
The construction of beautiful villages needs to make up for cultural shortcomings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The construction of beautiful villages needs to make up for cultural shortcomings

The construction of a beautiful countryside is not only the eager expectation of the broad masses of farmers, but also the due meaning of the new rural construction. However, from the point of view of the specific work carried out by various localities, they generally focus on the comprehensive improvement of the rural environment and the treatment of garbage and sewage, while there are many "shortcomings" in improving rural public cultural services.

First, the total amount of financial investment in rural cultural undertakings is insufficient. In recent years, from the perspective of local expenditure structure, although the expenditure on culture, sports and media has increased significantly, the investment in rural cultural undertakings is still insufficient in terms of the total amount and internal structure. From the perspective of expenditure content, the proportion of personnel expenditure in cultural investment is too high, and it is common in grass-roots public welfare cultural institutions that only wages are guaranteed and there is no daily public funds and activity funds, which restricts the development of grass-roots cultural undertakings.

Second, the social investment in the construction of rural public culture system is too small. From its essence, the rural public culture system belongs to the category of quasi-public goods, and its input sources should be various. In recent years, although the state has issued many policies and measures to encourage social forces to participate in public welfare cultural development, and actively guide social forces to participate, due to the influence of factors such as insufficient publicity, the space and leeway left for social forces in many places is still limited.

Third, the low utilization rate of grass-roots cultural infrastructure resources is widespread. In recent years, in order to promote the construction of the rural public cultural service system, a large amount of funds have been arranged at all levels to implement cultural projects that benefit the people, such as rural radio and television access to every village, rural film projection, cultural information resources sharing, and rural bookhouses. It has played a positive role in promoting the construction of grass-roots culture, but at the same time, there are also some problems, such as "reconstruction does not pay attention to management" and low utilization rate of resources.

Fourth, there are gaps in the tracking performance system of public cultural funds. At present, the evaluation mechanism of cultural construction in rural areas and communities is not perfect, and the current evaluation criteria are still the "old leverage" of more than a decade ago: how many square meters of construction area, the number of books collected, whether the rules and regulations are sound, and so on. There are few performance indicators, such as whether cultural facilities are in line with the "appetite" of farmers, the utilization rate of cultural facilities and so on. Due to the lag in the reform of the rural cultural system and the establishment of the performance evaluation mechanism of public cultural funds, and the lack of effective supervision over the use and efficiency of funds, the operation and management cost of public cultural funds is high and the work efficiency is relatively low.

If the construction of rural public culture system wants to develop rapidly and healthily, it still needs to pay more attention to it, constantly increase investment, and take more measures to make steady progress at the same time.

First, optimize the structure of financial expenditure and support the construction of rural public cultural service system. It is necessary to strictly implement the financial requirement that the growth rate of cultural investment is not lower than that of recurrent revenue at the same level, and improve the funding guarantee mechanism for the public cultural service system. The key public cultural infrastructure and the cultural construction of rural areas and communities should be guaranteed in terms of financial special funds or funds, so as to form a stable funding guarantee mechanism.

The second is to give full play to the guiding role of financial funds and enhance the vitality of cultural development at the grass-roots level. It is necessary to further implement and improve economic policies to promote cultural development, make full use of financial, tax, and other economic levers, guide more social funds to invest in rural areas, and support the construction of public culture in rural areas. For grass-roots cultural units with certain management ability, it is necessary to gradually increase the proportion of "incentive" investment, establish and improve the incentive mechanism, and mobilize their enthusiasm to move towards the grass-roots level and rural areas. In view of the fact that square activities have the characteristics of openness, high freedom of participation, and loved by the broad masses, consideration should be given to appropriate compensation from financial departments and multi-channel fund-raising by villagers in rural areas where economic conditions permit. Rational planning and construction of rural cultural squares and other facilities.

The third is to adhere to the working idea of "attaching equal importance to construction and management" and effectively improve the utilization rate of grass-roots cultural facilities. The existing cultural facilities should be managed by full-time or part-time staff to ensure the daily use of cultural facilities. Areas with favorable conditions should also proceed from reality, combine with excellent local traditional culture and rural tourism, and give full play to the value of grass-roots cultural facilities.

The fourth is to innovate the incentive mechanism and strengthen the performance evaluation of investment funds. It is necessary to consider increasing investment in "cultural talents" so as to realize the coordinated development of "talent" training and the construction of grass-roots cultural facilities. The relevant departments should also make efforts on the innovation mechanism, actively introduce the capital performance evaluation system, stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of more talents to participate in the construction of rural public culture system, and let the limited financial funds play a greater benefit.