
The "Golden key" to solve the problem of increasing Farmers' income

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The "Golden key" to solve the problem of increasing Farmers' income

Recently released statistics show that the income growth of farmers who have been "12 companies fast" is also facing downward pressure. In the first half of this year, the per capita disposable income of farmers increased by 8.9% in nominal terms over the same period last year, and increased by 6.7% in real terms after deducting price factors. This is the smallest real growth rate since 2004, with real growth of more than 8% in the same period of the previous 12 years, but falling below 7% for the first time this year. This is a signal worthy of great attention. Under the situation of tight employment of migrant workers and low prices of agricultural products, how to find a new driving force for farmers to continue to increase their income?

With this problem, we went to Shandong Province a few days ago, focusing on Weifang and Jinan, to investigate the development of new business type, a new rural industry, and its effect on increasing farmers' income. We successively went to Shouguang City, Hanting District, Xiashan District, and Qingzhou City of Weifang City to inspect seed industry R & D centers, large kitchens, greenhouse production areas, flower industry parks, agricultural science and technology incubators, and so on. We went to Zhangqiu City of Jinan City to inspect grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives and modern agricultural parks, held discussions with rural cadres, peasant masses, and enterprise operators, and exchanged views with the main leaders and leaders in charge of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee. The overall feeling is that Shandong Province regards the cultivation of rural new industry new business type as a strategic measure to change the mode of agricultural development and promote agricultural supply-side structural reform, and to build a modern industrial system with cross-border integration of agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries. it has stimulated the vitality of rural development, improved the efficiency of agricultural production, and really opened up a new way to increase farmers' income.

I. four tricks for the integrated development of rural industries

The "Middle hundred Kitchen" built in "China Food Valley" in Weifang is an example of the development of three industries integration. Walking into the workshop of "Zhongbai Kitchen", we can see boxes of fruits and vegetables that have been washed and packaged for export. Several assembly lines are processing all kinds of cooked food and noodles respectively. This 60,000 square meter processing zone includes vegetables, fruits, dry goods, cooked food, noodles and bean products. Upstream, it connects 37 vegetable bases in Weifang and surrounding counties and cities and 29 fruit bases across the country. Downstream, it relies on more than 600 direct marketing, chain stores and "house package" online distribution, and online sales of agricultural products in Jialejia Mall. There are more than a dozen similar enterprises in Weifang.

This is a microcosm of new business type, a new rural industry cultivated in Shandong Province. In the past two years, relying on agriculture, guided by market demand and driven by the innovation of system, technology and business model, Shandong Province has promoted the development of industrial integration and expanded the various functions of agriculture, which has given birth to many new rural industries, new business type. Comrades in the province said that they mainly have four tricks in this regard.

First, adhere to the "three-chain reconstruction" and lead the development of the "new six products". Shandong Province is committed to the "three-chain reconstruction" of the industrial chain, the value chain and the supply chain, that is, the industrial chain is added, focusing on the upgrading of industrialization, that is, the primary industry extends backward one after another, and the secondary industry extends one after another, two-way extension; the tertiary industry extends forward one after another. Multiplying the value chain, the focus is to improve quality, increase efficiency and increase income, that is, one share of the income of the first production, through the increment of the second production to two incomes, and then form three times the benefit of the third industry. The supply chain is connected, focusing on reducing costs, increasing vitality and sustainability, that is, direct docking of production and marketing, reducing circulation links and saving circulation costs.

The second is to highlight the "two bright spots" and activate the development of the "new six industries". The highlights are rural e-commerce and rural tourism. At present, 40 counties in the province have signed up to run the rural Taobao project and built more than 1500 village-level service stations. Last year, the e-commerce transaction volume of agricultural products in the province was about 45 billion yuan, an increase of more than 30 percent. Rural tourism shows a hot trend, with rural tourism revenue reaching 95 billion yuan in the first half of this year, an increase of 29% over the same period last year. There are 64000 business households, attracting and resettling 315000 people.

Third, rely on the "three major carriers" to promote the development of the "new six products". It is to gather the elements of the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries through beautiful villages, characteristic towns and agricultural parks. At present, there are 81 agricultural high-tech industrial parks in the province.

The fourth is to strengthen the "three main bodies" and pry the development of the "new six industries". At present, the number of family farms in the province has grown to 47000, there are 159000 farmers' cooperatives, and there are more than 9300 leading enterprises above the scale. The new type of operators have played a leading role in "eating crabs first." At the same time, Shandong Province has issued a series of support policies in financial investment, land circulation, financial innovation, scientific and technological support, and farmers' training to create an environment and help to create a new rural industry, new business type.

