create an atmosphere for the development of rural e-commerce clusters, since the beginning of this year, the county has vigorously implemented the "10 billion" e-commerce personnel training project. By carrying out various forms of network entrepreneurship training, such as "village popularization" and "sending shops to the countryside", the vast number of university student village officials, family farmers, and business owners have been led to join the e-commerce entrepreneurship boom. In the first half of this year, the county trained a total of 15000 people from various business entities, including farmers.

Zu Wenjing, a low-income farmer in Zuyao Village, Chenwei Township, was poor due to illness and owed a foreign debt. Losing his ability to work, he can only "live in a snail" at home. In June last year, Zhu Quanquan, a college student village official who had been trained to initially grasp the essentials of online sales, came to his door many times to give him guidance on starting a business on the Internet, and mobilized him to open an online shop to sell agricultural products. With the help of Zhu Quanquan, Zu Wenjing's Taobao shop has been upgraded from a small shop to a star shop with monthly sales of more than 8000 yuan.