
The return of migrant workers to start a business gives new impetus to the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The return of migrant workers to start a business gives new impetus to the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: entrepreneurship is an important way to promote economic and social development and improve people's livelihood. The history of China's reform and opening up is a struggle process of continuous entrepreneurship and innovation.

During this period, Chinese farmers have always held high the banner of reform, deducing the century legend of entrepreneurship and innovation with their own vivid practice, and laid a solid foundation for Chinese Dream, who realized the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Nowadays, under the new normal of economic development, the upsurge of migrant workers returning home to start a business is quietly rising, and the spark of entrepreneurship and innovation is lighting up the vast fields. Grass-roots forces from the grass roots are becoming a new force in the era of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation", playing an important role in the new economic and social development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

The party and government attach great importance to the creative spirit of farmers and take great care of their entrepreneurial passion. The "opinions on supporting migrant Workers and other personnel to return to their hometown to start businesses" issued by the General Office of the State Council clearly states that "support migrant workers, college students, retired soldiers and other personnel to return home to start businesses, and make vast villages and towns flourish through mass entrepreneurship and innovation." it can promote employment, increase income, and open up a new situation of coordinated development of a new type of industrialization and agricultural modernization, urbanization and new rural construction. " From the former "peacock flying southeast" to today's "Phoenix returning to the nest", from finding a job for oneself to creating a number of jobs for others, from creating wealth by one person to organizing a group of people to create wealth, migrant workers return to their hometown to start a business. although it is the logical choice and butterfly change of migrant workers' own development and transformation, it drives the relationship between urban and rural workers and farmers. The close linkage and deep integration in the aspects of market, capital, information, technology, management, talents and ideas are actually creating a new development legend.

The return of migrant workers to start their own businesses has injected fresh vitality into the development of modern agriculture and the promotion of agricultural supply-side structural reform. Migrant workers return home with the "first bucket of gold" to start a business, and many of them are engaged in modern agriculture. They either start from processing and circulation, develop characteristic farming and integrated industries, or engage in large-scale agricultural operations. With the market consciousness and Internet thinking they learned from the city, they introduced advanced science and technology, mode of production, modern management concept and industrial development model into agriculture, which brought a lot of running water to the transformation and upgrading of traditional agriculture in their hometown. Their return to their hometown to start a business is like being thrown pebbles into the pond, arousing layers of spray, but also playing a pioneering and leading role in the extension, expansion and enrichment of the local agricultural industry chain. They are fresh blood and active factors for carrying out agricultural supply-side structural reform, improving agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness, and realizing agricultural modernization.

The return of migrant workers to start a business has added a strong driving force for speeding up the coordinated development of new urbanization and new rural construction. Migrant workers are an important link between urban and rural areas, developed areas and underdeveloped areas. Returning home to start a business not only promotes the reverse flow of superior resources from cities to rural areas and economically developed areas to underdeveloped areas, but also drives the accumulation of capital, technology and labor to small towns, which adds power to regional economic development. it has also ignited the fire of non-agricultural industries in rural areas in the new economic era, supporting the industrial foundation of urbanization in the central and western regions. It can be said that every migrant worker who returns home to start a business is a torch. they have lit up the hope of China's new industrialization in the field and opened up a new situation for the coordinated development of new industrialization and agricultural modernization, urbanization and new rural construction. made an important contribution.

The return of migrant workers to start a business has tapped new potential for promoting the nearby transfer of employment and cultivating a new type of farmers. The return of migrant workers to start a business is not only conducive to the realization of their own value, the promotion of economic benefits, but also through entrepreneurship to promote employment, so that more villagers can work nearby, earn money and take care of their families. It can not only solve the employment problem of part of the rural labor force, promote accurate poverty alleviation, but also alleviate the embarrassment and helplessness of some migrant workers who "cannot go to the city or return to their hometown", which is conducive to resolving the problem of staying behind in rural areas and speeding up poverty alleviation. At the same time, a large number of migrant workers return home to start businesses, and many of them will grow into new professional farmers, new era agricultural entrepreneurs, Xinxiang sages and so on, which will certainly lead to the overall improvement of farmers' quality and the improvement of grass-roots social governance. it is of great significance to the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers as a whole.