II. Two keys and four forms of rural industrial integration

Comrades in Shandong often say that Shandong agriculture looks at Weifang. The total agricultural output value of Weifang ranks first in the province, and the exports of vegetables and meat account for 10% and 8% respectively. Weifang is also a place with agricultural experience, which took the lead in the country in the 1990s to give birth to the embryonic form of agricultural industrialization, and the enduring Shouguang vegetable greenhouse is even more famous. Nowadays, the practice of cultivating new industry new business type in Weifang makes us realize that the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries should firmly grasp the two keys of "full-link upgrading and full-chain appreciation".

"whole-link upgrading" means to transform and upgrade traditional industries with new concepts, new technologies, and new equipment, and to inject modern management, science and technology, and management elements into the whole process of soil, fertilizer, water, seed, and medicine, as well as production, processing, and sales, so as to transform traditional industries. Shouguang City's vegetable industry is an example, from the soil to the greenhouse, are in the transformation and upgrading. In the past, due to excessive fertilization and perennial continuous cropping, the content of organic matter decreased, secondary salinization and soil-borne diseases aggravated in greenhouse soil. Since 2011, Shouguang City has invested 40 million yuan to improve all the 280000 mu of soil that need to be improved in the first round through the promotion of microbial fertilizer, high-carbon organic fertilizer, integration of water and fertilizer, soil testing and formula fertilization. The content of soil organic matter has increased by more than 0.8%, the vegetable yield has increased by more than 10%, fertilization has been reduced by more than 40%, pesticide application has been reduced by more than 25%, and water use has been reduced by more than 50%, thus saving water, fertilizer, medicine and efficiency. This year, Shouguang City has carried out the "two reforms" of changing big fields into greenhouses and old sheds into new ones. At present, 18000 mu of "two reforms" and more than 2600 greenhouses have been completed. Compared with the traditional greenhouse, the fifth generation new greenhouse has larger area, higher scaffolding, thinner walls, lower soil layer, better lighting, smoother ventilation and more advanced equipment. The land utilization rate and labor productivity have been improved, and the output and quality of vegetables have also been improved.

"full chain appreciation" means that the three chains of primary and secondary industries appreciate synchronously in the process of integration and development, rather than primary products of primary production appreciate to the chain of secondary industries, and processed products of secondary industries appreciate only when they reach the chain of secondary industries. Only in this way can the vertical integrated development of the three industries be realized, and only in this way can farmers share more of the added benefits of the secondary and tertiary industries. How to increase the value of the whole chain? We found the answer in Youwu Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd., Xiashan District, Weifang City. Youwu Company is a new business main body of IT Company in the transformation and development of organic agriculture. The project plans to build an organic vegetable and organic rice planting demonstration area of 5000 mu, including 94 kinds of organic certified vegetables, and has passed the organic certification of the United States (USDA) and Canada (CAAQ). They have achieved the added value of all three chains. First of all, what is it? Growing organic vegetables and rice, even if sold alone, these primary products are more valuable than ordinary products; the second is to process what? It is to process the primary organic products into food materials, which can be added in the process. And then what do you sell? They build the "organic exchange" market brand, through the membership system of this channel, to provide customers with "family organic food one-stop service", selling the brand, but also services, the value-added effect is very obvious. "full-link upgrading, full-chain appreciation" promote each other, "full-link upgrading" is the foundation, and "full-chain appreciation" is the goal.

We further consider, what kind of industrial form does industrial integration take to reflect? Combined with the research in Weifang and other places, we initially feel that at least there are terminal type, experience type, circular type, intelligent type, these four industrial forms have broken the ground and become an effective carrier of industrial integration. The terminal type, which is guided by the terminal consumer demand of agricultural products, reverses the whole process of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, so that all links of agricultural production, processing and distribution meet the consumer demand. Zhongbai Kitchen and Youwu Organic Company have realized the seamless docking of agricultural products from field head to dining table, from primary products to terminal consumption. Experiential type is to excavate and expand the various functions of agriculture, promote the deep integration of agriculture with tourism, education, culture, health and pension and other industries, and consumers through tourism, leisure and health, social practice, agricultural culture and education, to achieve a participatory experience. A large number of farm music, picking gardens and happy farms in Shandong Province are such places for this kind of experience. Circular type, can also be said to be ecological type. At present, some places use circular agriculture as a channel for industrial integration to promote the reciprocating and efficient flow of various agricultural resources, so as to achieve the multiple functions of energy saving and emission reduction, protecting the ecological environment and improving economic benefits. Intelligent type is to introduce modern information technology such as Internet of things, Internet of things, cloud computing and sensors into agricultural production, processing and marketing, and implement intelligent perception, early warning, analysis, decision-making and control of the whole process. In Panjiadaozhuang, Shouguang City, we visited a set of "intelligent vegetable sheds" and a set of intelligent facilities to monitor the changes of humidity, temperature, light, ventilation and other changes in real time. Automatic irrigation, cooling, ventilation, fertilization and other care activities are carried out. The owner of the greenhouse can operate remotely with only one mobile phone, greatly saving labor and labor time.

