
Ensure the supply and demand of vegetables after the disaster and do a good job of "combined boxing"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ensure the supply and demand of vegetables after the disaster and do a good job of "combined boxing"

To ensure the market supply of vegetables and other agricultural products after the disaster, we should effectively give full play to the guiding role of administration on the premise of following the market law, and solve the problems of production, circulation and market order of agricultural products after the disaster. Only in this way can we ensure supply, stabilize prices and "cover up" the people's livelihood after the catastrophe.

The serious flood disaster in southern China since June has not only brought a serious threat to the lives and property of the people, but also caused great damage to agricultural production. According to statistics from Huachuang Bond in early July, the vegetable planting area of the 15 provinces, cities and regions covered by this rainfall is about 16 million hectares, accounting for 74.6 percent of the country, of which the seven provinces, cities and regions that are more seriously affected account for about 32 percent, close to 1/3 of the whole country. The flood led to a significant rise in the prices of fresh vegetables, melons and fruits and other agricultural products. Ensuring the supply of necessities for people's life after the disaster has always been a major issue related to people's livelihood and social stability. At this time, there is an urgent need for local governments to implement regulation and control measures and take a multi-pronged approach to do a good job in the "combination of punches" to ensure the market supply of vegetables and other agricultural products.

First of all, it is necessary to actively organize the transfer of goods to reduce the pressure on the price stability of agricultural products such as vegetables. Due to the periodicity of agricultural production, there is a serious imbalance between supply and demand due to the lack of supply only by local production, which can easily lead to large market fluctuations. This requires first of all to make efforts on the circulation link in order to solve the urgent needs of the supply of vegetables and other agricultural products. In particular, we should fully mobilize the strength of large and medium-sized vegetable suppliers, including large chain enterprises, agricultural products wholesale markets and other circulation enterprises, and actively contact the supply of vegetable bases in other provinces to expand the scope of procurement and stabilize prices. At the same time, groups such as rural brokers should be encouraged to exert subjective initiative. Most of them have a better understanding of the vegetable market, are more sensitive to the origin and price, and can play a good complementary role.

Secondly, price supervision should be strengthened to stabilize the market order of vegetables and other agricultural products. When the flood has receded and homes are still soaked in muddy water, how important it is for ordinary people to be able to eat a bowl of hot rice and fresh vegetables with chopsticks. This is not only the basic needs of life, but also the best medicine to soothe the soul. However, after the catastrophe, there is often a time when market prices are relatively chaotic, and it is unknown that some unscrupulous vegetable merchants colluded to raise prices in order to take advantage of the disaster. Therefore, it is particularly necessary for local price departments to strengthen monitoring and inspection. In the meantime, supervision and crackdown must be strengthened to avoid market chaos and panic caused by middlemen, and to ensure the market supply and price stability of agricultural products such as vegetables.

Third, it is necessary to actively carry out self-help in production and make efforts from the supply side of agricultural products. The stability of the prices of vegetables and other agricultural products fundamentally depends on the continuous supply of production. The flood caused many farmers' vegetable gardens and orchards to be flooded, as well as pig pens and chicken sheds. Therefore, it is necessary to find ways to encourage farmers to resume production, help farmers tide over difficulties by means of insurance compensation and production technical support, guide farmers to rush to sow and save seeds, and help themselves in production. At the same time, the relevant departments should also go deep into the market and production bases to investigate, grasp the market situation and supply and demand information, and release accurate market information to farmers in time through a variety of ways, so as to prevent farmers from blindly following the trend. Guide the cultivation of marketable vegetables and so on.

Fourth, for the poor groups in urban and rural areas in the affected areas, the linkage mechanism of social assistance and security standards linked to rising prices should be launched in time, and temporary price subsidies should be issued to people in need to ensure that the lives of poor groups will not be greatly affected by the rise in food prices after the disaster.

The effective supply of agricultural products after the flood disaster connects one end to the city and the other to the countryside, involving not only urban residents, but also vegetable farmers, brokers, middlemen and other groups, which are often beyond the scope of regulation and control in one place. therefore, it needs systematic linkage between departments, regions and industries, coordinate and orderly efforts in many aspects, integrate various resources, and respond to changes in demand in a timely manner.

It should be made clear that the damage to agriculture caused by natural disasters has led to a temporary shortage of agricultural products such as vegetables, and periodic price increases are normal. In addition, the flood disaster mainly occurred in the Yangtze River basin, which has a great impact on the transportation of vegetables from the north to the south in summer. Some rural brokers trafficking vegetables need to overcome many difficulties to open up transport lines, and the labor costs of raising supplies are also increasing. The increase in profit expectations is also understandable. Therefore, while stabilizing the supply and price of agricultural products, we should also take into account the specific conditions of production and circulation, take into account the multiple interests of vegetable farmers, brokers and citizens, and should not overreact, so as not to dampen the enthusiasm of the field of production and circulation.

Price is the most effective market regulator. The rise in vegetable prices caused by disasters will inevitably lead more market players to participate in it, so that the supply in the market tends to be balanced gradually. Therefore, it is important to remember that you cannot "suppress" the price. Under the premise of following the laws of the market, it is necessary to effectively give full play to the guiding role of administration and solve the problems of the production, circulation, and market order of agricultural products such as vegetables after the disaster, so as to ensure supply, stabilize prices, and "cover up" the people's livelihood after the catastrophe.

A flood disaster tests the ability of the whole society to deal with emergencies. And over the years, extreme weather events have an obvious increasing trend, the resulting rise in agricultural prices is not a new thing. It is obvious that we cannot introduce a temporary measure to curb prices whenever there is an extreme event. In this way, it will always be "patching" and in a state of passive response.

In view of the significant and regular events such as the supply of vegetables and other agricultural products after the disaster, it is necessary to establish a set of systematic and effective emergency disposal plan. It is necessary to fundamentally improve the supply guarantee system of post-disaster emergency materials, do a good job of post-disaster emergency materials supply management, material reserve and preparation system, and post-disaster material mobilization and preparation mechanism. in order to ensure that the supply process of agricultural products and other emergency materials can be carried out smoothly after the disaster. Just like the hot weather will automatically generate blue warning, yellow warning, orange warning, red warning, in the event of floods and other disasters, the supply of agricultural products such as vegetables should also start different warnings for different situations, and there are different measures to deal with them. Only in this way can we get rid of the mindset of "stop-gap measures", which is the best indication of whether a society has a self-repairing mechanism.