
Why can't we rectify it in 6 years by planting trees on cultivated land? Protection is reduced to "talking on paper".

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Why can't we rectify it in 6 years by planting trees on cultivated land? Protection is reduced to "talking on paper".

"document-style" law enforcement leads to the protection of cultivated land on paper.

Why can't we rectify it in 6 years by planting trees on cultivated land? In the investigation, a reporter from the Economic Information Daily found that under the circumstances of the country's implementation of the "strictest cultivated land protection system," there are still incidents of illegal occupation of cultivated land that have long been discovered at the grass-roots level. due to the "document" law enforcement of the relevant functional departments of the grass-roots government, it has not been rectified and corrected, resulting in the protection of cultivated land has become "empty talk" at the level of implementation, and the important reason is that the local economic demands have not been met.

Experts suggest that when the cultivated land protection policy is put in place, supervision and accountability to grass-roots functional departments should be strengthened; at the same time, comprehensive consideration should be made from many aspects. The phenomenon of "post-70s unwilling to farm land, post-80s generation will not farm land, post-90s generation do not mention farming" reflects that the attractiveness of land to farmers has begun to decline, and the system should be fundamentally improved to improve the income of cultivated land.

The "document" law enforcement protection is disadvantageous.

In 2008, in order to supplement the cultivated land occupied by key projects, Jinxi County Land and Resources Bureau implemented a dryland development project called "making land to increase grain and enrich the people". In April 2009, more than 1700 mu of dry land was newly developed when the project was completed, and Jiangxi Zhengbang Forestry Development Co., Ltd. won the contract management right of 29.5 years through competitive bidding.

According to the relevant state regulations on cultivated land protection and project acceptance, the contract signed between Jinxi County Land and Resources Bureau and Zhengbang Forestry Company stipulates that the contractor can only grow rape, soybean, watermelon, corn and other crops on the newly developed cultivated land, and shall not change the land use without authorization.

In fact, in the second year of the contract, Zhengbang Forestry Company began to plant Cinnamomum camphora economic forest on the contracted land on the grounds of growing crops at a loss. In June 2010, the Land and Resources Bureau of Jinxi County discovered the illegal behavior of the enterprise and issued a notice of rectification to the enterprise within a time limit.

In mid-July 2016, the reporter saw at the site of the dry land developed in Jinxi County that although six years had passed since the rectification and reform notice was issued by the Jinxi County Land and Resources Bureau, the enterprises had not restored the use of the cultivated land. Zheng Fuchang, head of Jinxi County, Zhengbang Forestry Company, admitted that they knew that changing land use was illegal, but from the point of view of the company's income, planting camphor was more profitable.

In the course of the interview, the reporter found that the relevant functional departments of the grass-roots government adopted similar "document" law enforcement, which led to the nominal protection of cultivated land is not the only example.

In Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province, the local land and resources department found Liu Yingyong, a retired cadre of the local forestry bureau, illegally occupying cultivated land to build a house in 2014. However, after that, for as long as a year and a half, the joint law enforcement departments in the county only issued documents and oral notices, asking the parties to make rectification, and the matter has been up in the air. It was not until the media was exposed that effective measures were taken to deal with it.

"document" enforcement of cultivated land protection is not uncommon. In an incident in which tens of thousands of square meters of agricultural land was illegally expropriated by a local owner in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, since 2008, the local land department has issued four decisions on land administrative penalties in eight years, but there is no substantive compulsory rectification action. Illegal land expropriation not only has not been stopped, but the area is becoming larger and larger.

The document "token" is difficult to block the demand of economic interests.

The reporter learned that although most of the newly developed dry land in Jinxi County has become an enterprise economic forest, the land use has been changed. However, the local area still includes these dryland as arable land in the scope of occupation-compensation balance.

Wu Shaohua, director of the Land and Resources Bureau of Jinxi County, said frankly that this is definitely not appropriate.

The reason why the land and resources departments did not force enterprises to rectify and reform, but also brought this piece of "cultivated land", which is no longer arable land, into the scope of occupation-compensation balance, is behind the pressure to support local economic development.

Wu Shaohua said: on the one hand, Jinxi County has rapid development and great demand for land, and the land department can only solve the problem through the policy of balancing the occupation and compensation of cultivated land. On the other hand, the spice industry with camphor as raw material in Jinxi County is developed, and Zhengbang Forestry Company is a large enterprise, so planting camphor is beneficial to the economic development of the county, so it is difficult to take compulsory measures.

At the same time, Wu Shaohua said that because no irrigation facilities were built, the dry land was defective in its use as arable land. In the case of some good land in rural areas will be abandoned, if it is required that only crops can be grown, it is difficult to contract out.