Of course, the above four forms of industrial integration are generally divided according to their respective production forms and industrial functions. In the rich practice at the grass-roots level, there are both single industrial forms and mixed forms. The Qingzhou (International) Flower Industry Park in Weifang and the Zhangqiu Modern Agricultural demonstration Park in Jinan have the performance of leisure experience and sightseeing. It is also offering terminal products such as flowers and food, which can be said to be a comprehensive integration of the terminal type and the experience type.

Third, it is necessary to set a good position, number and strength for the development of industrial integration.

Through the field investigation of new industries and the development of new business type in Weifang and Jinan, we feel that there are several revelations.

First, it is necessary to strategically "set a good position" for the development of industrial integration. Judging from the momentum of Shandong Province grasping the development of industrial integration and the enthusiasm of the farmers towards the new industry new business type, the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas may give birth to another historic change in the development of agriculture and rural areas in China. We feel that this may be another great creation of Chinese farmers after the arrival of "big bao Gan", township enterprises, and migrant workers in cities, and it is very likely that this will once again inject new and powerful impetus into the development of agriculture and rural areas. so that agriculture and rural areas can really become a vast world in which great achievements can be made. In the long run, whether the development of industrial integration, which is springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, can also create a historical miracle needs further observation and study in the future. But at present, new business type, a new industry that has taken root and sprouted and blossomed in various rural areas, has indeed enabled the efficient allocation of factors among workers and farmers, urban and rural areas, and industries, and the industrial chain and value chain have been extended vertically and horizontally in the process of integration. profound changes have taken place in the mode of production, operation, and organization of agriculture, injecting new momentum and opening up new space for agricultural and rural development. What makes people's eyes bright is that the integration of the three industries has an obvious effect on the increase of farmers' income, which is directly reflected in the increase of net income of operation. The per capita disposable income of farmers in Weifang reached 5222 yuan in the first quarter of this year, of which wage income increased by only 4.4%, while net operating income increased by 19.9% (much higher than the national level of 9.2% in the same period), the highest in recent years. In recent years, the increase of farmers' income largely depends on the rapid growth of wage income. under the current situation that the employment of migrant workers is tight and farmers' income is facing downward pressure, the development of industrial integration is becoming a new growth point of increasing farmers' income. As a grass-roots cadre said, industrial integration and development is likely to become the "golden key" to solve the difficulty of increasing farmers' income. We should take advantage of the situation and comply with the trend to promote the development of industrial integration and cultivate a new rural industry, new business type, as a major strategic measure to promote agricultural modernization, new urbanization and urban-rural integration.

Second, it is necessary to tactically "signal the pulse" for the development of industrial integration. Weifang City, which gave birth to the embryonic form of rural industrialization, is now doing a lot of work in the integration of rural industries. So, what is the difference between industrial integration and agricultural industrialization, and what is the relationship between industrial integration and agricultural industrialization? We feel that industrial integration and agricultural industrialization are two different concepts and two forms. To make a simple analogy, industrialization is to put the three "eggs" of the three industries in one basin, and you are next to me and I am connected to him to form a linkage development; industrial integration is not only to put the three "eggs" in one basin, but also to break and stir them well, so that they are completely integrated, and you have me and me, you have him in me, and you have him in me to form an integrated development. Therefore, industrial integration is a high degree of integration between industries, not a simple combination, but an organic integration, not a general intersection. We have learned this truth from the practice of the grassroots and the masses, and it seems necessary to make it clear to more cadres and masses in the future that industrial integration should not be simply regarded as a "reprint" of agricultural industrialization. rather, it should be regarded as an "upgraded version" of agricultural industrialization. We can further understand the connotation and denotation of industrial integration from several aspects. From the point of view of the boundary, it is difficult to distinguish the original boundary between industries, which is agriculture, which is industry, and which is the service industry. In the blending of the three industries, there seems to be nothing and co-exist in common. This is why the development of industrial integration is called the "sixth industry". From the time sequence point of view, there are no three periods and sequence, it is difficult to distinguish which period of time to engage in production, which period of time to engage in processing, often the three industries start and evolve at the same time. From a spatial point of view, integration makes the elements tied together, and the degree of concentration is quite high, so it is difficult to distinguish which area is engaged in planting and breeding, which plot is processed and sold, and sometimes the production site is also a processing workshop or a sales platform. From the perspective of relationship, the three industries rely on each other and cause and effect each other, and the development of which industry depends on the existence of each other as a necessary condition, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

