
How do dairy enterprises take the lead in agricultural supply-side reform?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How do dairy enterprises take the lead in agricultural supply-side reform?

In recent years, Shandong Yinxiang Weiye Group, a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, has made great efforts to develop organic circular agriculture and animal husbandry and strictly control the source quality to meet consumers' demand for green, healthy, safe and high-quality agricultural and animal husbandry products. and become a national organic food production base and important technical standards research and demonstration enterprises, is the forerunner of agricultural supply-side reform.

Automatic intelligent identification milking

Ensure the quality of fresh milk

The dairy is the first stop of fresh milk export, and the management level of the dairy is the key to ensure the quality of fresh milk.

The dairy of the group's Liangdiitou ranch is divided into three areas. the first area is the waiting hall, which is where the cows are prepared before milking. The second area is the milking parlour, which is equipped with a fully automatic milking machine, which can automatically take off the cup after milking. The Afeijin control panel here can identify the cow information according to the pedometer carried by the cow, and find that the milking equipment will refuse to work if the cow does not meet the milking standard. At the same time, it has plate exchange type fast cooling equipment, which can cool the fresh milk to 3 ℃ in the pipeline, so it is easy to store milk. The third area is the storage hall, No.2 Dairy Hall is equipped with 4 milk storage tanks, including 2 12000-liter Belgian Parker milk cans and 2 10000-liter Tianjin Ruishentai milk cans. Parker milk cans have a unique and efficient cleaning system and cooling system to ensure the quality and quantity of fresh milk storage process.

"return to one" students' milk helps the cause of education.

According to Wang Yinxiang, chairman of Yinxiang Weiye Group and deputy to the 12th National people's Congress, Yinxiang Weiye began to promote "normalized" student milk in 2014 and was recognized as a "student drinking milk production enterprise" by the China Dairy Association in April 2015. In August 2015, it was approved to use the logo "Shandong students' drinking Milk". According to the highest quality standard, the enterprise innovatively launched a series of educational group purchase products of "unifying" student drinking milk, set up special student milk for pastures, and set up special channels for educational products to separate management and control from market sales.

At the beginning of this year, the Yinxiang Baiao Ecological Farm successfully introduced 2000 purebred Australian cattle, and continued to improve product quality on the basis of ensuring the source control of land, feed, cattle health, scientific management, and self-control of production sources.

Organic symbiosis model promotes the coordinated development of agriculture and animal husbandry

The source of dairy industry lies in agriculture, the feed needed for animal husbandry comes from land, and the development scale of dairy industry and the carrying capacity of land adapt to each other. Wang Yinxiang said that the development of the dairy industry will effectively promote the promotion of the model of combination of planting and breeding, effectively solve the environmental protection problems in the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, turn straw into feed, manure and manure, and turn waste into treasure.

The core of the "organic symbiosis economic model" explored by Yinxiang Weiye is the "organic circular industrial chain from land to table". The industrial chain takes animal husbandry as the starting point, and converts crop straw into high-quality feed through the development of dairy farming; while producing dairy products, pasture manure is bioprocessed to produce biogas and organic fertilizer. Biogas is put into production, organic fertilizer continues to improve the land, and then grow organic crops on the land to achieve the green cycle of the whole production process. Dairy farming has derived a series of follow-up industries such as dairy processing and feed processing, which enriches the industrial chain.