
Promote agriculture to "grow well and sell better"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Promote agriculture to "grow well and sell better"

Heilongjiang is the largest province in grain production and corn cultivation in China, so it is an arduous task to promote supply-side structural reform, increase agricultural efficiency and increase farmers' income. Wang Jinhui, director of the Provincial Agricultural Commission, said in an interview with this reporter that since the beginning of this year, the province has taken the initiative to adapt to the new situation of agricultural supply-side structural reform and the adjustment of the corn collection and storage system, adhering to comprehensive policies, accurate efforts, and combined punches, vigorously develop high-quality and efficient agriculture, and improve agricultural quality and efficiency through various channels and promote the level of agricultural income.

Wang Jinhui said that in promoting agricultural efficiency, the focus should first be placed on adjusting the planting structure and improving quality. The whole province will actively adjust and reduce corn, increase high-value and efficient crops such as rice, soybeans, miscellaneous grains, grass and vegetables, and ask for benefits from structural adjustment. The planting structure showed "one decrease and seven increases", that is, the area of corn decreased, while the area of rice, soybean, wheat, miscellaneous beans, potatoes, cash crops and forage grass increased. According to agricultural statistics, the area of corn in the province has been reduced by about 20 million mu. This year, the province pays attention to the improvement of the quality of ordinary varieties, all maize varieties return to an accumulated temperate zone, rice focuses on promoting more than 20 high-quality varieties, such as Wuyoudao No.2 and Longdao 18, and soybeans focus on the cultivation of edible high-protein soybeans. In particular, we highlighted the 1170 high-standard green organic planting demonstration bases of "Internet + Agriculture", selected more than 120 model fields for key construction, and became the best of the fine products, giving full play to their exemplary role. Through the "Internet + Agriculture" high-standard demonstration base to promote the expansion of green organic food, to expand the value-added space. The province has vigorously carried out agricultural "three reduction" actions to reduce the input of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides on the basis of ensuring that the output is not reduced. This year, the province has implemented a total of 10.467 million mu of agricultural "three reductions" demonstration area. According to preliminary statistics, through the "three reductions" in agriculture, the province has reduced the use of chemical fertilizers by 447000 tons and the use of herbicides and chemical pesticides by more than 7100 tons during the spring ploughing period.

Promote efficiency by deepening reform. Starting with the construction of the "three systems", we will continue to deepen the experiment of comprehensive reform of modern agriculture in the two plains, speed up the innovation of systems and mechanisms, strengthen the creation and cultivation of new agricultural operators, promote land circulation, and develop appropriate scale operation to increase income. The number of farmers' cooperatives registered with the industrial and commercial departments in the province has reached 83000, and the number of family farms (professional large households) has grown to 109000. Productive, service and other types of agricultural socialized service organizations have accelerated their development and are deeply integrated with new business entities. At the same time, we will persist in taking agricultural products processing industry and leisure agriculture as carriers, promote the continuous integration of farmers' cooperatives, delay the integration of leading enterprises, and infiltrate and integrate new information technologies such as "Internet +." to get benefits from the front end of the agricultural industry chain and the high end of the value chain. By the end of June, the number of leisure agriculture operators in the province had grown to 4430, with operating income reaching 2.2 billion yuan, an increase of 5% and 6% respectively over the same period last year. The number of "Yipin villages" and national "one village, one product" demonstration villages in the province has grown to 43 and 1800 respectively. In the first half of this year, the number of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization above the province's scale grew to 1920, with sales revenue reaching 143 billion yuan, further strengthening the capacity of the base.