To promote the healthy development of industrial integration, there is a question of who will do it and who will play the leading role. Industrial integration has high efficiency and good prospects, and industrial and commercial capital is active. At present, a lot of industrial and commercial capital and social funds have entered this field and achieved preliminary results. Industrial integration is inseparable from the participation of industrial and commercial capital and even play a guiding role, but starting from the specific agricultural conditions of our country, we need to make it clear that the development of industrial integration should be done and played a leading role by the peasants themselves. it is necessary for farmers to directly create and share the appreciation benefits of the industrial chain and the value chain. What do the farmers do themselves? To cultivate diversified business entities, the core is family farms, cooperatives and leading enterprises in which farmers participate in shares. Industrial integration should be guaranteed by a certain degree of organization, and it is sometimes difficult for a family to succeed. From the experience of Shandong, we can see that cooperatives are the most effective organizational form to lead the masses into the field of industrial integration, and industrial integration requires a certain scale of land, land cooperatives will come in handy. If financial support is needed, mutual financial organizations in co-operatives can play a role.

Third, it is necessary to "strengthen" the development of industrial integration in terms of policy. From the perspective of research, speeding up the cultivation of rural new industry new business type and promoting the development of industrial integration is not only a major measure to promote agricultural supply-side structural reform, but also a new driving force to promote the sustained and rapid increase of farmers' income under the new situation. New business type, a new industry in rural areas, is a new thing developed on the basis of "Internet +." although a number of typical models have emerged all over the country, which indicates a bright and bright future, it is necessary to turn these beautiful bonsai into a bright scenery. to make the vast rural areas start a prairie fire, we also need all kinds of entrepreneurs and operators to break through the waves in the spring tide of the market economy, and governments at all levels also need to cheer for it. What the government should do is not to "build a greenhouse" or "create bonsai", but to create a good social atmosphere and a fair competition environment, so that enterprises that innovate and start businesses in rural areas can enjoy the same policies as in cities. Solve the urgent problems of land, financing, talents, infrastructure and so on.

First, solve the problem of land use. For a long time, the annual index of construction land is very difficult to go down to rural areas, and the construction land from rural land consolidation and village renovation has also entered the city through the index of "increase and decrease link", forming a strange circle that is difficult to use in rural areas. In order to land in rural areas, the new industry new business type project must first solve the problem of construction land. It can be considered that a certain proportion of the annual construction land planning index will be used specifically for the development of new rural industries, new business type. At the same time, village renovation, homestead consolidation and other economical rural construction land are allowed to give priority to ensuring the development of rural new industry new business type by means of land shareholding and public transfer.

Second, solve the financing problem. This is a long-standing problem encountered in starting a business and running an enterprise in rural areas, which is rooted in the lack of effective collateral. It can be considered that through the financing guarantee system of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" supported by governments at all levels, or giving full play to the leverage of financial funds, through the establishment of funds, interest discount, guarantee and other ways to solve the financing problem of the development of new industry new business type.

Third, solve the problem of talents. The development of rural new industry new business type, industrial integration, the need for a large number of cross-border talents, there is an urgent need to strengthen the training of talents. It is urgent to speed up the innovation of the talent training system, improve the skills training mechanism, solve the problem of "two skins" between training and demand, and gradually make enterprises become the main body of skill training. the government gives some support through the purchase of services and subsidies afterwards.

Fourth, solve the problem of infrastructure. At present, rural tourism and rural e-commerce are the most dynamic new industries in rural areas, new business type, which has a very obvious effect on increasing farmers' income. We can consider further increasing support for infrastructure construction so that these two new industries, new business type, can develop faster. For example, studying the implementation of free Wi-Fi (wireless networking) project in key rural tourist areas, further promoting the introduction of broadband into rural areas and scenic spots, referring to the practices and experiences of some areas, and within the strategic framework of "Broadband China", speed up the construction of wireless networking facilities in key rural tourist areas and provide free Wi-Fi to rural tourists.