
"raise well" and "raise well"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "raise well" and "raise well"

In terms of structural adjustment, under the active guidance of the government and the pressure of market demand, grain cultivation has played a "high-quality card"; in the industrial model, ecological sustainable development has shifted from concept to reality, providing more guarantee for "safety on the tip of the tongue"; in terms of the composition of the main body of management, from the founders of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to new farmers, bringing a new atmosphere to the agricultural field.

In the middle of the first year of the 13th five-year Plan, the reporter found that under the background of the continuous progress of supply-side structural reform, a series of positive and profound changes are taking place in the field of agriculture. Experts believe that the relevant changes will further help Chinese people secure their "rice bowls" and accelerate the upgrading of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, thus transforming agricultural supply from "living" to "raising well".

Good wheat "can talk" structure adjustment and strive to play "high quality card".

In the parking lot, the bags of high-quality flour just produced do not have to fall to the ground and are placed neatly in the freight truck through the automatic loading system; in the production workshop, the processes of milling, milling, and packing are closely linked, and the workers are skillful and neat.

"good wheat can talk by itself, and farmers don't worry about selling grain." In the courtyard of a flour enterprise in Wenxian County, Henan Province, General Manager Li Qiang said that in recent years, the company has fixed production with sales and guided farmers to plant designated high-quality wheat varieties by signing agreements in advance, so that enterprises have solved the problem of processing food sources, and farmers have also tasted "sweetness" in farming.

The reporter investigated at the summer grain purchase site and found that through the effective convergence of the profit chain of production, addition and marketing, many farmers in major producing areas are changing from a single pursuit of high yield to both quantity and quality, and the focus of grain grasping by local governments has also quietly undergone a similar "shift", thus forming a microcosm of the current agricultural supply-side reform.

On May 19, 2016, the China Grain Industry Association awarded Henan Jiaozuo the title of "Capital of High quality Wheat in China". At the meeting of production and marketing of high-quality wheat held at the same time, non-local merchants signed a total demand contract of 165000 tons in one breath.

Jiaozuo wheat has high bulk density, protein, wet gluten content and flour yield, which has been favored by domestic grain and oil processing enterprises for many years, said Jiao Shanwei, an analyst at China Grain Network. This award will further strengthen the advantages of local resources and attract more enterprises to participate in the integration and extension of the wheat industry chain.

"the light weight of the production link is one of the important reasons for the high domestic grain inventory. Compared with the traditional name of "major grain-producing counties," local governments are now playing the 'high-quality brand' in a high profile, and behind the change in the 'hat' is a change in consciousness and concept, which reflects the latest adjustment of agricultural supply-side reform at the grass-roots level. "

The same changes occur on a larger scale. It is reported that the country's total summer grain output in 2016 is 139.26 million tons. Although the output has decreased slightly, it is still the second highest in history. According to the analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture, the regional distribution of summer grain production behind the bumper harvest is more concentrated, further forming the dominant areas of strong gluten wheat in northern Huang-Huai River, Lixiahe River in Jiangsu Province and coastal weak gluten wheat areas, and the dominant areas of medium gluten wheat in northern Jianghuai and most of Huang-Huai River. at the same time, the proportion of special varieties has been increased, and the proportion of strong gluten wheat area with high market demand has reached 23.5%, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year.

In the three northeastern provinces, due to the cancellation of corn storage policy and the expected transmission of price reduction, the local corn area reduction trend is obvious, and the structural adjustment has achieved initial results. According to the agricultural situation dispatching and on-the-spot supervision and investigation of the Ministry of Agriculture, the area of corn across the country is expected to be reduced by more than 30 million mu this year.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the quantity may decline as the grain develops in the direction of high quality. From pursuing "high yield" to paying attention to "high quality", strengthening the construction of production capacity and popularizing the scientific planting mode of saving cost and increasing efficiency will be the focus of planting structure adjustment in the future.

"Internet +" triggered the table revolution and ecological cycle to light up the new normal of agriculture.

Stewed potatoes with pork, Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, pork and egg rolls. Over the past few days, Ms. Jiang from the former community of Shaxian County, Fujian Province, after work, used the mobile phone APP to place orders, cold chain logistics and distribution of ingredients, and made a table of delicious specialty dishes-- the change on the dining table of this ordinary citizen family is precisely the series of chain reactions triggered by the transformation of the traditional agricultural planting and breeding model by "Internet +."

Xie Ruping, president of Fuzhou-based Tianzi No.1 Co., Ltd., told reporters that the popularity of fresh e-commerce in recent years has completely opened up the consumption channel of agricultural products from the field to the table. After the distribution problem is solved, how to eat more safely and healthily has become the core of public concern. For this reason, the company has successively established 30 self-owned farms in Nanping, Shaxian and other places, and introduced microbial engineering technology from Taiwan to carry out breeding: raising livestock and poultry with whole grains, while spraying microorganisms in the environment to form microbial clusters, in order to improve the disease resistance of livestock and poultry, and finally reduce the use of drugs.

