
How does Internet + promote the Development of Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How does Internet + promote the Development of Modern Agriculture

1. Recognize "Internet +" and "Internet + Agriculture"

1.1 "Internet +" is a new mode of production

(1) the essence of "Internet +" is the on-line and digitalization of traditional industries. "Internet +" focuses on building a network service platform by using new technologies such as the Internet of things, big data, and mobile intelligence, and emphasizes the role of cyberspace in transforming and upgrading traditional industries through an intelligent path. so as to promote the general value-added and service-oriented transformation and upgrading of various industries.

(2) the essence of new business type brought about by "Internet +" is to use information productive forces as the engine to change the mode of industrial development. The outstanding advantage of "Internet +" lies in increasing scale returns by relying on scientific and technological productive forces and increasing scope returns by relying on information productive forces at the same time. On the basis of this advantage, "Internet +" supports price-raising competition by innovating in ways and reducing diversity costs, so as to realize the transformation and upgrading to high value-added formats. In this process, Internet + relies on the leading role and effectiveness of the network in resource allocation to promote the precision of the market. The network mechanism mainly allocates resources by means of qualitative information such as language and unstructured data, and accurately allocates those resources (such as quality, experience, etc.) that are difficult to configure in an one-to-one way to form situational pricing. and then form an efficient resource allocation mechanism.

(3) "Internet +" is a process of mutual infiltration and integration of service and industrialization, which should not only maintain the growth rate, but also improve the development quality. Mr. Wu Jiapei once said that the information economy is a service-oriented economy that transcends the boundaries of time and space. The information economy releases its energy through service. Service-oriented refers to a dynamic process in which manufacturers change from goods providers to service providers, and its essence is economic services. Service mainly includes two aspects, namely, input service (service elements play an increasingly important role in the total input of the industry) and output service (service products play an increasingly important role in the total output of the industry). Service-oriented covers a wide range, not only refers to the service industry, but permeates the upgrading process of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. In this process, service plays an economic engine role which is different from industrialization. Service improves the quality of economic development through differentiated production and price-raising competition, while industrialization improves the speed of economic development through large-scale production and price-reduction competition. In the process of promoting the economy from homogenization, low added value and non-optimized structure at the low end of the industrial chain to high quality, high added value and the high end of the industrial chain, information productivity has become the core driving force of service because of its essential characteristics of supporting price-raising competition and meeting people's increasingly rich and diversified needs.

(4) "Internet +" transforms to innovation-driven by releasing the service-oriented potential. The interaction between "Internet +" and innovation drive is mainly reflected in the market orientation, because the market can naturally generate the demand for innovation through differentiated demand in the process of service. The essence of innovation is differentiated supply, which needs service to show the goal of demand to ensure the direction of innovation. In the past, government-oriented innovation belongs to supply-oriented rather than demand-oriented. The reason is that industrialization is emphasized but not combined with service. "Internet +" will give full play to the advantages of the close combination of the Internet industry and market demand, and promote the integration and development of various industries with demand-oriented innovation.

1.2 "Internet + Agriculture" is the product of the effect of information productivity on the whole process of agricultural industry chain.

"Internet + Agriculture" is a process of comprehensive integration of modern information technology and agricultural development, and its essence is "informationization + agriculture". Accompany the letter. With the rapid development of information technology, information has become an equally important or even more important factor of production as land, capital and labor force, and formed information productivity. "Internet + Agriculture" is the product of the direct effect of information productivity on the whole process of agricultural industry chain. Through the optimization and reconstruction of traditional agricultural production and circulation, it constantly releases the huge energy of agricultural industry transformation and upgrading under the information economy.

China's "Internet + agriculture" is "industrialization + 'informatization + agriculture'". China's "Internet + Agriculture" is an increasingly unified development process of agricultural industrialization and agricultural informatization. The essence of agricultural industrialization is "industrialization + agriculture". At the present stage when China's industrialization will be basically completed in five years, agricultural industrialization mainly solves the problem of socialized large-scale production of agriculture. Therefore, on the basis of this goal, China's "Internet + Agriculture" should focus on solving the contradiction between the diversity value of rural household management and the complexity of the accurate docking market. Service not only inherits the efficiency advantage of industrialization, but also adds the characteristics of diversity economy and forms the advantage of efficiency (efficiency plus diversity), which is the key way to solve the contradiction between increasing production (cost leading) and increasing income (differentiation).

2. Analysis on the mechanism of "Internet +" embedding in the industrial chain and promoting the transformation of agricultural economic development mode.

