
Activate the "silent" rural capital market

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Activate the "silent" rural capital market

As a pilot county of management right mortgage loan for rural contracted land across the country, Wucheng County of Shandong Province has completed 241 transactions within one year, involving more than 4400 peasant households, standardizing the circulation of land area of 25000 mu, and raising a total of more than 2600 million yuan for new agricultural operators, effectively alleviating the problem of lack of collateral and financing of loans for general farmers and new agricultural operators.

Recently, the reporter conducted an on-the-spot interview. Zhang Lei, head of Wucheng County, told the reporter: "carrying out the mortgage loan work of rural contracted land management rights provides a useful exploration for deepening rural financial reform and innovation, 'awakening' sleeping rural resources, funds, and assets, increasing capital investment in agricultural production, and steadily promoting the reform of rural land system."

Build a platform to realize the integration of land resources in the transaction of property rights

Wang Zhijun, secretary of the party branch of Zhaozhuang Village, Wucheng County Economic Development Zone, would not have thought that his "whim" would add nearly 300000 yuan to the collective income of the village.

In September last year, Wang Zhijun went to the county agricultural economic bureau to discuss the contracting method of 120 mu of collective arable land in Zhaozhuang village. The suggestion of Wang Hongsheng, director of the Agricultural Economic Bureau of Wucheng County, is to release information on the platform and contract to foreign countries in the form of public bidding. In less than a month, there was a "miracle". The land that was originally intended to be transferred per mu per year was finally sold at a price of 1100 yuan.

This platform is the rural comprehensive property rights trading center of Wucheng County.

With the deepening of the reform of the rural property rights system, Wucheng County began to carry out the registration and certification of rural land rights in the county since 2013, which has been completed. The registration of confirming the rights of rural land contract management defines farmers' ownership of land contract management rights in a legal way, which lays a solid foundation for land transfer, which not only activates the rural capital market, but also injects new power into the development of modern agriculture.

Next, Wucheng County took the lead in setting up a rural comprehensive property rights trading center in Dezhou City, providing places and other services for all kinds of rural property rights transfer transactions, performing property rights transaction authentication functions, and providing supporting services such as transaction planning. and sort out 10 tradable categories, such as the contracted management right of rural land, the right to the use of the four wasteland of rural collective economic organizations, etc. The "six unified" operation modes such as unified transaction rules, unified information release and unified transaction authentication have been established, and a three-level network transaction service system has been formed, namely, the county comprehensive property rights trading center, the Zhenjie (development zone) comprehensive property rights trading service station, and the village comprehensive property rights trading service point, thus realizing the full coverage of the county's rural comprehensive property rights trading market and ensuring that farmers can accept rural property rights transaction information at home.

Mortgage of management right to effectively solve the financing problem of a new type of operator

The drying tower for processing 100 tons of grain per day stands in the yard, next to a storage warehouse of 1300 square meters, and the 1800 mu of wheat transferred is about to be harvested. On May 22, at the Zhiyuan Grain and Cotton planting Cooperative in Wucheng County, looking at his "belongings", Niu Wenzhi, chairman of the cooperative, was filled with joy. Before that, he was worried about the source of funds for drying and storing grain and expanding the scale of land transfer.

"unexpectedly, the land contractual management right has the same gold content as the housing property certificate. With the land contractual management right as a mortgage, I got a loan of 2.6 million yuan, which solved the urgent need." Niu Wenzhi said. Wucheng County Zhiyuan Grain and Cotton planting Cooperative was established in 2008, although the cause is developing smoothly, but Niu Wenzhi's idea of expanding the scale of operation is hindered by the problem of funds. In 2013, the county agricultural and economic bureau and the county rural credit cooperation association jointly issued Texas's first "mortgage loan measures for the right to contracted management of rural land". According to this method, contracted operators with grain and cotton planting area of not less than 100 mu, characteristic cash crop planting area of not less than 50 mu, and farming area of no less than 20 mu can obtain loans of 30% to 50% of the mortgage value of the land contractual management rights provided by them.

According to this, Niu Wenzhi submitted an application for land mortgage loan to the local credit cooperatives with the transfer contract of 680mu of land. after the evaluation and examination of the county agricultural economic bureau, price bureau and credit cooperatives, the cooperative 680mu of land is worth 8 million yuan. Holding the authentication certificate issued by the County Agricultural Economic Bureau and the certificate of contracted management right of rural land in Wucheng County, Lao Niu took only two weeks to get a two-year loan of 2.6 million yuan.

How to mobilize the enthusiasm of the financial sector such as rural credit cooperatives to lend and reduce the risk of the financial sector? Wucheng County has established the model of "management right mortgage + intermediary guarantee + risk fund compensation", and the county finance has set up a mortgage risk compensation fund of 10 million yuan. to give certain compensation to banks for the losses caused by mortgage loans for the right of management of contracted land, and carefully screen and verify qualified, strong, and honest guarantee companies to provide guarantees in accordance with the law, so as to enhance the enthusiasm of financial institutions in issuing such loans. Up to now, it has coordinated financial institutions to raise more than 2600 million yuan for farmers' cooperatives and family farms with mortgages of land management rights, effectively alleviating the problem of lack of collateral and financing difficulties in loans for general farmers and new agricultural operators.