
In the hot summer, the protection of migrant workers "cannot be cooled down".

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the hot summer, the protection of migrant workers "cannot be cooled down".

With the expectation of a better life, migrant workers enter the city and assume the backbone of the city. They are active in every corner of the city, or construction workers sweating on construction sites, or city beauticians sanitation aunt, or shuttle courier brothers, or line inspectors maintaining pipelines. Without them, there would be no city of tall buildings, traffic, neon lights.

In the middle of the summer, the migrant workers working in the high temperature were sweating. In addition to the Labor Law, the Trade Union Law, the Labor Contract Law and other laws and regulations, in 2012, the State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Measures for the Administration of Heat Prevention and Cooling Measures to protect workers 'rights to high temperatures. The payment of high temperature allowance is one of the important contents. High temperature allowance payment standards by the provinces and cities according to the actual situation of the region to formulate the corresponding rules.

However, there are still many migrant workers do not know what "high temperature allowance" is, nor have they enjoyed the summer cool brought by "high temperature allowance". Some employers replace high temperature allowance with fruits, medicines and drinks for heatstroke prevention, thinking that as long as there is corresponding protection expenditure, it is a high temperature allowance for migrant workers; there are also some employers who maliciously default or deduct without reason, which is contrary to the provisions of the "Administrative Measures" and the spirit of protecting workers. In addition, the lack of supervision by law enforcement departments and the lack of self-protection awareness of migrant workers are also important aspects of this situation. To implement the high temperature allowance and strengthen the protection of the rights of migrant workers under high temperature, the government, employers and migrant workers need to work together in their respective positions.

Local safety supervision, labor supervision and other departments need to strengthen law enforcement. Each law enforcement department should clarify its functions, integrate its strength, and take the high temperature protection work including the issuance of high temperature allowance as an important regulatory content. The supervision of this work cannot be limited to small-scale spot checks, but some key industries, enterprises and individual economic organizations that may have standardized behaviors can be selected for key supervision. For migrant workers 'complaints, a rapid handling mechanism should be established to ensure that migrant workers enjoy their rights in a timely manner and are not treated unreasonably by employers. In addition, we should also increase the publicity efforts of heatstroke prevention and cooling work, and enhance the awareness of migrant workers 'self-protection.

Employers shall implement the high temperature rights of migrant workers according to law. For the obligations stipulated by the law, enterprises should voluntarily abide by them, and they will be punished by the law if they do not act or act in disorder. The employing unit shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Measures, timely and fully issue high temperature allowances according to local payment standards and time periods, and take effective protective measures and means to reduce the injuries suffered by farmers and workers under high temperature, reasonably adjust working hours and reduce labor intensity. On the other hand, migrant workers are the cells of the employing unit. Only when the cells are healthy can the body generate more kinetic energy. Care and protection of agricultural workers, enhance the sense of belonging of agricultural workers, employers actually serve their own long-term development.

Farmers and workers should enhance their awareness and ability to protect themselves under high temperatures. First of all, we should care for ourselves and work moderately. Refuse to work hard, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and make full use of the convenience provided by the employer for heatstroke prevention for self-protection. Second, you must have the ability to say "no." For obvious illegal and harmful work tasks arranged by the employer, we should dare to refuse and argue according to relevant laws and regulations. Once again, dare to complain, wisdom in evidence collection. For employers to deduct or delay the practice of high temperature subsidies for migrant workers, they should take the initiative to complain to relevant departments, and pay attention to preserving evidence about working environment, high temperature conditions, working hours, etc.