
Vigorously promote "Internet +" modern agriculture to promote the integration of urban and rural development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Vigorously promote "Internet +" modern agriculture to promote the integration of urban and rural development

On July 1, 2015, the State Council issued the guidance on actively promoting the "Internet +" Action, taking "Internet +" modern agriculture as one of the 11 key actions. Clearly put forward the overall goal of using the Internet to improve the level of agricultural production, operation, management and services, and promote the level of agricultural modernization. Four specific tasks have been deployed, such as building a new agricultural production and management system, developing an accurate mode of production, improving the level of networked services, and improving the quality and safety traceability system of agricultural and sideline products. At the same time, in the "Internet +" e-commerce action, it is proposed to actively develop rural e-commerce. In addition, nine other key actions, such as "Internet +" entrepreneurship and innovation, inclusive finance, services for the people, efficient logistics, green ecology, and artificial intelligence, as well as various security support are also closely related to modern agricultural construction and rural economic development. Speeding up the implementation of the "Internet +" action provides an unprecedented historical opportunity for the transformation, upgrading and leapfrog development of China's agricultural and rural economy, and at the same time, it is also a revolutionary challenge of the significance of the times. we must quickly unify our thinking and action with the decision-making and deployment of the central government, further enhance our understanding, and take solid and effective measures to promote the "Internet +" modern agriculture to achieve practical results.

The implementation of "Internet +" modern agriculture is a historical responsibility entrusted to us by the times. Human society has progressed with the information revolution, from hunting civilization to agricultural civilization to industrial civilization, and has experienced the transformation of information communication from body surface to language and then to writing. the modern information technology represented by the Internet has been everywhere, pregnant with infinite possibilities, showing boundless wind and moon, and has inserted new wings and added new power to the transformation of traditional agriculture and the construction of modern agriculture. Developed agriculture once made the Chinese nation proudly in the east of the world, but it was also this superiority and comfort that let us miss the second Industrial Revolution. The humiliation of more than 170 years ago made us remember the evil consequences of backwardness. History keeps telling us that development is the last word. Agriculture is the representative of traditional industries and the foundation of the national economy. Promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture is a major measure made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and an inevitable choice to comply with the development trend of the information economy and make up for the shortcomings of the "four modernizations." it is the strategic fulcrum for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing the integration of urban and rural development, and will also lay a solid foundation for Chinese Dream, who realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The focus of "Internet +" modern agriculture lies in agriculture and rural farmers. by 2020, to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the difficulty lies in agriculture, the deficiency lies in rural areas, and the key lies in farmers. Only by speeding up the realization of great-leap-forward development and standing on the same starting line of the Internet all over the world, we must use the sense of historical urgency that there is no time to lose, and the sense of historical mission that we have the courage to take responsibility and strive to achieve something. We should increase the intensity of reform and innovation, take solid and effective measures to ensure the smooth progress of the "Internet +" modern agricultural action, strive to narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas, and build China into a world agricultural power as soon as possible.

The implementation of "Internet +" modern agriculture is a major challenge and opportunity for the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have persisted in taking solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as the top priority of the whole party and all work, continuously strengthening the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and rich farmers, and maintaining the momentum of sustained and good development of the agricultural and rural economy. it has become a "Poseidon needle" for the stable and healthy development of the national economy. But at the same time, agriculture and the rural economy are also facing historic challenges. Price "ceiling", cost "floor", subsidy "yellow box", ecological and resource "red light", increasing import pressure and so on may exist for a long time in the future. At present, the digital gap between urban and rural areas is still large. Although the number of Internet users in China has reached 668 million, of which 594 million are connected to the Internet by mobile phones, there are still more than 50, 000 administrative villages in rural areas that do not have access to broadband, and less than 30% of rural households with computers. More than 70% of farmers do not use the Internet. How to solve? Internet + will bring us great opportunities. In his important speech at the Central Rural work Conference in 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that information services should be regarded as one of the seven policies to benefit farmers in support of national food security. Premier Li Keqiang put forward clear requirements for the juxtaposition of informatization, water conservancy and mechanization as an important means to promote agricultural infrastructure construction. With the development of Internet technology, modern information technology also takes root and blossoms in the field of agriculture.

Implement "Internet +" modern agriculture to drive "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" to speed up development. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the Ministry of Agriculture will study and formulate an implementation plan for "Internet +" modern agricultural activity. the general idea is to focus on speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode and the central task of modern agricultural construction, adhere to reform and innovation and market demand orientation, and vigorously promote the deep integration of new generation information technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of things with agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Give full play to the leading and driving role of informatization.

First, new agriculture. At present, it is necessary to plan and implement the "Internet +" modern agricultural action from three dimensions: first, to promote the superposition of the Internet and the whole agricultural industry chain, value chain and supply chain, and the production, operation, management and service of the "Internet +" agricultural industrial chain. We will focus on implementing the application demonstration project of the Internet of things in agriculture, vigorously promoting the development of agricultural e-commerce, strengthening the construction of agricultural e-government, and speeding up the entry of information into villages and households. To achieve accurate agricultural production, flat product circulation, efficient government management, and convenient information services Second, we should promote the digital integration of resource elements, focusing on the integration of the Internet with farmers and enterprises, land and resources, capital and finance, markets and information, technology and talents, laws and systems, to achieve the opening and sharing of resources and factor data, convenient and efficient production, rational use of resources, and ecological protection. Third, we should strengthen the on-line transformation of traditional industries, with the focus on implementing the "Internet +" action to transform and upgrade traditional industries such as planting, animal husbandry, fishery, feed, agricultural mechanization, land reclamation, and agricultural products processing industry, so as to achieve a rational allocation of resources, improve production efficiency, and improve the level of intelligence.

