
Industrial planning, don't lose marketing.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Industrial planning, don't lose marketing.

At the grass-roots level, the reporter attended many press conferences such as industrial revitalization and industrial planning. Whenever I hear how much the area and scale will expand in a few years, and when there is a lack of planning for back-end marketing, I can't help but worry: what if it is unsalable in the future?

There are frequent unsalable incidents of agricultural products in the newspaper, and the analysis of the reasons has a lot to do with the thinking of "emphasizing production over marketing" in agriculture. In the early stage of industrial development, many areas always expand the scale blindly and disorderly, but lack of attention and investment to the back-end marketing. once the two are not coordinated, unsalable always come unexpectedly.

Today's consumer market is no longer a shortage pattern, but has entered the stage of diversification and personalization, and consumers can vote with their feet at any time.

How to do marketing? Many people think that advertising and sales promotion is purely a business and has nothing to do with the government. In fact, in the whole link of the production, circulation and trading of agricultural products, marketing is everywhere and the government has a bright future.

Take the second capital red bayberry as an example, industry insiders say that the disadvantages of the old varieties have become increasingly prominent and need to be improved. This requires the selection and promotion of high-quality varieties in order to seize the market.

In the past, agricultural products were limited by regions and could only be based on the local market, but with the breakthrough of logistics technology, the blank market at home and abroad will provide unprecedented opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to have an insight into the trend of market consumption and produce marketable products.

If you look at the processing process, even if it is the second capital of red bayberry, those with good quality sell more fresh fruit, but only account for 1/3 of the total output, and most of the rest are sold to food processing plants such as cans at low prices. Catch up with the market downturn, a lot of bayberry even fell on the ground, rotten in the branches.

In developed countries, processed agricultural products account for 90% of their total production, and the value-added after processing is two to three times. In China, the proportion is only 1/4, and the added value is only 30%. Therefore, the processing of agricultural products based on the food industry can not be ignored.

Finally, there is brand marketing. Even if the scattered farmers and small enterprises are willing, it is difficult for them to have the capital and advanced ideas to take the road of branding. This requires the government to provide public services, mainly promote regional public brands, so that many small loose enterprise brands borrow ships to go to sea, group development.

Marketing is a big article, which needs overall consideration and supporting support from the government. If the back-end market is enlarged and done, the front-end production does not need too much support, and there will be motivation naturally. Therefore, when waving the banner of industrial development, in the planning measures, do not ignore marketing.