The return of migrant workers to start a business has fostered new momentum for the realization of new macroeconomic growth under the new normal. At present, China's economic development is in a shift period of structural adjustment, so it is very important to cultivate a new driving force for economic growth. There are 270 million migrant workers in China, who are industrious and wise, and have experienced the baptism of market thinking and urban civilization. Once they become active, tens of thousands of market cells will converge into a huge momentum of development. Their role is not only in agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but also in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Their passions, stories and experiences of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as their own existence, can further arouse people's enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and innovation, constantly tap the creativity of the grassroots and the masses, and constantly charge the "hard bones" with the spirit of "ants gnawing on bones" in promoting comprehensive reform. It plays an important role in forming a new economic growth point for macroeconomic development and cultivating a new source of power.

At present, it is the right time to promote migrant workers to return home to start a business. From an internal point of view, in recent years, hundreds of millions of migrant workers have accumulated certain capital, technology, contacts and other resources, understand the market economy, understand urban thinking. In addition, migrant workers return home to start a business is more from the emotional desire to return home, and they know more about the situation in rural areas, can more smoothly promote entrepreneurship in their hometown. From an external point of view, the state has issued a series of preferential policies to support the return of migrant workers to start a business, and the entrepreneurial environment has been continuously optimized, which has laid a solid strategic support for the return of migrant workers to start a business; the structural reform on the agricultural supply side and the acceleration of new urbanization have given birth to a huge entrepreneurial demand and brought huge market opportunities for migrant workers to return home to start a business. Led by modern agricultural science and technology and "Internet +", the technological and market barriers of entrepreneurship have been constantly broken through, providing good conditions for migrant workers to return to their hometown to start a business to a higher level; conforming to the industrial gradient transfer strategy of the eastern developed regions, transfer suitable industries to their hometown to re-start businesses and re-innovate, and build a development platform for migrant workers to return home to start businesses. Both internal and external, the east wind is just right, they will become the backbone of mass entrepreneurship.

However, entrepreneurship is, after all, a matter of great risk, especially for migrant workers. Therefore, the return of migrant workers to start a business is inseparable from the help, care and guidance of government departments. We should do a good job to help migrant workers who are willing to start a business at the beginning of starting a business. The local government should earnestly enhance the strategic understanding of the return of migrant workers to start a business, change the habitual dependence of only paying attention to "attracting investment from large enterprises and going to large projects", and apply the special policy used only to encourage investment and investment in the past. it is also extended to migrant workers returning home to start businesses. Focus on carrying out professional entrepreneurship training, improving social security transfer and other public services, lowering the threshold for returning to start a business, and improving intermediary services in the returning entrepreneurial market, we should not only "get on the horse", but also "send a journey". Entrepreneurs who encounter difficulties and obstacles in starting a business should be protected. The relevant departments should do a good job in the follow-up investigation and regular research on entrepreneurship, strengthen interaction and communication with entrepreneurs, and timely understand what they think, think, urgent, and ask for. Focus on technical guidance, personnel training, office space, financial support and other small and micro entrepreneurs easy to encounter difficulties to strengthen targeted help, do more timely help. For entrepreneurial projects and entrepreneurs that have developed and grown, we should do a good job of guidance. Focus on strategic planning, overall planning, and guide them to a higher level of branding. In short, the autonomy of entrepreneurs should be respected and administrative orders should not be made. We should not only prevent undue haste, pull up seedlings and encourage them, but also not ignore them and let them fend for themselves.

Someone once said that one of the miracles of China's reform is to associate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and other modern languages that embody the market economy with farmers and migrant workers who used to be regarded as social backward groups. Migrant workers have been an important force supporting China's economic development for more than 30 years, but now it is deeply rooted in the wider fields. We should firmly seize the development opportunities of the times, combine the return of migrant workers to start businesses with "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation", with the deepening of rural reform, with the simultaneous development of the four modernizations, and fully mobilize the entrepreneurial and innovative enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of farmers. write a new chapter for building a well-off society in an all-round way.