
Outstanding problems in speeding up the Construction of New Countryside

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Outstanding problems in speeding up the Construction of New Countryside

In October 2005, the Fifth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee proposed to promote the construction of a new socialist countryside in accordance with the requirements of "production development, affluent life, civilized rural style, clean village appearance and democratic management". Generally speaking, driven by the major policies of the central government, conscientiously implemented by all departments at all levels, and under the hard work of the broad masses of farmers, especially under the strong pull of the rapid development of urban construction, gratifying results have been achieved, and the process of rural construction and the progress of rural civilization is obviously accelerating. However, there is still a big gap between the overall situation of rural areas and the planning requirements of new rural construction, and there is a large gap compared with the comparable factors of developed countries. Many outstanding problems need to be analyzed and studied urgently in order to move forward at full speed.

I. the main problems at present

One of the dilemmas: the income structure is unreasonable, and a long-term and stable income-increasing mechanism has not yet been established.

First, income growth is gaudy. Although there was a restorative growth in farmers' per capita net income in 2004 and 2005, it was mainly due to the abolition of taxes by the central government and local policies to support agriculture and benefit agriculture and the rise in the price of agricultural products; in 2014, farmers' per capita income jumped to 9892 yuan, of which policy income factors accounted for 70 per cent, and the proportion of income really relying on farmers' independent management or innovation development was very low.

Second, the income structure is unreasonable and the level is low. Agriculture is more important than non-agriculture, and household operating income is still the main body of many farmers' income. The wage income of farmers still accounts for only about 30% of their net income, and the income of the planting industry is still the absolute support for increasing the income of many farmers in many places.

Third, the income imbalance has further widened the gap between urban and rural areas. The average level masks a considerable number of low-income farmers, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. According to the survey, at present, farmers with a per capita income of less than 1000 yuan account for about 30 percent, and there are more than in many places. Fourth, the quality of income is not high and the stability is very poor. Farmers' income increases year after year, but the productive expenditure is also getting larger and larger, and the corresponding cash accumulation is getting less and less. Many places rely on young and middle-aged farmers to go out to work all the year round to earn some money, not on the income growth brought about by local agricultural development at all.

The second dilemma: the rural debt is heavy, and the village collective economy is still very weak.

At present, the rural collective almost shows the situation that "the collective economy is powerless, the people are incapable of working for the people, the branches are lack of cohesion, and the masses are lack of centripetal force". In most places, except for the villages in the city, few villages have a relatively stable income, especially those in remote and poor mountain areas are lucky not to be in debt. Nearly 40% of the villages are seriously in debt, and the most is as high as four or five million yuan! After the rural tax reform, the resolution of rural debt is basically frozen, and there is neither a clear policy nor a new source, so it is even more difficult to repay a penny of debt.

Secondly, after the tax reform, there is a dilemma in resolving debts: first, it is difficult to prohibit the creation of new debts. Grass-roots organizations are originally heavily in debt, but they also have to develop economic undertakings, such as building roads and bridges, agricultural and water projects, public welfare affairs, and necessary office expenses, and so on. They can only borrow loans, the old debts have not been repaid, and new debts continue. Some of them are getting bigger and bigger like snowballs, making it even more vicious. Second, it is difficult to resolve the difficulties in debt and to deal with the relationship between creditor's rights and debts. Because the village debt is not a national debt, the superiors only give the policy but no money, all the assets that should be sold have been sold out, and the repayment is still ineffective. We owe a lot to each other, and there are many contradictions between creditor's rights and debts. is it fair that what should be repaid cannot be repaid and what should be collected cannot be collected?. Is it fair that the central government only considers that the effect of the reform is consolidated and is afraid that the peasants will oppose it, but it has seriously lost its fairness? Many village debt disputes are not judged by law, and there are frequent disturbances, which have formed a serious obstacle to the promotion of new rural construction.

The third dilemma: the rural infrastructure is still fragile and the production and living environment has not changed much.

First, the production base is still weak. It is highlighted that the irrigation projects of irrigation and water conservancy are generally out of repair with the aging, and the irrigation rate of water conservancy is getting lower and lower. A reservoir in my hometown that used to be able to store water to protect and irrigate farmland is now less than a meter deep, and it has been damaged by private contractors and village cadres to share the money. The farmers reported that there was no one to solve the problem. When the central government gave money to transform and dredge opportunities a few years ago, most of them were falsely reported layer upon layer to intercept the money, resulting in most of the dams and reservoirs still not being repaired.