In recent years, "Internet + Agriculture" has gradually developed in China, and has achieved preliminary results. According to statistics, China's total sales of agricultural products through e-commerce channels totaled 48.302 billion yuan in 2014, an increase of 69.83 percent over 2013, and there were 762100 sellers of agricultural products, an increase of 60.57 percent over the same period last year.

2015 is a good year for "Internet + Agriculture". The Central Committee document No. 1 issued in February proposed to speed up agricultural modernization, strengthen the driving role of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, innovate the circulation of agricultural products, and support e-commerce, trade, logistics, finance and other enterprises to participate in the construction of agriculture-related e-commerce platform. The "opinions on vigorously developing Electronic Commerce and speeding up the cultivation of New Power of economy" issued on May 7 further proposed to strengthen the integrated development of the Internet and agriculture and rural areas, and introduce modern management concepts and methods such as industrial chain, supply chain, value chain, and so on. to develop rural e-commerce, the central government will allocate 2 billion yuan of special funds for the construction of rural e-commerce infrastructure. According to the guidance on speeding up the construction of high-speed broadband network and promoting network speed-up and fee reduction issued by the General Office of the State Council on May 20, fiber-to-village construction will be carried out in 10,000 administrative villages in 2015, and more than 95% of administrative villages have access to fixed or mobile broadband. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture has proposed to speed up the pilot project of entering villages and households, and each administrative village will build at least one village-level information service station. "Internet + Agriculture" ushered in a golden period of development.

Combined with the development situation and future development trend of "Internet + Agriculture" in China in recent years, it can be found that "Internet +" has penetrated into and is reshaping all aspects of the agricultural industry chain. "Internet +" promotes the whole industrial chain to symbiosis, mutual benefit and win-win by integrating the material, capital and information flow of the whole industrial chain, so as to realize the deep transformation of the mode of agricultural economic development. It is embodied in the following aspects.

2.1 from the perspective of the upper reaches of the industrial chain, the entry of "Internet +" into the agricultural material market will affect the supply of agricultural materials in the aspects of production, circulation, marketing and services, and then lead to changes in the relationship between agricultural producers and farmers.

In terms of seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, agricultural machinery and other agricultural products, the vast majority of varieties can be described as the real rigid demand, and a higher degree of standardization, in line with the characteristics of multiple purchases, relatively low requirements for distribution, suitable for e-commerce sales. Under the favorable background of the current policy, agricultural material e-commerce will usher in an opportunity period of great development. The total amount of China's agricultural material market is expected to exceed 460 billion yuan in 2016. This will promote the transformation of sellers to integrated service providers and bring about great changes in the traditional agricultural material circulation system. At present, Stanley, Kim Jong-da and Dabei Nong and other leading enterprises in the field of agricultural materials, have been involved in e-commerce business. In March 2015, Lenovo Holdings strategically invested in Cloud Farm, an online vertical trading platform for agricultural materials. Cloud Farm has hundreds of agricultural enterprises settled in, set up more than 200 county-level service centers and more than 16000 village-level stations, the market covers more than 10 provinces, including Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and so on. In the face of the dispersion of 176 million farmers in 2.7 million natural villages in China, Yunfang adopts the strategy of "village station" and strives to achieve "approachability". Every village station strives to become the defender of collective interests and shopping leaders of the whole village, reduce transaction costs, and fundamentally remove the pain points such as regional dealers and distributors on the traditional agricultural material circulation chain. In the face of the continuous sinking of agricultural materials terminals, the major agricultural materials leading enterprises are striving to realize the "disintermediation" between agricultural producers and farmers through the integration of technical services, business services and platform services. "Internet +" will play an increasingly important role in it.

2.2 from the perspective of the middle reaches of the industrial chain, "Internet +" cut into the field of agricultural production and greatly promoted the process of intelligent agriculture, so as to solve the problems of agricultural production technology, quality and safety of agricultural products, agricultural scale and product value realization at a higher technical level.

