
Where to go in the face of the weather vane of grain prices in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Where to go in the face of the weather vane of grain prices in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry

-- investigation on the adjustment of planting structure of land reclamation in Hebei Province

Gansu Agricultural Reclamation Bayi Farm speeds up the development of grass industry. at present, 4000 mu of alfalfa has been harvested one after another. They buy self-propelled harvester, the speed is fast, after cutting the grass neatly, it is easy to turn the sun mechanically, which is conducive to the growth of the next crop of alfalfa. The picture shows the harvest site. Photo by Zhang Guozhi

Grass industry and animal husbandry are related to each other and are an important part of the supply-side structural reform of agriculture. However, there are some problems in China's grass and animal husbandry industry, such as single breed, low output, lack of competitiveness, prominent contradiction between livestock and grass, lack of close combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and so on. Especially in the "sickle bend" combination area of agriculture and animal husbandry, after reducing corn, it is faced with the problem of what to plant, how to plant, and what kind of "substitute" to choose. However, there is no doubt that for areas suitable for the development of grass and animal husbandry, "appropriate grass is grass, and suitable pasture is animal husbandry" is the core of supply-side structural reform. Grasping this point, we can speed up the progress of "changing grain to feed". Promote the balanced development of meat, dairy and other industries. -- Editor

"Grain prices are the wind vane for adjusting the planting structure of crops, and corn prices remain on the low side. Corn producing areas in reclamation areas must find ways to adjust the structure, change ways, increase efficiency, and guide farmers and workers to plant other crops." Du Yazhou, deputy director of the Hebei Provincial Bureau of Agricultural Reclamation, is obviously very familiar with the market situation and the situation facing the reclamation area, and his introduction is very professional in the face of reporters.

Belong to the same "sickle bend" area, the choice of "substitute" is different.

Hebei Reclamation area is located in the northern ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry in the "sickle bend" area. this area is a transitional zone connecting agricultural planting area and grassland ecological region. it belongs to semi-arid and semi-humid climate zone with rich land resources and good light and heat conditions, but water resources are scarce. Soil degradation and desertification is an area with many kinds of disasters, frequent occurrence and serious disasters. Among them, the area with the greatest probability of drought occurrence, the widest range of influence and the most serious damage.

Du Yazhou said that the situation of corn production in Hebei reclamation area in 2015 is very grim. since the corn harvest, prices have fallen off a cliff, from 2.20 yuan / kg in 2014 to 1.60 / kg, a drop of nearly 25%. Only the price drop reduced income by 150 yuan per mu. The production cost is up to 50 yuan per mu due to labor and seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery and so on. Due to the rise of the floor of production costs and the decline of the ceiling of corn sales price, the profit space of corn grain production has been reduced by 200 yuan per mu, which has greatly dampened the enthusiasm of farmers and workers to plant corn. When the corn planting structure must be adjusted.

Based on the reality of the reclamation area, Hebei reclamation area determined three ways to reduce the planting area of grain corn by adjusting the structure and changing the mode of agricultural development. The spring corn planting area of Bashang Plain focuses on the development of drought-tolerant miscellaneous grains, beans, potato, forage and silage corn, and the main direction is to vigorously develop drought-tolerant miscellaneous grains and beans and silage corn with short growth period, and to develop sightseeing and leisure agriculture. promote the integrated development of planting and breeding industry, agricultural products processing industry and leisure service industry, and improve the efficiency of agricultural production In order to develop forage grass and actively develop salt-and drought-tolerant forage grass and silage corn in the south-central plain and coastal summer corn planting areas of central and southern Hebei, they support the new agricultural operators to carry out "changing grain into feed", develop modern herbivorous animal husbandry, and promote the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

"it is estimated that 40, 000 mu of grain corn will be reduced in 2016, and more than 100000 mu of grain corn will be reduced by 2020." Du Yazhou said.

There can be no shortage of "granary", "meat bank" and "milk can"

"combined with the opportunity of raising 18000 new dairy cows in Fangfang animal husbandry, we planted 20, 000 mu of silage corn and 6000 mu of high-protein alfalfa, which not only reduced the area of grain corn, but also improved the efficiency of breeding." Yu Lianzhi, deputy director of Cangzhou Sino-Czech Friendship Farm, told the reporter with eloquence that his face was full of pride.

After 50 years of construction and development, the "Sino-Czech Friendship Farm" personally named by Premier Zhou Enlai has ranked in the forefront of national agricultural reclamation and has become a national modern agricultural demonstration farm. In July 2003, it was transformed into a provincial development zone-- Cangzhou Lingang Economic and technological Development Zone.

The successful experience of Sino-Czech Friendship Farm is precisely the positive exploration of Hebei Agricultural Reclamation to promote the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, to promote the optimization of planting structure and to adjust the combination of planting and breeding, to give consideration to grain and feed, to reduce grain corn, to develop silage corn, to wrap a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey, and to develop silage corn. 5 people choose  turn  Zheng  to cover . "meat bank" + "milk can".

Du Yazhou said: because of the large span and many kinds of crops involved in the Hebei reclamation area, the reclamation area has formulated a technical plan for maize structural adjustment according to local conditions, and introduced crop varieties with marketable, high yield and high quality. guide the maize structure to actively optimize, actively tune, and strive to adjust the depth, and integrate a set of technical models for corn structural adjustment in combination with tackling key problems of green production increase.

As soon as the big enterprises came, the "grain to feed" had a new engine.

Guyuan Ranch, located in Saibei Management District of Zhangjiakou City, has made a big move this year to take advantage of the opportunity of adjusting the corn planting structure to guide forage planting enterprises to produce autumn grass and expand the forage planting area of 10,000 mu.

Du Yazhou said: the structural adjustment of corn in the reclamation area is not only the reduction of area, but also the upgrading of the industry.Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate and support the development of large-scale animal husbandry, processing enterprises, and forage enterprises, and strengthen the interest linkage mechanism of bases and farmers, so as to promote "changing grain into feed" and the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Immediately, a large number of cases like Guyuan Ranch appeared in the reclamation area. Guyuan, Chabei, Kangbao pastures, guide potato industry enterprises Hongji, Xuechuan and Zhongnongba Company to make use of the three-year cropping system of potato planting to reduce the planting area of grain corn by 30,000 mu at the same time; Guyuan and Chabei pastures, timely seize the opportunity of expanding the breeding scale of 20,000 heads of large dairy enterprises such as Mengniu, Junlebao, modern animal husbandry and flag dairy, and expand the planting of 20,000 mu of silage corn.

In the summer corn producing area, Dacaozhuang Farm reduced the area of 5000 mu of grain corn, changed to grow small miscellaneous grains, sold small packaged gift boxes, and improved the economic benefits of agricultural products. Xu Huanqing, secretary of the party committee of Hangu Farm, said that setting the plan and adjusting the structure, relying on the geographical advantages close to Tianjin, and combining the suspension of rice planting in Tianjin due to lack of water irrigation in Tianjin, the restoration and expansion of the famous traditional rice "Tianjin Xiaozhanmi" in North China, the planting area of 10, 000 mu, the use of surface water to irrigate rice, the input cost was reduced, the yield per mu could reach 650kg / mu, and the net benefit per mu reached more than 1500 yuan.

"as the provincial team and vanguard of the country's modern agriculture, how to take the lead and set an example in the development of modern agriculture is a task in front of us." Du Yazhou said that if the breeding project develops smoothly, the Hebei reclamation area is expected to complete the plan to reduce 100000 mu of grain corn by 2018. "