
I can't afford to crack the garbage village.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I can't afford to crack the garbage village.

Garbage enclosing villages will not only reduce the livability of rural areas, but also cause pollution to soil and water, and the impact on food safety should not be underestimated. We must speed up to make up for the shortcomings of rural environmental control.

Recently, the reports of "garbage siege village" and "garbage siege" have become hot again. According to media reports, in the valley next to a scenic spot, the random accumulation of rubbish has become a hill, emitting a pungent stench; the appearance of the city is bright, but the construction waste and domestic waste of the rural areas in the outer suburbs and "villages in the city" are "pressing" step by step, forming a new "garbage siege".

As a result of work, the author often goes to various rural areas for interviews. Objectively speaking, the environmental management work in many villages in recent years is remarkable, there are cleaners in the village, there are garbage transfer stations in the village, and the environmental sanitation in rural areas has been greatly improved. However, due to China's vast territory, uneven inter-regional development, rural infrastructure is already weak, rural environmental protection is still a deficiency. The collection and treatment of rural garbage is still an old and difficult problem in rural areas. "garbage depends on wind blowing and sewage depends on evaporation" exists in varying degrees. Especially in some areas, there is a phenomenon of urban garbage transfer to rural areas and cross-regional dumping, which further aggravates the environmental pollution in rural areas.

If China wants to be beautiful, the countryside must be beautiful, and "beautiful China" cannot be separated from "beautiful countryside". "garbage enclosing village" will not only reduce the livability of rural areas, but also cause serious pollution to rural soil and water. "only pure land can clean food." these rubbish will not only affect the rural environment and farmers' health, but also have an impact on food safety that should not be underestimated. According to the relevant departments' plans for rural waste management, when a moderately prosperous society is built in an all-round way by 2020, more than 90% of the domestic waste in villages across the country will be effectively treated. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, many of the more than 9 billion tons of domestic sewage and 280 million tons of domestic garbage produced in China's rural areas are discharged at will without effective treatment. Therefore, we can neither afford to wait nor slow to crack the "garbage village".

In order to crack the "garbage encirclement village" and make up for the shortcomings of rural environmental governance, we should first make up the deficiency of ideological understanding, consider rural environmental governance in the overall situation of the construction of ecological civilization, and really attach importance to such "trivial matters" as rural garbage disposal. In order to build a well-off society in an all-round way, we cannot separate the city from the countryside; in the management of the ecological environment, we must overcome the idea of "attaching importance to the city and neglecting the countryside", and the gap in environmental sanitation between urban and rural areas should not be widened.

To crack the "garbage village" requires the joint efforts of the government and the market. From the perspective of the government, the investment in rural garbage management in our country is in arrears, and the management system is relatively weak. At present, there is an urgent need to improve the institutional mechanism of rural garbage governance, clarify the main body of responsibility, supervision and accountability mechanism, and establish and improve the fund-raising and investment mechanism. It is necessary to continue to increase investment and promote infrastructure construction to tilt towards rural areas. Through tax, finance, land and other preferential policies to guide social capital to participate. From the perspective of marketization, diversified financing mechanisms can be established to broaden the channels for raising funds for rural waste management. Practice in many places has proved that rural garbage such as straw, withered branches and leaves, livestock manure and so on can be converted into resources as long as they are handled properly. These especially need the market-oriented operation of enterprises.

To crack the "garbage encirclement village", we should also take measures in accordance with local conditions, and we should not adopt an across-the-board approach. In the light of the specific conditions in rural areas, safe, reliable, economical and applicable treatment technologies should be selected according to local conditions. In some places with developed economy and convenient transportation, the "urban-rural integration" governance model can be adopted, while more remote areas should explore garbage collection and disposal models suitable for scattered and small-scale. We should also pay attention to summing up experience, increase publicity and guidance, respect the pioneering spirit of the masses, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in rural garbage management.