With the wide application and promotion of Internet information integration, big data analysis, remote control and other technologies in agricultural production, 3G, Internet of things ①, cloud computing and other new technologies are also increasingly used. The intelligent agricultural system, which integrates information perception, intelligent decision-making, automatic control and precise management, has been continuously improved. In 2010, the National Development and Reform Commission approved a number of pilot projects on the Internet of things. Henan, Shaanxi, Beijing, Heilongjiang, Wuxi and other places respectively applied the Internet of things technology in field crops, facility agriculture, animal breeding, aquaculture and other areas. Henan, a major agricultural province, has used the Internet of things technology in the staple grain wheat industry. Nearly 20 digital remote monitoring points of wheat seedling situation have been set up in 9 prefectures and cities of the province to monitor the soil temperature and humidity, air temperature and humidity, carbon dioxide concentration, total solar radiation and other data indexes in real time. Researchers in the monitoring room in Zhengzhou, based on images and data, make diagnostic analysis and implement scientific field management. Qinlong Modern Ecological Intelligent Agricultural Park in Jinghe Xincheng, Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province, uses drones to spray fertilizer, and ground remote controllers use radar and GPS navigation to remotely control, locate and spray fertilizers; the park also uses robots to pick tomatoes, through multi-sensor data fusion technology to obtain fruit information, identify maturity, determine harvest targets, and guide the robot to complete the tasks of grabbing, cutting and recycling. The dairy breeding base of Haihua Yundu Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. in Xikanggezhuang Village, Miyun, Beijing, has now realized intelligent milking. After birth, each cow wears an electronic "earring" that stores identity information such as the time of birth, pedigree and the time of first milk production. When the cow enters the milking hall, the information in its "earring" will be transmitted to the background through the sensing device on the milking cup, so as to monitor the milk quality of each milking. At present, the intelligent precision feeding system for pig raising has become a development trend that China's pig industry is in line with international standards. The system takes the computer as the control center, the feeding station as the control terminal, the weighing sensor and the radio frequency card reader to collect all kinds of information of pigs, calculates the daily feed supply according to the formula, and then accurately feeds by the controller. Thus it can be seen that the application of "Internet +" in agricultural production not only saves the cost of manpower and improves the ability of quality control, but also makes the allocation of agricultural production factors more reasonable and the management of agricultural production more scientific.

From the perspective of the lower reaches of the industrial chain, "Internet +" will deeply change the consumer market of agricultural products from the perspective of "space, time, cost, safety and personalization", enhance the customer experience of consumers of agricultural products, and realize assured consumption and personalized consumption.

From the perspective of time, space and cost, "Internet +" breaks through the limitations of time and space through IT technology, transmits information anytime and anywhere, solves the problem of information asymmetry, and promotes the effective docking of the supply and demand market of agricultural products. From the perspective of food safety, Internet + has created new agricultural value by creating a transparent supply chain and building a food safety traceability system. Dacheng Food, which has become the largest supplier of KFC, adopts a highly vertically integrated business model and integrates feed production, chicken hatching and slaughtering, chicken processing and food production into a unified management platform in 10 years. A "transparent chicken food safety assurance system from farm to table" has been formed. At present, every package (box) of Dacheng "Sister Kitchen" chicken products and processed food sold in the domestic market can be easily accessed through the Internet, including farms, breeders, brood and fencing time, feed, electric slaughtering factories, fresh meat production and quality inspection, food deep processing and other detailed information, as long as they enter the peace of mind code on the package. at the same time, it brings a higher brand effect. Farmers' cooperatives, led by Li Minghua, a typical eco-agricultural model in Hubei Province, have developed a scented rice and fish cultivation model of "growing rice on the top and aging soft-shelled turtles on the bottom". Since November 2014, it has cooperated with the "never Food Alliance", an external mobile Internet platform resource, and has now become a typical example of ecological agriculture in Hubei and even the whole country. The "never food sign" contains a QR code. As soon as you scan the mobile phone, you will enter the Internet page of fragrant rice Jiayu rice, and you can view the surveillance video of the planting and breeding base, the video of food safety promise and the picture of liability insurance policy in real time. Wang Yichang, founder of the never Food Safety Project, said: we support the direct supervision of consumers so as to better solve food safety problems. From the perspective of personalized consumption, "Internet +" continues to introduce consumption patterns to meet the individual needs. Leeco's organic agriculture operation adopts C2B (consumer-to-business) order sales model, that is, big data is used to analyze consumer demand and arrange the production and sale of agricultural products accordingly. At the same time, 020 mode ② has also expanded rapidly across the country, and is increasingly integrated online and offline. In 2013, the 020 model entered a stage of rapid development, and the momentum of localization was obvious. In particular, since 2014, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce have accelerated the comprehensive demonstration work of 56 counties in eight provinces, including Hebei and Henan, and promoted the distribution of large e-commerce and express delivery enterprises such as Alibaba,, SUNING and other large-scale enterprises in the rural market. At present, the "special pavilion" of Alibaba platform has covered 31 prefectures and counties in 24 provinces, and nearly 400000 online stores of agricultural products have been registered and operated normally on Taobao. Alibaba's "Thousand Counties and Thousand villages Plan" has been launched to build 1000 county-level operation centers and 100000 village-level service stations in the next three to five years. plans to add 1000 county-level service centers and recruit tens of thousands of rural promoters in 2015. These online stores, county-level operation centers and village stations will become an important starting point to meet the individual needs of consumption.