Second, the living environment is still backward. In particular, the phenomenon of disorderly village planning, disorganized construction, clutter heap, cross-flow of sewage, mixed habitation of people and animals is still serious, and the call to improve the environment is getting stronger and stronger. On the other hand, our urban construction and urban management planning departments are numerous and empty, only asking for money in fines and unwilling to manage services.

Third, the care of vulnerable groups is still weakening. In particular, the problem of difficult housing is very prominent, but also very rare! My wife's own uncle is 86 years old. He is an old townsman. Because his two daughters are mentally ill after their marriage, they can't afford to support them. But they always rely on us to help them. Until he died last year, he still lived in two old tile houses that we built for him personally. No one was interested. Moreover, a few years ago, I took advantage of my reputation in the Finance Bureau to ask my wife to find the director of the town civil administration office. Only to recover the money he should have enjoyed the five-guarantee treatment for several years. It has always been the embezzlement and embezzlement of village documents, which is really shameful! And the local boast that how much to help vulnerable people transform dilapidated housing, to ensure that the five guarantees pay 100%, and so on, will only brag, fake more really less! I don't know how many such things are in the countryside, and no one cares about them at all. The vast majority of village cadres only earn their own money, and no one in villages and towns is willing to ask for trouble. under the reality that the "day study" cadre system and communications are extremely convenient, the two-level organizations are almost paralyzed, and the construction of a new countryside is really unknown.

The fourth dilemma: rural social security has a long way to go, and the problem of providing security for the elderly is still very prominent.

First, the way of providing for the aged in rural areas is still based on family support, without any new mechanism. With the deepening of rural reform, industrialization and urbanization, there is almost no other relationship between father and son except blood relationship and child-rearing relationship when they are minors, which makes supporting the elderly only the binding force of traditional morality, and this binding force is also decreasing in the climate of material monetization. If this bottom line is lost again, the problem of providing for the aged in rural areas is really a very serious social problem. There are more and more cases in rural areas where parents give birth to many children who are old and unattended. It is not fundamentally solved if the court is expected to try them every day. On the other hand, the increasingly serious problem also highlights the irrationality of urban and rural development, and the misleading policies of the huge differences in the supply of public goods between urban and rural areas, resulting in the ratio of urban and rural social security coverage as high as 28:1.

Second, the growth of medical expenses far exceeds the growth rate of farmers' income. "if you get rich for ten years, you will be poor one day when you get sick." especially for a large number of low-and middle-income farmers, the problem of returning to poverty due to illness is even more serious. A mountain village cadre once told me, "now many farmers are suffering from diseases, especially serious ones. They are often carried slowly by minor illnesses, waiting to see the king of death. They do not want their families to spend all their money and feel sorry for their children and families." Although there are some conditions for medical treatment, the lagging system of "too much reimbursement in the county can not cure the disease, and few reimbursement for good hospitals in big cities" limits the only expectations. Many farmers summed up humorously: "if there is nothing wrong, there is no money." Although efforts are being made to promote the rural cooperative medical system and merge it into practice, the proportion of reimbursement is too large, that is, 75% of the reimbursement, which cannot be reported, and that cannot be reported. In the end, the actual reimbursement is less than 50%, and the current situation is not optimistic. About 40% of them give up medical treatment because of financial difficulties, ranking first among the factors that are afraid of seeing a doctor and look down on it.

The fifth dilemma: the current situation of the quality of farmers is worrying, and the vast world is losing more and more.