Second, new farmers. The essence of innovation-driven is talent-driven. The key to building modern agriculture and prospering the rural economy is to cultivate a group of new farmers who have Internet thinking, understand modern information technology, and can touch the Internet, so as to improve the information literacy and level of the new professional farmers. fundamentally solve the problem of "who will farm the land" and "how to farm the land". Enhance farmers' sharing of information dividends, strengthen farmers' network, mobile terminals, e-commerce and other training experience, enhance farmers' ability to master and use information technology, solve the "last kilometer" problem, and realize the transformation and expansion of farmers from the industrial chain to the value chain. We will create a platform for "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation" to encourage university student village officials, rural youth leaders to get rich, returning entrepreneurs and some self-employed households to become rural entrepreneurial leaders and devote themselves to agricultural production with Internet thinking. At the same time, drive a new type of professional farmers, family farmers, cooperative members to widely become the main body of the market with Internet thinking, mastering information technology, and using modern marketing concepts. Encourage urban residents to use the Internet to participate in agricultural production, processing, circulation and marketing, and integrate agricultural industrial chain, value chain and supply chain.

The third is the new countryside. It is necessary to use Internet thinking to build modern rural economy, culture, society and village appearance, and promote the upgrading of rural life services and public services. Relying on the information platform, we will make collective decisions on the contracting, leasing, disposal and resource development of rural collective assets, promote the disclosure of village affairs, government affairs and party affairs, and the disclosure of rural collective financial information, and realize the institutionalization and standardization of villagers' autonomy. With the help of the Internet platform, we will strengthen care and services for left-behind children, women and elderly people in rural areas, open video communication channels with relatives of migrant workers and children studying in cities, and establish and improve public welfare services such as agro-technical support, policy acquisition and agrometeorology, as well as convenient services such as medical registration, payment and withdrawal, as well as e-commerce such as the purchase of consumer goods, means of production and sales of agricultural products. Use e-commerce to achieve online sales of safe, high-quality and characteristic agricultural products, cultivate brands, transform high-quality ecology into economic benefits, and protect the rural environment.

To implement "Internet +" modern agriculture, we should use Internet thinking to form a joint force and jointly promote it. In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, earnestly grasped informatization as the commanding point of agricultural modernization, and promoted the comprehensive and deep integration of informatization and agricultural modernization. the implementation of application demonstration projects and regional pilot projects to promote the application of agricultural Internet of things technology has obvious cost-saving and synergistic effect; important steps have been taken in e-commerce in agricultural products, agricultural means of production, rural tourism and leisure agriculture. 12316 the pilot project of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" comprehensive information service and information entering villages and households has achieved remarkable results, initially explored a way of market-oriented and sustainable development, and accumulated valuable experience and laid a certain foundation for the implementation of "Internet +" modern agricultural action. In the next step, in order to fully implement the "Internet +" modern agricultural action, while continuing to do a good job in the above work, we need to strengthen the Internet concept of "sharing, integration, reform, and guidance" and work together to promote four aspects of work.

First, innovate the working mechanism. Establish a new working mechanism with the Internet and big data's thinking. Administration, scientific research, operation, and education should all earnestly enhance their understanding, persist in problem-oriented, problem-solving as the goal, form big data, determine goals, elements, objects, methods, and paths, and take the Internet as the platform. establish a new "crowdfunding" work model for relevant departments and units, perform their respective duties, cooperate with each other, and work together to do a good job in the deep integration of agricultural and rural farmers and the Internet.

The second is to innovate the service mode. In accordance with the requirements of "Internet +", innovation should promote new methods for the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, speed up the transformation of production, consumption, circulation and research, and focus on industrial chain, value chain and supply chain. form an interrelated, divergent and accurate service network of industrial policy, technical information, production and marketing data, financial services and social services, so as to achieve accurate production guidance, diverse service choices and rich sales channels. We will effectively simplify agricultural production, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The third is to make clear the focus of work. We will plan the key work of "Internet +" modern agriculture at present and in the past three years, and study and issue supporting policies. Development and reform, agriculture, commerce, quality inspection and other relevant departments need to work together to promote the prenatal, mid-production and post-natal integration of agricultural production, so as to achieve the efficient and close connection of industrial chain, value chain and supply chain. The central departments and local governments should refine the division of labor, clarify the focus, strengthen the cultivation of new farmers and the construction of a new countryside. Industrial and information departments and telecom operators should strengthen the construction of Internet infrastructure, achieve broadband access from village to village, set up free or low-cost wireless networks in rural areas, and solve the current problems of high Internet access cost and slow network speed in rural areas.

The fourth is to plan the system engineering. In making overall plans for the systematic engineering of "Internet +" modern agriculture, agricultural departments at all levels should take the opportunity of implementing the "Internet +" action to identify the key points, focal points and breakthroughs of "Internet +" modern agriculture, and refine the action plan. we will earnestly promote the establishment of a number of major central or local projects, strengthen infrastructure construction, build and improve the working system, and demonstrate and popularize mature models. Explore new technologies and new methods for pilot projects.

The implementation of the "Internet +" modern agricultural action is a major measure to realize the "leapfrog development" of agriculture and the "bend overtaking" of farmers, with arduous tasks and broad prospects. The Ministry of Agriculture will plan conscientiously, organize meticulously, promote it in a down-to-earth manner, earnestly grasp its implementation, accelerate the development of modern agriculture, and effectively respond to the downward pressure on the economy. to provide strong basic support for building the "twin engines" of economic growth, realizing the simultaneous development of the four modernizations and the "two centenary" goals.