2.4 from the perspective of the whole industry chain, agricultural Internet finance arises at the historic moment and runs through the whole process of the purchase and sale of agricultural materials, agricultural production and agricultural products, which is conducive to the construction of a new rural financial security system.

According to the China Rural Financial Development report (2014) released in April 2015, the current success rate of formal credit for rural households in China is about 27.6%, far lower than the national average of 40.5%. The application of big data of the Internet helps to solve the risk management problems of rural finance and form a new rural financial security system. The report on China Rural Financial Services (2014) released in March 2015 points out that we should give full play to the role of Internet finance and promote the development of inclusive finance in rural areas. Agricultural leading enterprises hold the information of the whole industry chain, so they have the conditions to build an agricultural Internet financial platform with it as the core, and provide investment, financing and online payment services for all links of the whole industry chain. In January 2015, New Hope Company (one of the largest agricultural and animal husbandry enterprises in China), together with Beijing Shouwang Innovation and Technology Co., Ltd., and Southern Hope Industrial Co., Ltd., jointly funded the establishment of Huinong Science and Technology. The aim is to build a rural financial service network with thousands of enterprises interconnected. In March, Nuopxin (a leading domestic pesticide preparation enterprise) announced that it would increase its capital in agricultural gold circle with 17.5 million yuan, becoming the first real agricultural Internet financial platform in A shares; in May, Nuopxin launched the "Field Circle" Internet development strategy. we will actively build an Internet ecosystem that can connect the needs of farmers in all directions. At the same time, with the rural credit network as the core, with the combination of "rural rich loan", "Nongfutong" and "rural social insurance", Da Bei Nong makes every effort to create the first closed-loop and GSP new rural commercial and financial service system in the industry. The above rural financial service network, platform and system cover the whole process of purchase and sale of agricultural materials, agricultural production and sales of agricultural products. "Internet +" has been embedded in every link of the agricultural industry chain.

3. The path choice of "Internet +" to optimize the industrial chain and promote the transformation of agricultural economic development mode.

The development of Internet in China's rural areas has been on a large scale, but the engine role of "Internet +" in optimizing the agricultural industrial chain has not been brought into full play, and there are still many obstacles in promoting the deep transformation of the mode of agricultural economic development with "Internet +". In 2014, the per capita disposable income in rural China was 10489 yuan, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas reached 28.8%, and the number of rural Internet users exceeded 178 million [13]. However, at present, the service advantage of "Internet + agriculture" has not been brought into full play, and the path to increase farmers' income is narrow; the foundation of information services in some areas is weak, and there are still problems of "information access gap" and "last kilometer" in rural areas. there are still more than 50, 000 administrative villages that do not have access to broadband. The proportion of farmers with computers is less than 30%, the utilization rate of agricultural data resources is low, the application of agricultural big data is still in the initial stage, and its development potential needs to be further released [7]. In addition, at present, the Internet awareness and technological sensitivity of most farmers are weak, so they need to further strengthen and constantly broaden the talent training work of "Internet + Agriculture" through inclusive education.

In the future, in order to give full play to "Internet +" to optimize the industrial chain and promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural economic development, we need to do a good job in the following three aspects:

First, give full play to the complementary service advantages of "Internet + Agriculture" platform services and value-added services, and strive to open up new channels to increase farmers' income. Under the general trend of service-oriented transformation and upgrading of the overall economy, while improving productivity through agricultural industrialization, there is an urgent need to enhance the engine power of information technology and further enhance the level of agricultural modernization. As a service-oriented new business type, "Internet + Agriculture" can rely on the function of the Internet platform as the main carrier of service and its advantage of closely combining with market demand to promote the transformation from "company + peasant household" to "network + peasant household". Let farmers directly integrate into the value-added format, so as to eliminate many links of profit stripping in the middle in the past, and effectively resolve the interest contradiction between companies and farmers under the condition of industrialization. Open up more channels to increase income. The key to service is e-commerce. Driven by e-commerce, the agricultural service industry has formed three types of service formats: first, agricultural e-commerce transaction services. Second, agricultural e-commerce support services or platform services (including online payment, logistics express, cloud computing and other basic electronic public services, which contribute to large-scale production and access to the cost leadership of social services). The third is the derivative services of agricultural e-commerce (mainly refers to the application services based on the platform, including other industrial chains other than transactions, value-added services in the value chain).