There is a widespread mentality that "a little rich is safe" when eating and drinking, and there is a lack of pioneering and enterprising spirit to do great things. At the same time, they also lack a sense of honesty, and dishonest behaviors such as stealing and kidnapping are still popular in rural areas. The average number of years of education for the rural labor force is 7.2 years, with illiteracy, semi-illiteracy and primary school education accounting for more than 50%, junior high school and technical secondary school education accounting for 48%, and college or above less than 2%. Nearly 80% of the workforce has not received any vocational and technical training. Coupled with the fact that college students do not arrange jobs and spend a lot of money, the desire of rural children to go to college has been greatly reduced, and the new type of illiteracy will expand sharply in the near future. Due to the low culture determines the lack of scientific and technological knowledge, farming for thousands of years, working only rely on coolies, do not have a skill, too much primitive labor output, and the income is still very low. With the development of market economy and the acceleration of the process of continuous improvement of the legal system, many remote and poor farmers are still indifferent in consciousness, do not study the law, do not use the law, and do not abide by the law. In addition, the popularization of law in society is almost blank in rural areas, resulting in a large number of farmers becoming headless flies, without correct thinking and legal norms to guide their own social behavior, or inadvertently committing crimes. Or the inability to protect their legitimate rights and interests and other problems abound. The ideological position was seriously lost, and many farmers' buildings were built, cars were bought, their pockets were bulged, and their heads were empty. Under the negative influence of market economy, the world outlook and outlook on life have undergone qualitative changes and even distortions, such as strong clan concept, strong narrow consciousness, serious superstition, serious moral decline and so on. The author read an article: "an old secretary in her sixties saw an old lady in her seventies and eighties, and a little Maowa in her teens, braving the wind and snow, walking back and forth in the mud for more than a dozen miles to go to the temple for worship." he said sadly, "in this weather, I can't even hold party meetings, but I'm very positive about unreliable things. is Jesus in a foreign country really better than Communist Party of China?" That's weird! This situation is really puzzling. Isn't it? the transportation here is so convenient, the population is so dense, and the life is so rich that no one is present to pay the villagers hundreds of yuan a day for the election village. this situation has to be thought-provoking.

Second, the main cause of hindrance

First, there is no unity of understanding, and it is difficult to coordinate actions. Although the Central Committee has put forward a five-sentence karaoke sentence, what on earth is the construction of the new countryside? How to build a new countryside? The grass-roots cadres and masses still have a lot of doubts. Some people think that the new countryside is a thing out of reach, which should specifically refer to the rural construction in the central and eastern part of the country, but it is not realistic to build a new countryside in the backward areas of the west. Some people think that the new countryside means building new houses and paving oil roads, allowing farmers to live in the community, which is understood as the construction of new villages. Some people think that Mo is also an image project and a political achievement project, do something new, put on airs, and forget about the higher-level acceptance. Others think that for areas where agriculture accounts for 80% of the population, it is necessary not only to build a new countryside, but also to transfer farmers, reduce farmers, eliminate rural areas, and implement cities to lead townships and industry to lead farmers. Whether these two methods are contradictory or not. According to the survey and test, 80% of the people said that they were willing to build a new countryside as long as they did not pay for it, and only 20% of them were completely willing to build a new countryside. They were afraid of difficulties and had serious thoughts, and their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for taking the initiative to participate in the construction of new countryside was not high. Some think that it is difficult to deal with the lack of money and personnel, and many grass-roots cadres have enthusiasm and ideas, but when it comes to concrete implementation, they are afraid of falling into the awkward situation of building schools and roads a few years ago, scolding the masses, carrying their own debts, and leaving no one to take care of them afterwards. From one aspect, the various mentalities of the cadres and masses in rural areas reflect that the construction of a new countryside is not only a good thing, but also a big topic, and it is a difficult problem in many places, which needs to be taken seriously.

Second, their own hematopoietic function is poor, financial resources are very limited. Financial difficulties, too little support funds; rural collectives not only accumulate poor, but also many villages still owe a lot of debts; the increase of farmers' income is unstable, a large amount of income is the income of migrant workers, just running to the cities, who does the construction of the new countryside rely on? According to the calculation of the Eleventh five-year Plan, only by completing the construction of rural roads, safe drinking water, biogas, improving toilets, building houses, environmental renovation, agricultural and water projects, etc., the general estimated funds at the village level will be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan. In many rural areas, the per capita financial resources are less than 1000 yuan. In addition to ensuring wages, operation and stability, the financial resources that can be invested in new rural construction are very limited. Even the central government has invested no more than 1000 billion yuan in new rural construction. New rural construction is facing a huge funding gap, if the lack of stable investment channels, it is easy to cause rural debt construction, the formation of new debt, or increase the burden of farmers re-apportionment. In addition, there are some practical problems, such as the difficulty of integrating project construction funds, the poor rural financing environment, the imperfect financial supply mechanism and so on, especially the poor hematopoietic function and the lack of financial services, resulting in the lack of internal motivation in the construction of new rural areas. many factors show the situation of just shouting slogans and not doing solid work.

