
New ideas on poverty alleviation through e-commerce

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, New ideas on poverty alleviation through e-commerce

Potatoes, native eggs, apples, flax, Tartary buckwheat. In Gansu, there are countless characteristic agricultural products like this. After tasting them, visitors often can't help but sigh that the taste is really different. However, due to underdeveloped transportation, delicious specialties are hidden in the mountains, making it difficult to transport to other places and unable to generate income for local farmers.

Since 2015, the Gansu Branch of China Construction Bank has introduced financial commerce into poor villages to help local enterprises and farmers sell characteristic agricultural and sideline products, thus finding a way to help the poor by e-commerce. At the "Gansu Precision Poverty Alleviation e-Commerce Fair" held by the Construction Bank a few days ago, more than 50 agricultural producers in poor areas of the province actively promoted their products, attracting more than 100 buyers from across the country to discuss cooperation. More Gansu delicacies will go from merging business to all parts of the country.

Leading enterprises drive the development of peasant households

Farmers in poor areas do not have a high culture and do not know much about the concept of e-commerce. Although some farmers have also learned to open online stores, they cannot form their own independent brands because of the small scale of farming. It is very difficult for farmers to do a good job in seemingly simple and convenient e-commerce sales.

Relying on the local leading enterprises and connecting its upstream small enterprises, cooperatives and farmers, the Gansu Branch of China Construction Bank has created a model of "leading enterprises + farmers + e-commerce", which effectively solves this problem. Tongwei Xiaoling Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xiaoling Trading") is a leading local enterprise, mainly engaged in agricultural products, opened a shop in Shanrong Business in 2014, mainly selling flax oil and flour products. Over the past two years, the company's sales on Sungrong platform have reached 420000 yuan.

After growing up, Xiaoling Business wants to lead more farmers out of poverty and has carried out in-depth cooperation with the Construction Bank. Zhang Xiaoling, chairman of Xiaoling Trading Co., Ltd., said that the Construction Bank provided the company with diversified services such as financing, settlement, and loans, and quickly launched the first phase of the ecological farm project, the chicken farm, through a loan of 20 million yuan issued by the Green Channel. The chicken farm is uniformly managed by farmers' cooperatives. According to farmers, the cooperatives paid the cost of 600 chickens in the early stage, and then deducted after the eggs were handed in. The repurchased eggs are sold uniformly by the cooperative and can be sold on the Sungrong business platform.

"according to the blueprint of three-dimensional farming, we will cultivate economic seedlings one by one around the chicken farm, with a total of 6000 mu." Zhang Xiaoling pointed to the planned land at the foot of the mountain.

Xiaoling's trade flows from the hands of farmers to forest and wasteland, while the good land and flat land farmers keep by themselves. According to the topography, the annual rent of an acre of forest wasteland ranges from 40 yuan to 100 yuan. After the transfer of land, Xiaoling business returned to hire farmers to take care of, all planted more than 10 kinds of plants, such as Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and larch. Zhang Xiaoling said: "We want to create leisure agriculture that integrates tourism, sightseeing and picking, so as to attract tourists from the city to visit and experience farm life. According to the plan, the first phase of the project has a total investment of 580 million yuan, including 48 cooperatives, with a cycle of five years, and the second phase will spread around in the future. "

"our main purpose is to set up a framework to let small businesses in and make farmers rich." Zhang Xiaoling said. The whole ecological park covers 8 villages, including 4 key villages for poverty alleviation, a brand for each village, raising chickens and sheep, and so on. Poor families can work in the park or breed on their own. At present, CCB has provided a loan of 120 million yuan for the construction of the park.

Set up an e-commerce incubator company

Qinan County, Tianshui, Gansu Province is rich in apples, the apples here are crisp and sweet, taste excellent, but the market is not good. The development of Qin'an Apple is seriously restricted by the problems such as single and backward sales channel, non-standard product quality, no unified brand and image, and bad price reduction among sales customers. If the sales volume does not go up, the farmers will not have a good harvest.

CCB Gansu Branch cooperated with Qinan County Government to determine the accurate e-commerce poverty alleviation strategy of "e-commerce companies + cooperatives + farmers", and established Qinlong Incubator Electronic Commerce Company in early 2016. The Construction Bank is responsible for the integration of information resources and put forward planning suggestions. Qinlong Incubator Company formulates the operation and management plan of establishing Apple brand, quality assurance, unified standards, reasonable marketing, and overall supervision, and then signs a cooperation agreement with poor households who set up archival cards to arrange and manage Apple production and sales activities as a whole.

In the factory building of Qinlong Incubator Company, workers are busy sorting Hua Niu apples, which are labeled "Qin'an" and sent by express delivery to all parts of the country. While packing, the staff did not forget to introduce, "our flowers and cattle here are slightly crispy and very sweet, which are much more delicious than those sold in ordinary supermarkets."

Bi Sheng, deputy magistrate of Qin'an County, said that there are two problems for a single enterprise to do e-commerce, such as large input and small output, and it is difficult to promote and promote it. The incubator company solves these two problems by bringing all enterprises and farmers together. "We can also use government resources, as well as the resources of banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, to publish sales information to their Wechat public platform." Bi Shengyuan worked in Jiangsu Insurance Supervision Bureau and came to Qin'an County more than half a year ago. He is very good at promoting e-commerce.

Bi Sheng said that after the incubator company entered the CCB Shanrong business platform, it was intended to ask CCB to help do an in-bank purchase, but there are not many apples left, so we can only wait until the autumn harvest this year. At that time, Qin'an Apple will promote among the 300000 employees of the Construction Bank, so as to establish a good reputation.

According to the investigation, Qin'an Apple has the highest price in the wholesale market, but when it comes out of the wholesale market, there is no sign of Qin'an Apple and is labeled with other labels to continue to sell. To this end, Qinlong Incubator Company has also launched a subscription activity for fruit trees, in which customers can purchase one-year ownership of fruit trees and send them to customers by express delivery when the apple is ripe. During the growing period, fruit growers will regularly take pictures of fertilization and medication, which will be posted online for customers to browse and view.

"as a result, Apple's sales time has been extended and supply and demand have been matched. After the fruit growers sell the fruit trees, they will make a good effort to plant them, and they will not be greedy. For fruit growers and enterprises, the return of funds is quick, and the funds can be recovered as soon as they blossom, avoiding the risk of market fluctuations. " Bi Sheng said that fruit tree subscription also has the nature of financial assets, with orders can go to the bank for financing.