
Great changes will take place in the aquaculture industry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Great changes will take place in the aquaculture industry

With the development of agriculture, there are more and more friends engaged in aquaculture, and the state pays more and more attention to aquaculture. Many friends began to engage in large-scale aquaculture, special breeding and so on, but encountered some problems of one kind or another in the process of operation.

A few days ago, a friend called us to ask about aquaculture, saying that he wanted to engage in large-scale aquaculture, but how to apply for aquaculture land and what kind of aquaculture project to choose. With the continuous development of modern agriculture, large-scale aquaculture land has gradually become the bottleneck of development. Different regions have different support policies for breeding land, but generally speaking, the following conditions should be met for applying for land for large-scale livestock and poultry farms:

1. Must be applied for new construction or expansion after January 1, 2008.

two。 Closed management, separation of people and animals, centralized breeding, perennial stock of more than 300 pigs, more than 100 beef cattle, more than 10000 poultry.

3. Reasonable location and design, perfect supporting facilities (including environmental facilities), strict epidemic prevention, standardized management, and achieve professional, large-scale, standardized and ecological production.

4. Enterprises or individuals that set up livestock and poultry breeding shall apply to the livestock and poultry management department for approval documents for large-scale breeding farms.

Aquaculture land is only one aspect of aquaculture, in the past two years, the national policy on aquaculture is not small. Through the rich experience of modern agriculture in western developed countries, we can see that the development of modern animal husbandry is very rapid. In particular, China is in a period of agricultural transition, on the one hand, we should ensure the stable development of large-scale cultivation, on the other hand, we should use greater efforts to promote the rapid promotion of ecological farming. Therefore, in the next three years, aquaculture policy and market opportunities are unprecedented. Overall, there are several major opportunities:

Opportunity 1: standardized scale farming

Scale agriculture is not only the first important content of document No. 1, but also the main direction of China's agricultural transformation in the future. For the agricultural planting and breeding industry, scale is undoubtedly the only way for China to achieve modern agricultural development, and the state will further increase support for large-scale farming.

Good ①: a huge subsidy for large-scale farming (in addition to subsidies for improved animal husbandry, you can also get subsidies for large-scale farming. In addition, there are some special policies, such as special incentive policies for large pig farming counties. )

Good ②: standardized demonstration farming, but also can get policy support funds (for standardized demonstration breeding base, promote the development of local farmers, different regions have different support policies. )

Opportunity 2: ecological farming

At present, livestock and poultry breeding pollution has become an important source of agricultural non-point source pollution, so it is urgent to solve the problem of comprehensive utilization of manure. Therefore, taking into account the two major goals of production ecology, the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and circular development as the ecological breeding to solve the pollution problem of livestock and poultry breeding will become the key development object.

Favorable ①: huge subsidies for ecological farming (the state pays more and more attention to environmental issues, and supports sustainable development and recyclable ecological agriculture, especially for ecological farming. )

Favorable ②: preferential policies on land use, water use and electricity use (in addition to direct subsidies, the state can also enjoy different degrees of preferential policies on the use of land, water and electricity for animal husbandry and breeding in order to save input costs. )

Opportunity 3: characteristic farming

It should be noted that characteristic farming refers to the formation of a certain scale cluster in the local culture, which has become a kind of regional characteristics. The state encourages all regions to develop agricultural projects with regional characteristics according to their regional advantages.

Good ①: "one county, one special" subsidy project. (for aquaculture projects that form scale and characteristics, you can apply for "one county, one special" industrial development pilot project. )

Good ②: make a brand with characteristics and improve the added value of products. Create superior characteristic brands on the basis of characteristics, greatly improve the added value of products and improve sales profits. )

Opportunity 4: policy insurance will continue to increase

As the risk of aquaculture is difficult to predict, in addition to natural disasters, environmental pollution leads to serious epidemic disease, which increases the mortality rate of livestock and poultry disease, and the risk of aquaculture is very high. In order to guard against risks and ensure the healthy and safe development of aquaculture, the state will increase the investment in agricultural insurance. Some aquaculture insurance will be included in the policy-oriented agricultural insurance.