Third, it is difficult for grass-roots organizations to adapt and their functions are very weak. In particular, after the reform of taxes and fees in rural areas is no longer allowed to collect and retain farmers indiscriminately, the rural collectives are basically: family property splitting, assets selling out, accumulation and so on. Everything depends on the money transferred by superiors to ensure its operation. Township and village-level organizations feel that they have failed to do anything, and the reform is suspected of taking care of one thing at the expense of the other. farmers do not scold their mothers and do not indiscriminately collect taxes and fees, while they do not care about the leaders of town and village cadres and how to make money and make political achievements, the signs are shiny, the leading bodies are neatly matched, but they can't get the money casually, they are bored, and everyone is thinking about where to go, looking forward to the transformation of functions. It is difficult to achieve effective connection with the new rural construction. A large number of township governments are almost unarmed and can not protect themselves. They joked: "in the past, it was impossible for cadres to have the law, but now there is a law, but cadres cannot." After the rural tax reform, due to the lack of financial resources at the same level and the lack of support from the superiors, it is difficult for township work to be carried out normally, and the work does not rely on the principle of party spirit and the pressure of bureaucracy, but that village cadres carry out all kinds of work only in the face of township cadres. The rural two-level organizations should be the main body of the new rural construction, but the township system reform led by reducing the burden has greatly reduced the rights and interests of the rural two-level organizations, making it impossible for rural cadres to do bad things, but also can not do good things. As a result, many township governments or village committees are almost paid nothing, as long as mobile phones are unimpeded. A lot of work depends entirely on phone calls, phone calls and air-to-air talks. will the construction of a new countryside have to wait until the year of the monkey?!

Fourth, the local community economy has not been developed and has been built into empty talk. It is undeniable that after so many years of reform and opening up, whether induced or forced, the labor export of many young and middle-aged farmers has brought great changes to rural income, and even made a big turnaround in a certain village or peasant household. However, in terms of promoting the construction of a new countryside, it has almost become empty talk. At present, how many villages have bases? Is there a business? Accumulate? In particular, the mainland or remote and poor rural collectives are delusional! Without these solid foundations, how can we talk about the construction of a new countryside? Because, the construction of a new countryside ultimately depends on the improvement of the overall income level of the countryside, and the accumulation of rural capital can be very powerful. In short, a large number of rural areas are currently supported by the income of labor export, new rural construction is only an unreal achievement, not a long-term status quo, when will those standards of new rural construction be achieved? The place is so poor that people are not at home, and the house is full of cobwebs, so how can we talk about building a new countryside? That is not empty talk, it is not only a few phenomena, but also a few phenomena, mostly caused by some local officials bragging and reporters trying to blow a surprise. How many new villages have been built in the back corner?!

Third, speed up the policy of promoting power

First, we should deepen our understanding. At present, to a large extent, the promotion of new rural construction is a mere formality, less real promotion; more like to brag, including our leading cadres and journalists, but few people are really practical; there are many scenes of planning and few things to support the connotation. In view of the current situation of the broad masses of cadres and masses' understanding of the thought of new rural construction, it is necessary to carry out a more thorough discussion on "what is a new countryside and how to build a new countryside" in rural areas of the country, especially at the county, town and village level. and from top to bottom to carry out some powerful, in-depth, approachable authentic propaganda and reports, widely publicize the substantive significance, tasks and requirements of new rural construction. Efforts should be made to solve the doubts and perplexities of the broad masses of cadres and masses, especially grass-roots leading cadres about the construction of a new countryside, and to eliminate all kinds of vague and one-sided understandings and misunderstandings existing in ideology. we should overcome the thoughts and emotions such as eager for quick success and instant benefit, fear of difficulties and retreat, waiting for support, and adopting an across-the-board approach, further enhance the broad masses' understanding of the importance of building a new socialist countryside, and closely integrate with the central government's "four all-round promotion" governance strategy. To further unify thinking and pace, and truly make it clear that the construction of a new countryside is the overall test of building a moderately prosperous society in rural areas in an all-round way, an important basic industry for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the inevitable road for China to enter a new era. so as to enable grass-roots cadres and masses to accurately grasp the contents, objectives, methods and steps of new rural construction and ensure that new rural construction advances solidly and steadily in the right direction.

