
Don't consume the countryside with prejudice.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Don't consume the countryside with prejudice.

It seems that the expression of "there is a picture and the truth" is mixed with a lot of "contraband goods". With partial generalization, transfer of flowers and trees, false correlation, with this state of mind and words can not see the real countryside, let alone the splendor of China's rural areas. In front of the vast and profound countryside, we can not consume them with "prejudice", let alone smear them in the name of feelings.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, an article entitled "the Story of cruelty at the bottom: the Chinese Countryside of a Video Software" scanned the moments of many people. Taking a certain video application software as an example, this paper uses various so-called "bizarre" videos on the platform, such as Hebei aunt who abused herself to eat light bulbs, firecrackers to explode the crotch of pants, and so on. It describes the phenomenon of how rural young people try their best to "stand out", which shocked many readers. In just a few hours, the number of readings of the article exceeded 100,000, which also caused controversy.

"on one side is the high-speed railway speeding, high-rise buildings in the north, wide and deep. On one side is the chaotic decline of rural China in the video, two plates as symmetrical as black and white, which just constitute a complete and real China. " In this article, the author's description of the impression of China's rural areas not only has seemingly objective cases and data, but also reveals his humanistic feelings of paying attention to the bottom of rural areas from time to time. However, this seems to be a "picture and truth" expression, but it is interspersed with a lot of "private goods" that are biased against rural areas, which makes people feel like a pain in the throat.

Private goods one: to generalize the whole. The core problem in data analysis is the representativeness and authenticity of the data. Only the reasonably sampled data can reflect the real situation to a greater extent. However, in this article, the first is about the statistical ranking of the video software traffic, which is lack of objectivity and authority. Second, even without considering the authority, how much of the "weird" videos presented by the video software account for all the videos related to rural areas on the video software? None of these core data are provided. In fact, on the video software, there are not only these absurd videos, but also many other normal rural life videos. It is true that qualitative research needs a typical case, but we can not casually take a case or intercept a fragment to say that this is rural China. This article creates an impression on readers by interspersing data analysis and typical cases. However, the reliability and validity of the data are in doubt, and the cases are not representative.

Contraband II: transfer flowers and trees. "moving Brick Xiaowei" is an online celebrity of many variety shows, and it is doubtful whether it is a construction worker; "Quickhand Aunt" is from Congtai District, Handan; and "Young quasi-Mommy" is from Xuchang, Henan Province. To label these as rural areas, it is more appropriate to call them second -, third-and fourth-tier cities. There are wonders all over the world, why must these absurd and weird videos be labeled as rural areas? Why do we have to spend money in rural areas like this?

Private goods 3: false correlation. Seeing the video of self-abuse reminds me of the severe living conditions of left-behind children in rural areas, which is a related relationship that many people are easy to establish. However, correlation is not equal to causality, not to mention that many of the impressions created in the video are false. Why did the initiator make those absurd videos? Do these videos attract attention because of their rural identity? There is no evidence that it is mainly rural people who produce and consume these video content. Regardless of the false connection of cause and effect, after the impact and packaging of words and videos, it is also a kind of sadness to walk openly into the hearts of many readers.

After reading this article, many people will have questions in their minds, is this the Chinese countryside in our hearts? Because in the impression of many people, even if the countryside is not "idyllic", it is not full of "vulgar" and "cruel"scum land". The real Chinese countryside is not a prosperous place, but it is not a magical concentration place full of absurdity and strange work. In fact, the simple truth is that from absurd videos to all videos, from the video software to all video software, from video impressions to all forms of media impressions, from media impressions to the actual situation, the real Chinese countryside is far more profound and complex than a few absurd videos.

There are wonderful things in rural areas, but we are not deep enough. Young people in rural areas also have their love, life and dreams, which may not be as vigorous as in urban dramas, but they are not so mellow and fragrant. The brick, tile, plant and tree they built with their own hands, tractors and modern farms are no less elegant than the careers in office buildings in the city.

In today's China, people feel the impression of the countryside, whether it is a bustling variety show with the rural background, or a variety of vigorous notes on returning home during the festival, in which there is no lack of true feelings and insights, but they are often full of gimmicks, curiosity, childishness and funny. in many cases, some seemingly emotional rural impressions But often condescend to consume the mentality of overlooking the countryside. With this kind of mentality and discourse, we can not see the real countryside, let alone the splendor of Chinese countryside, and it will further cause the opposition between the countryside and the city, the reality and the imagination.

What is worth our reflection on this incident is why such a rural impression full of loopholes and prejudices has been widely reproduced. In addition to the curiosity-seeking mentality of many people, it also reflects the lack of excellent rural works in China's rural areas in the context of rapid change. From the screen, literature to the media, the impression on rural areas is lack of real, profound and touching works. When excellent works do not play their due role, the rural cultural market will inevitably become a vulgar stage.

A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets. In front of the vast and profound countryside, we can not consume them with "prejudice", let alone smear them in the name of feelings. It is necessary to prosper the rural cultural market and enrich the amateur cultural life in rural areas. at the same time, we should also create more excellent works to truly, vividly and comprehensively reflect the reality of rural areas, and cleanse the non-mainstream prejudiced imagination with excellent works.