Zhao Songji, deputy director of the Land and Resources Bureau of Jiujiang County, told reporters that "document" law enforcement is sometimes "helpless." For the governance of illegal buildings in rural areas, the number of grass-roots staff in land and resources departments is limited, so it is difficult to keep an eye on the rectification and reform of every illegal act at all times.

"in addition, the land departments that are mainly responsible for the protection of cultivated land have no compulsory law enforcement power for illegal acts of destroying cultivated land. The enforcement of some punishment measures must go through the procedure of the court. " Zhao Songji said: because it is quite troublesome, it is sometimes inevitable to replace actual law enforcement with "document" penalties.

At the same time, another cadre of the Jiujiang County Bureau of Land and Resources told reporters that the county Bureau of Land and Resources and the town must be responsible for the illegal construction of houses by retired cadres. However, because it is difficult to apply for homestead in recent years, it is indeed quite common to build houses without approval and illegal occupation of cultivated land in rural areas. It is really difficult to manage the housing needs of ordinary people.

At the same time, the reporter also learned that when dealing with illegal occupation and use of land, there is even a situation of escrow by penalty in some areas. This practice reduces the willingness of functional departments to enforce the law strictly, and the "document" law enforcement of a piece of paper becomes a "shield" to evade the responsibility of "omission".

In the interview, a villager who wants to sell arable land to reporters said that if "people can be found" in the local area, even if illegal house construction and sale are found, as long as they pay some money, they will not be investigated. Another interviewee who illegally occupied cultivated land to build a house made it clear that he would build the house because the relevant departments did not pursue the fine in the first place.

The protection of cultivated land needs to be strengthened.

As of the press release, the relevant departments of Jiujiang County have demolished Liu Yingyong's illegal building house through joint law enforcement, decided to launch a special action to protect cultivated land throughout the county, and held accountable the main responsible units and persons responsible for the illegal construction of houses because they did not conscientiously perform their duties.

The land and resources department of Jinxi County once again issued a notice to the responsible party to correct illegal and illegal acts and restore the use of cultivated land. Wu Shaohua said that if the enterprise does not carry out rectification and reform this time, it will recover the contracted management right of cultivated land in September this year.

In June 2016, with the consent of the State Council, the Ministry of Land and Resources, together with relevant departments, organized and compiled the outline of the National General Plan for Land use (2006-2020) to be issued and implemented. The "adjustment plan" requires that we adhere to the strictest cultivated land protection system and the strictest land conservation system.

The reporter combed and found that in recent years, in addition to the illegal and illegal occupation of cultivated land by individuals and enterprises, some government departments know the law and are interviewed or reported because of illegal occupation of cultivated land from time to time. In August 2015, the official website of the Ministry of Land and Resources reported six cases of illegal occupation of land and resources in Chongqing Hechuan Industrial Park, Yongning County, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous region, and Inner Mongolia Shanlu Energy Group Co., Ltd. illegally occupying cultivated land to build photovoltaic power plants.

Relevant experts believe that whether it is the "documentary" law enforcement protection of cultivated land illegally occupied by individuals and social and economic organizations, or the illegal occupation of cultivated land in some places, although there are some objective reasons, the problems reflected in essence are: at present, the awareness of cultivated land protection is not strong and law enforcement is lax.

The protection of cultivated land is related to the national food security and the overall strategic issue related to the sustainable economic and social development of our country. Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that attention should be paid to the act of protecting cultivated land only on documents and slogans, and relevant departments should investigate this. We should investigate the responsibility of units and relevant responsible persons who fail to perform their duties, and strengthen the awareness of grass-roots governments and functional departments in implementing the responsibility of cultivated land protection.

At the same time, Li Guoxiang said that in addition to strengthening supervision and accountability, the relevant departments should also have an in-depth understanding of the deep-seated reasons behind these incidents, as well as some objective difficulties in grass-roots cultivated land protection, and find solutions.

Experts: the protection of cultivated land should focus on the root of the problem.

In addition to strengthening supervision and punishment, we should fundamentally improve the income of cultivated land.

In recent years, regulations and documents on cultivated land protection issued at the national level and around the country show that China is a large agricultural production country and a large population country, and cultivated land protection is of great significance to ensure national food security. Local awareness of the protection of cultivated land is also on the rise.

But at the same time, the relevant functional departments in some grass-roots areas have adopted "document" law enforcement protection for illegal occupation and use of cultivated land due to illegal construction in rural areas and enterprises changing the use of transferred land without authorization, resulting in the protection of cultivated land has become empty talk, reflecting that there are still many problems in strengthening the protection of cultivated land in some places at present.