"after the source control of breeding links has been achieved, the company has implemented online and offline one-stop service since March this year, using Wechat and mobile phone APP to place orders online, as well as community offline distribution. At present, there are more than 30, 000 members in the province like Ms. Jiang, with a single community service station with a daily turnover of more than 7000 yuan." Xie Ruping said, "the next step is for the company to graft the food safety traceability system onto APP, so that consumers can not only eat at ease, but also 'rest assured to see'."

In addition to the "safety on the tip of the tongue", paying more attention to ecological sustainable development has also become a bright spot in the field of agricultural production under the new normal.

During an interview in Wugang City, Henan Province, the reporter saw that the Ruixiang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company, which produces 100000 pigs a year, is like an "ecological factory" and can hardly smell anything peculiar. When I walked into the company's farm, I saw two giant biogas digesters collecting manure. Biogas was not only used for free use by 330 farmers in nearby Ruixiang community, but also used for power generation; biogas slurry could be filtered for irrigation and fish farming; and biogas residue was transported to fertilizer plants and turned into organic manure.

Niu Yanjun, chairman of the company, said that the company transferred all 2300 mu of arable land in the community and planted vegetables and grain relying on organic manure converted from livestock and poultry manure, thus turning the original "clay land" into an "ecological field." Not only the output is increased, but also the quality and taste are better. At present, the company has opened more than a dozen supermarkets, direct sales of green agricultural products.

Zhang Guowei, mayor of Pingdingshan City, said that under the traditional farming model, livestock and poultry manure can be called an "environmental killer." In the face of the rapid development of large-scale breeding, the city has set up a modern ecological circular agricultural experimental area covering 80% of cultivated land and 76% of villages and towns, taking the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and ecological cycle as a breakthrough. as a result, an ecological cycle chain is extended from pig farms to farmland, communities and markets. "the logic implied in this from 'addition' to 'subtraction' is of great enlightening significance to the transformation and upgrading of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture."

From Founders to New Farmers chasing Dreams and ploughing the "Blue Sea of Agriculture"

With the continuous adjustment of the industrial structure and the continuous upgrading of the mode of production, the composition of the main body of agricultural production and management is also quietly changing. Professional farmers, creators of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and even new peasant groups, these familiar or unfamiliar faces, have ploughed the "blue sea of agriculture" in their own way to pursue their dreams in the countryside.

Walking into the courtyard of the old Xinglin Power Plant in Xiamen, a renovated creator space is unfolded. Sculptures and worktables assembled by welding waste equipment and steel, retro and modern mash-up, fun and creative co-exist. Sitting in a spacious steel carving coffee shop, Wu Weidong, CEO of Xiamen Kuaizhai Food Co., Ltd., spoke eloquently-- if not for his introduction, it would be difficult to connect this creative space with a construction area of more than 7000 square meters with food enterprises thousands of miles away and even potato farmers on the land.

Wu Weidong said that the company's main business has focused on marketing consulting and creative design for a long time. In the face of the general trend of food consumption upgrading, the team decisively entered the agriculture, rural areas and farmers industry. After cooperating with a purple potato processing enterprise in Shandong at the beginning of the year, a new type of purple potato cake was developed through fine cultivation of coarse grain, which was well received by the market. At present, the enterprise has developed a purple potato base of more than 10,000 mu, and driven the surrounding planting area of more than 200,000 mu.

"as creators of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, 'micro-innovation, big creativity' is the advantage. in the future, we will closely follow the market demand and strive to create 'three high' foods with high appearance, high quality and high added value, so that consumers can eat safely and healthily. Products find a market market, farmers achieve high yield and income."

Unlike Wu Weidong, who activated the agricultural product processing industry with creativity, as a member of the new farmers, Lin Fengshan and others from Quanzhou, Fujian Province directly invested tens of millions of yuan to take root in the development of green organic vegetables under Wuyi Mountain. The reporter noticed that in addition to paying attention to the details of field production, various fashionable new words such as "Internet +", "O2O" and "user stickiness" kept popping up in Lin Fengshan's mouth during the interview.

It is estimated that the number of new farmers in China has reached 2 million. According to a questionnaire survey conducted by the Department of Economics and Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, 74.8% of the new farmers have their own brands, 68.4% use Internet technology in production, 88.2% sell agricultural products through the Internet, and 35.9% obtain stable sources of products through cooperation with farmers, family farms, etc.

"for Chinese agriculture, who will farm in the future has always been the focus of the question. In the process of moving from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, various social forces have actively come on the stage and ploughed the 'agricultural blue sea', which has led to positive changes in the pattern of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. " Wei Mengguan, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture of Henan Province, said, "if new business entities such as large grain growers and family farms are the pyramid foundation of the 'breed people', then from the founders to the new farmers constitute the spire. Everyone is jointly answering the above questions with their own practical actions, thus becoming the main force in promoting agricultural supply-side reform in the new era."