Second, we must stop development. Development is indeed the last word, and new rural construction is no exception. If rural laborers always go out to work and pour into cities to squeeze through life desperately, how can they build a new countryside? You see, except for some rich villages in cities, there are not many villages that can be called rich, especially in the interior and poor mountainous rural areas. How many villages have accumulated collectively? Business? Assets? Everything is sold out, done, what to use to create collective wealth? Local development is true, and money in the village is hard! Therefore, we should go back and sum up, perfect and improve, otherwise we will not be able to stabilize the development of new rural construction for a long time without autonomy and self-hematopoietic function. Therefore, counties, towns and villages must not relax their village-level economic development and continuously enhance the collective accumulation level of villages. Judging from the current situation of village-level economic development, it is necessary to set hard goals, launch some real projects, revitalize village-level economy, including county-level investment promotion projects, and choose rural treasure land to bear fruit. In particular, it is necessary to mobilize local talents who go out to work or do business locally to return home to lead or set up enterprise entities collectively in villages. The state should give some preference and the financial industry should give full support. No matter what system or form, it is necessary to ensure that at least 1-3 enterprises should be set up in a village. To develop 3-5 planting or breeding industries, we should do one by one, develop one by one, and carry on step by step until most villagers do not want to go out to work as the standard. Only when villagers can find work, earn money, support their families and make a fortune at home, and all families, young and old, can enjoy the joy of family life together every day, can the goal of new rural construction be realized one by one. This should be regarded as the new thinking and primary pursuit of the current new rural construction. Vigorously adjust the development department.

Third, improve quality. Along with the urbanization construction advancement and the new countryside construction depth development, the countryside overall quality enhancement is a very basic question. Therefore, we must not relax in three aspects:

First, we should strengthen the consolidation and development of rural education achievements. In addition to consolidating the level of compulsory education in rural areas and ensuring the enrollment rate, it is also necessary to increase support for peasant college students, implement various preferential support policies, and do everything possible to ensure that a large number of peasant college students graduate from university. No matter where they go in the future, they will have a far-reaching impact.

Second, we should strengthen the skills training of farmers. Effectively implement training funds, increase quality improvement and supply financial resources, especially at the county level, ensure the implementation of special funds budget and guarantee supply, strictly use supervision, and effectively use it to train farmers 'skills. Farmers under the age of 45 should be guaranteed to learn 1-2 professional skills. This should be used as a hard assessment index for leading cadres at all levels, especially village cadres, to ensure that young farmers are rigidly implemented, so that they can support their families, have a place to use and even make a lot of money wherever they are. No more poverty and low incomes due to lack of skills. At the same time, through skill training, they will be promoted to master new agricultural technology and management level, promote the development of rural modern service industry, and stride forward to new modern farmers.

Third, we should strengthen the improvement of farmers 'civilized accomplishment. We should urge farmers to improve their urban life literacy and civilization through some effective and healthy activities such as necessary civilized households and new residents. For example, effective competition activities such as hygiene, health, morality, honesty, mutual assistance and harmony should be carried out in community neighborhoods to promote each other and help each other to improve the civilized quality of farmers 'urban life.

Fourth, we must expand financial resources. According to the preliminary calculation of the National Bureau of Statistics, by 2020, the total demand for new rural construction funds in China will be about 15 trillion yuan. In addition to the state financial investment, more of these funds also need social investment. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to establish an effective mechanism for raising funds from diversified and multi-channels in the construction of new countryside. In particular, it is the key to solve the problem of village-level independent financial resources. I think we should turn and work hard from three aspects:

First, efforts should be made to "give more". The key is to adjust the structure of fiscal expenditure in real terms. The central government and provinces should establish special budget funds for new rural construction, which can integrate the "five subsidies and one exemption" funds, grain production bonuses, and special financial support funds into special budget funds for new rural construction. In addition to the central government, finance departments at and below the provincial level should also increase investment. In accordance with the spirit of the central government's "three higher than" regulations, the increase in financial support funds should be higher than that of the previous year. The proportion of national debt and budgetary funds used for new rural construction should be higher than that of the previous year. The funds directly used to improve rural production and living conditions should be higher than that of the previous year. In particular, it is necessary to increase the intensity of land transfer fees to support the construction of new countryside, and clearly extract a larger proportion from land transfer fees for the construction of new countryside in policy.

Second, efforts should be made to strive for and integrate. The key is to concentrate on the use of rural project funds and focus on promoting the construction of new countryside. In particular, the county level should seize the opportunity for the state to increase investment in new rural construction, including major investment opportunities such as the large-scale development of the western region, high-tech zones and "one road and one belt", carefully study policy orientation and capital investment, do a good job in matching projects and competing for funds, and not let go of every opportunity. On this basis, for the use of construction funds, we should break the compartmentalized system and integrate them with counties as the main ones. The new rural construction office should plan and arrange the layout as a whole, the financial budget and the use of the funds as a whole, and the functional departments should be responsible for the specific implementation of their respective projects, thus forming the cohesion of the new rural construction.