We should do a good job in services to promote efficiency, promote agriculture to "grow well and sell better", and expand the space for increasing the income of agricultural products. The province strongly supports the construction of e-commerce platforms such as ecological Longjiang, Jinnong Network and Green Food WeChat Mall, with a steady increase in the number of registered users and online marketing. By the end of June, the ecological Longjiang agricultural e-commerce platform had settled in 1469 cooperatives and enterprises, 39576 registered users, and the e-commerce transaction volume reached 28.8457 million yuan. In cooperation with the Information Office of the Provincial Government, the Provincial Agricultural Committee selected rice, soybeans, miscellaneous grains and other varieties from 18 bases in the first round to carry out crowdfunding and achieved phased results. Organize farmers' professional cooperatives, family farms and other new business entities to participate in Heilongjiang Green Food (Beijing) New year Collection, Shanghai International Food Expo, China (Guangzhou) International Food Materials Exhibition and other large-scale exhibitions, actively carry out agricultural product brand promotion activities, further deepen production and marketing cooperation, and expand the sales space of agricultural products market. At the same time, insurance should be strengthened to reduce losses and promote efficiency. In accordance with the principle of "government guidance, market operation, free will, and coordinated promotion", the province continues to improve the central financial premium subsidy planting insurance system, increase policy support, enhance farmers' awareness of insurance, and achieve agricultural impairment and efficiency. In particular, 102 million mu of arable land in 33 counties (cities and districts) of the Songnen Plain will be included in the key areas of insurance this year.

Wang Jinhui said: in the next step, the whole province should combine the current with the long-term, and strive to do a good job in improving agricultural quality and efficiency.

First, we should make every effort to fight disasters and win a bumper harvest, pay close attention to the implementation of major measures such as "strengthening field management, grabbing accumulated temperature, promoting early maturity, and preventing disasters," to ensure a bumper agricultural harvest this year, consolidate and expand agricultural supply-side achievements, and make new contributions to ensuring national food security and the effective supply of agricultural products.

Second, we should adjust and optimize the planting structure. We will conscientiously summarize and study the achievements and experiences of planting structure adjustment in various parts of the province this year, and focus on creating 19 green demonstration counties with high production standards, excellent product quality, long industrial chain, good demonstration effect, and ecological environmental protection, high yield and high efficiency. We will speed up the construction of demonstration areas for modern agricultural production, such as corn, rice, soybeans and vegetables, and make them a model for leading the structural adjustment of the whole province.

Third, it is necessary to vigorously develop "Internet + agriculture." We will promote the deep integration of the Internet and agriculture, and improve the comprehensive quality, efficiency and market competitiveness of modern agriculture. We will enrich and improve the construction of the "Internet +" high-standard green organic planting demonstration base, strengthen the construction of the Internet of things and e-commerce platform, and promote the upgrading of green organic food production in the province. We will do a good job in crowdfunding for the "Internet +" high-standard green organic planting demonstration base. Hold a fair of farmers' cooperatives in Shanghai and organize large e-commerce enterprises inside and outside the province to dock with farmers' cooperatives and agricultural products processing enterprises in the province. Continue to organize college students to dock with the "Internet + base" to improve the marketing level of the base.

We will further promote industrial integration and vigorously develop industrial management. Focus on promoting the upgrading of "grain head and tail" and "agricultural head and tail", and actively develop the operation of the whole industry chain. We will support farmers' cooperatives and leading industrial enterprises to strengthen the construction of processing and marketing facilities and enhance their processing and marketing capabilities. We will promote farmers' entrepreneurship, actively cultivate and establish typical groups of farmers' entrepreneurship, encourage and guide farmers to start a business, make more farmers participate in entrepreneurship in all aspects of the industrial chain, and achieve entrepreneurship to increase employment and income. We will expand the various functions of agriculture, carry out activities to create national leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration counties, the most beautiful leisure villages, and China's important agricultural cultural heritage, and plan and publish a number of high-quality routes for leisure agriculture and rural tourism. focus on cultivating a number of leisure farms that drive farmers to operate together.

At the same time, we should continue to deepen reform, deepen the comprehensive reform of modern agriculture in the two plains around the construction of the "three systems", innovate systems and mechanisms, release development potential, and strengthen the endogenous driving force for the development of modern agriculture. We will increase the innovation of business entities, take cooperative production as the direction, speed up the cultivation and creation of new types of agricultural operators such as family farms (professional large households) and farmers' cooperatives, and develop appropriate scale operation. We will actively guide and encourage farmers' cooperatives to carry out alliances and cooperation in various fields and in various ways, form joint cooperatives, and improve their ability of production, operation and market development.