Among them, the third kind of derivative services mainly improve the differential competitive advantages of customized production (such as order agriculture) and value-added services, which is the key for farmers to become the main body of income increase. Through the free support platform and its derivative services, agricultural e-commerce is becoming an effective way to resolve the contradiction of interests between companies and farmers in the process of industrialization. In the past, the small-scale production characteristics of household management strengthened the value-added of farmers' personalized customization, but at the same time, it also had the defect of weak cost. The function of "Internet +" is to turn the individual weakness of family management into an advantage. There is a spiral logical relationship between household management and Internet in personalized customization, which can promote the transformation and upgrading of agriculture from homogenized industrialization to differentiated service, thus forming a docking road between family personalized customization and industrial production with Chinese characteristics, and realizing the sublation of the contradiction between family management and industrialization at a higher level.

Second, strive to do a good job in the "last kilometer" and do a good job in agricultural big data application services. In addition to relying on the Internet platform, "Internet + Agriculture" is also inseparable from the service system. China's agriculture has now formed a top-down service system, and "village station" is a new social force in this service system. "Internet + Agriculture" has the development basis of market economy, so it can complement the government-led service system and play different roles in social services. The Ministry of Agriculture is promoting "information health payment", integrating e-commerce, public welfare services and Tencent enterprise services that farmers need, and giving priority support to "village stations" as a meeting point between online and offline. The important experience of the "Village Music" website, which was valued at 1 billion yuan by the venture capital community in the first half of 2015, is to do a good job of "the first kilometer": since its establishment five years ago, "Village Music" has focused on giving help to farmers in the areas of supply and demand of agricultural products, employment and entrepreneurship, and rural tourism. Members can publish legal marketing information free of charge on the "Village Music" platform. "Village Music" strives to achieve a fully compatible operation platform for public welfare of business activities, and now has formed a village coverage of more than 600,000 people; "Village Music" also targets two opinion leader groups, namely, university student village officials and leaders of getting rich through science and technology, selecting them as "stationmasters" and providing free WiFi and supermarket management systems for rural shops, effectively solving the problem of "the first kilometer". In addition, with the help of the "broadband China" strategy, we should focus on solving the problem of "broadband access to every village", continuously strengthen the in-depth development of agriculture-related information resources, and speed up the research and development and promotion of low-cost intelligent terminals suitable for farmers' characteristics. At the same time, establish a national agricultural big data research and Tencent App Center, covering the agricultural big data collection, processing, storage, processing, analysis and other full information chain, to promote the application services of agricultural big data to domestic and foreign markets.

Third, actively develop the "Internet + Agricultural Organization" and increase the breadth and depth of training. At present, the most efficient organization form of Internet-linked agricultural products is the "Internet + Agricultural Organization". As the vast rural areas of China have formed unique values and their ecosystem in the long process of development, only with the help of organized form, guided by the power of example (village heads, college student village officials, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural managers, agricultural growers, etc.), can we effectively promote farmers' transformation and speed up the process of their self-growth. Governments at all levels should allocate special funds for e-commerce training and cooperate with universities, technical secondary schools or relevant enterprises to train farmers' business skills to participate in "Internet + Agriculture". In particular, it is necessary to consciously train some new professional farmers, returning entrepreneurs and cooperative members to become the main body of the market with Internet thinking and information technology. At the same time, great efforts should be made to develop a new type of professional farmer training and education platform based on intelligent terminals, such as online classroom, interactive classroom and certification examination, so as to realize the mobile and intelligent cultivation of new professional farmers and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation. At present, there are basically university student village officials in every village, which can give full play to the advantages of these young people who are familiar with e-commerce and their exemplary leading role. From a long-term point of view, changing the mode of agricultural economic development is not only a problem of technology itself, but also involves the change of farmers' thinking habits. In the process of technology and skills training, efforts should be made to form a clustering effect and teach farmers new ideas, new production and life styles, and new value orientations, so that farmers can understand from the depths of their minds the optimization effect of "Internet +" on the agricultural industry chain and its engine role in changing the mode of development, and actively participate in the practice of "Internet + Agriculture".