Third, efforts should be made to mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties and extensively develop construction funds. The key is to give full play to the guiding and bonding role of financial funds. Adhere to the general idea of investing financial funds in key projects and social funds in daily construction, give full play to the main role of rural communities and farmers, and guide the whole society to actively invest in new rural construction. Formulate more and more practical preferential policies, form a depression for one party to invest in, vigorously attract investment, support industrial docking and economic development of innovation and entrepreneurship plate, and encourage many private capital and social organizations such as real estate development to invest in the construction of new countryside. At the same time, we should increase the investment strength of financial institutions in rural areas, implement credit support of various systems, and constantly enhance the "money flow" of new rural construction.

Fifth, we must carry out supporting reforms.

First, it is necessary to formulate policies and use them according to local conditions. In formulating policies, we should give full consideration to the reality of grass-roots units, not be too dogmatic and mechanical, so that grass-roots units can flexibly apply policies under the premise of large policies and large plans, in combination with various problems and contradictions arising in the construction process, and achieve maximum economic and social benefits with minimum expenditure. Especially in terms of policy funds, we should be more detailed and targeted, so as to facilitate good planning and operation below. We should not only give macro-policies but not specific policies and project funds, resulting in blindness in grass-roots construction.

Second, we should reduce the number of "poles" inserted to the end, delegate power, and give more room for implementation at the grass-roots level. Focus on optimizing the development environment for the grassroots and providing project construction funds, rather than all agency agencies. In terms of policies, we should give more space to grass-roots units, such as land and taxation, and give play to their subjective initiative and creativity in line with the principle of developing and strengthening regional economies. It is suggested that the superior should hand over some projects implemented in towns and villages to the township for overall planning and integration, and the superior functional departments should supervise them specifically, instead of letting the superior departments manage money and give orders, towns and villages only manage technology, manpower and organization implementation, and give some autonomy to towns and villages.

Third, we should increase the responsibility of public products and optimize the ranks of grass-roots cadres. Public goods that should be provided by the government in rural areas should be borne by the finance department at or above the county level, so as to reduce the frequent occurrence of the phenomenon that the power of the town and village exceeds the financial power, apportionment or debt operation. At the same time, we should strengthen the leadership of central towns and key towns, especially select outstanding young cadres to hold posts or temporary posts in towns and villages, recruit more outstanding college graduates to enrich the rural front lines, and enhance the scientific and technological knowledge and vitality of new rural construction.

Sixth, strengthen leadership. The construction of new countryside is a huge systematic project. Organizations at all levels, especially at the county level, should regard the construction of new countryside as the core and overall starting point of the "three rural" work, transfer their strength, set up specialized agencies like the well-off office in the early 1990s, so as to coordinate and guide the construction of new countryside in the whole region concretely and effectively, and be effectively responsible for the overall planning, overall guidance and specific organization and implementation of the construction of new countryside, including the coordination and cooperation of various business departments, the integration of project funds, The deployment of personnel strength and the organization, implementation and supervision of various stages of work, etc. At the town and village levels, we should combine the actual situation and ensure that there are more than two administrative cadres or scientific and technological personnel in a village while improving the institutions. The village guarantees the implementation, guidance, overall responsibility and hard assessment. At the same time, concrete and feasible work plans and detailed rules for implementation should be formulated for the whole promotion work, target promotion schedules should be listed by village, new rural construction should be organized and implemented step by step, and a powerful working mechanism should be truly formed with one level and one level of implementation. The whole promotion work should be incorporated into the hard indicators of annual performance appraisal of party and government teams and leading cadres at all levels, as an important basis for team assessment and cadre reward and punishment appointment, establish an effective evaluation and acceptance mechanism with reward for excellent and punishment for inferior, clear rewards and punishments, and implement qualitative and quantitative assessment and cashing. It is suggested that in the future, all the assessment standards of agriculture, rural areas and farmers should be comprehensively assessed as one item of new rural construction, and then the development assessment of various economic, social and even ecological and civilized cell goals should be used to vigorously promote the process of new rural construction and ensure that the new rural construction advances to a higher level and reaches the goal.