
There is a way to develop creative agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is a way to develop creative agriculture.

At present, creative agriculture in Shaoxing is springing up in a large number of rural areas, which has become a good way for modern farmers to start a business and become rich, and more effectively promote the quality, efficiency and upgrading of agriculture. In a sense, creative agriculture has triggered changes in the way of agricultural production and marketing. Combined with the successful experience of various places, the author thinks that the creative agriculture in Shaoxing should be developed from the following aspects:

Set up Internet thinking

The Internet is changing all kinds of industries, and agriculture is no exception. In recent years, rural e-commerce has shown an explosive growth trend, many high-quality agricultural products from living in "boudoir" to best-selling in the city, a large number of "waiter" can not be ignored. Next, we should make further use of the power of the Internet, on the one hand, pay attention to the training of existing employees'e-commerce application skills and basic network knowledge, improve the e-commerce application ability of rural e-commerce, and encourage them to become bigger and stronger. On the other hand, we should pay close attention to the resources of characteristic agricultural products in towns and villages, build e-commerce incubation bases, cultivate and strengthen e-commerce teams, give full play to the exemplary role of e-commerce applications in backbone enterprises, and promote the development and growth of characteristic agriculture.

Establish the brand of agricultural products

At present, the operation of many agricultural products is still in the stage of homogenization and low price competition, and the space for added value of commodities is relatively small. To change this situation, it is necessary to actively guide individual e-commerce, trade associations and professional cooperatives to apply for registration of trademarks, patents and geographical indications, so as to effectively improve the quality, popularity and core competitiveness of agricultural products. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate a number of professional cooperatives with great potential for development, constantly enrich the types of products and services, and promote the extension of the industrial chain. With a good brand and a good reputation, it will naturally bring high market control and high added value of high-quality agricultural products.

Focus on participatory experience

Let people participate in the construction of the farm, feel the growth of crops, naturally some people are willing to pay for it. At present, some farmers are fully advocating a healthy and natural way of life, providing the public with services such as vegetable distribution and vegetable land rental, and have initially formed a service system for the production and marketing of organic agricultural products, eco-agricultural demonstration, and on-site visit experience. it is becoming more and more popular among city people. In the future, conditional farms can also make more use of high-tech means to monitor agricultural production processes, and even put QR codes on grains and vegetables entering the market. Consumers only need to scan the scan to know their growth process and really eat at ease. Eating healthily, this will also become a higher level of experiential agriculture.

Excavate the local culture

To a large extent, the creativity of creative agriculture is reflected in the characteristics of rural culture, unique village style, traditional customs and customs, beautiful pastoral scenery and heavy farming civilization, which are all fertile soil for promoting beautiful rural construction and developing leisure agriculture. This requires us not only to protect and make good use of ancient streets, villages and houses with strong local cultural characteristics, but also to actively inherit local production habits, festival customs and other intangible cultural heritage. these cultural factors will guide some villages to expand from single agricultural production to leisure and tourism, humanistic education and other complex functions, and cultivate new growth points of agricultural and rural economy.

Attract creators to the countryside

In the trend of "Internet + agriculture," large-scale agriculture, ecological agriculture, and urban agriculture have all shown vitality, and many people of insight have explored new ways to promote industrial integration and transform traditional agriculture. In the future, relevant departments should pay more attention to guiding social elites to join agriculture, successful people to return to their hometown to start businesses, and advanced business concepts, marketing methods, and technical means to go to the countryside at the same time, so as to promote planting reform and achieve high output efficiency and product safety. with the help of more "modern farmers" to promote the innovative, green and shared development of agriculture.