
Don't label the vegetable market as "non-capital".

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Don't label the vegetable market as "non-capital".

The relocation of wholesale markets, the transfer of industrial enterprises, the removal of garbage collection sites. For some time, Beijing has achieved remarkable results in dredging non-capital functions, optimized urban governance, and stimulated the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. However, in a good situation, there is also a phenomenon worthy of attention: some people reflect that in some streets and communities, the vegetable market that people patronize all the year round is facing relocation, and street shops have been cleaned up one after another, which has greatly affected the daily life of the masses. What is more suspicious is that these relocation and clearance are also under the banner of "dredging non-capital functions."

The vegetable market moves far away, but the stove of the residents is still around, and the lack of fresh and cheap food will directly increase people's livelihood anxiety. Is the vegetable market a non-capital function? It is not difficult to answer the questions of the masses. According to the standard, the functions that do not conform to the strategic positioning of the capital city are regarded as non-capital functions, which can be summarized into four categories: general manufacturing, regional logistics bases and wholesale markets, some public services such as medical education, and some administrative service organizations. The vegetable market is obviously not on this list. No matter how thin the city is, it can't affect people to eat, so how can there be a lack of vegetable markets?

On the other hand, some streets and communities clean up vegetable markets and street shops, and objectively remove some migrant people who do small businesses, which helps to control the total population of Beijing. However, moving away at the same time is also the convenience of life. Urban development can not only be white-collar workers, not blue-collar workers, as long as mental work, not physical labor. Life with less convenience and more burden may eventually lead to the loss of talents. We must persist in controlling the total population, but at the same time, we must also prevent structural imbalance. To build an international metropolis, we need not only high-level talents, but also some people to maintain the operation of the city.

The ancients said, "the city, so Sheng the people." People gather in the city in order to live a good life. If there is only a city, but without a city, it is difficult to survive. How can we live? In fact, for food markets and other livelihood facilities, the positioning of Beijing is quite clear. The relevant person in charge of Beijing has revealed that to dredge the space vacated by non-capital functions, it is necessary to solve livelihood problems such as "lack of parking lots, vegetable markets, convenience stores and supermarkets". Wang Anshun, the mayor of Beijing, clearly pointed out that "the vegetable market urgently needed by the people cannot be done across the board." The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission also stressed that "the regional wholesale market is the object of relief, but the farmers' market is a necessary part of life", not to move out, but to "strengthen management and upgrade step by step." The original purpose of relieving non-capital functions is to cure the "urban disease" and make people live a better life. Labeling the vegetable market as a "non-capital function" is a far cry from the original goal.

The Central Urban work Conference stressed that insisting that the people's city is the people is the starting point and foothold for us to do a good job in urban work. The core of the city is people, the key is 12 words: clothing, food, housing and transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death, living and working in peace and contentment. From this perspective, there are indeed complex problems, realistic entanglements and even unspeakable hidden intentions in the governance of such a super-large city as Beijing, but no matter how difficult it is, we should keep the most basic bottom line of people's livelihood. After all, solving the problem of people is the value direction of urban work, and enabling the people to live a better life in the city is the fundamental criterion for evaluating a city.

The central government proposes to "build a modern city with harmonious livability, vitality and characteristics", and the first priority is "harmonious livability". What "harmonious and livable" is, maybe everyone is different, but there is one thing in common: if people get up in the morning and do not know where to put three meals a day, even if they live in high-rise buildings, they can hardly be called "harmonious and livable".