In the interview, the reporter found that because the reform of the rural homestead system has just started in our country, due to institutional defects, the use and management of rural homestead is chaotic, the old houses cannot be refunded or demolished, and the new demand for homestead by farmers is difficult to meet, leading to the contradiction between illegal buildings in rural areas and the protection of cultivated land, and it is also a dilemma encountered by grass-roots land and resources departments in the process of law enforcement.

According to the 2015 China Land and Resources Bulletin issued in April 2016, by the end of 2015, the area of cultivated land in the country was 2.025 billion mu, and the area of cultivated land was reduced by 4.5 million mu due to construction occupation, disaster destruction, ecological conversion, agricultural adjustment and other reasons. the area of cultivated land was increased by 3.51 million mu through land renovation and agricultural structure adjustment, and a net reduction of 990000 mu was made during the year. The total area of construction land in China is 578 million mu, with 7.6 million mu of new construction land added.

Relevant experts said that although at present, various localities have made up for the reduced cultivated land by means of reserve land resources development, land renovation and other means. But the reality is that, on the one hand, there are less and less land reserve resources available for development; on the other hand, the newly developed cultivated land is difficult to be effectively guaranteed in quality because of late management and other problems, and the situation of cultivated land protection is still very grim.

As for how to effectively protect cultivated land and solve the problems and problems existing in cultivated land protection, some experts believe that it is necessary to strictly supervise and hold accountable the grass-roots governments and relevant functional departments that fail to protect cultivated land, and also improve the relevant systems such as occupation-compensation balance and later use management of cultivated land and rural homestead use management from the source.

Yin Xiaojian, a researcher at the Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the case of replenishing cultivated land through the balance of occupation and compensation, in addition to standardizing the implementation of relevant land development projects in terms of project establishment, implementation and acceptance procedures. At the same time, it is also necessary to further clarify the specific management and protection measures in the later stage.

In 2015, Yujiang County, Jiangxi Province was listed as a pilot project for the reform of rural homestead system. Cai Guohua, director of the Land and Resources Bureau of Yujiang County, told reporters that six major problems, such as multiple houses, large housing area, chaotic layout, illegal construction, chaotic private sales, and serious hollowing out, are common problems in rural homestead. Before the reform of the homestead system, 600 to 700 illegal rural houses appeared in the county every year. And because of the shortage of law enforcement personnel and the difficulty of law enforcement, it is difficult to deal with.

"on the one hand, due to the consideration of cultivated land protection, the control of new homestead is relatively strict; on the other hand, supply is tight, which leads to the occupation of cultivated land for illegal construction is difficult to prohibit." Cai Guohua said that in order to solve the problem of illegal construction of cultivated land occupied by rural areas, in addition to cracking down severely, it is fundamentally necessary to speed up the reform of the rural homestead system, invigorate the stock, and strengthen rural construction planning.

In order to protect cultivated land, we should pay attention to both quantity and quality. Recently, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the guidance on the combination of replenishing the quantity of cultivated land and improving the quality of cultivated land to implement the balance between occupation and compensation. Relevant experts said that the new policy of "promoting the upgrading and transformation of cultivated land and implementing the balance between occupation and compensation of cultivated land by the combination of supplement and reform" can be said to be a reform measure that has been "forced". The purpose is not only to ensure the reasonable demand for land for economic construction, but also to implement the strictest cultivated land protection system, give full play to the remedial role of cultivated land occupation-compensation balance on industrialization and urbanization, and adhere to the red line of cultivated land. At present, the protection and supervision of cultivated land has drawn a red line, which can be regulated by means of information technology. However, due to the unreasonable application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, excessive use of cultivated land, poor fertilizer management and protection in the later stage of new cultivated land, imperfect infrastructure and other problems, the decline in the quality of cultivated land needs to be paid more attention. The establishment of a corresponding cultivated land quality monitoring and evaluation report system and the construction of monitoring network should be carried out as soon as possible.

Some grass-roots cadres also pointed out that how to raise farmers' awareness of cultivated land protection is also an urgent problem to be solved in the work of cultivated land protection.

"the post-70s generation does not want to farm land, the post-80s generation does not know how to farm land, and the post-90s generation does not mention farming." Cadres of agricultural bureaus in some areas of Jiangxi said that with economic development and the comparison of relative benefits, the attractiveness of land to farmers began to decline, and rural arable land was abandoned, which is also an important reason for the weakening of grass-roots cadres and people's awareness of cultivated land protection. It is necessary for the relevant departments of the state to take more effective measures and input in promoting the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas and improving the income of cultivated land.