
Order agriculture is inseparable from the amulet of credit information.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Order agriculture is inseparable from the amulet of credit information.

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From garlic and ginger in previous years to maca and pineapple this year, farmers have been hurt by the sharp drop in agricultural prices. As an important means to determine production by sales, order agriculture plays a certain role in stabilizing agricultural product prices, ensuring farmers 'reasonable income and resisting market price risks. However, the reporter investigation found that order agriculture in the actual operation process is difficult to carry out because some farmers contract consciousness is poor, malicious breach of contract and become difficult to carry out, which in turn hurt merchants and farmers.

High prices for agricultural products-expansion of planting scale-supply exceeds demand-price drops, price roller coaster, no doubt more and more farmers involved in commodity crops nervous. This year's Yunnan maca, will experience from a high catty 120 yuan to 1 yuan process. Local governments have tried to solve the problem of price fluctuations by means of contract farming. However, the situation has exceeded the expectations of the government and merchants...

The price went up and the contract became a dead letter

"For an extra dollar or two, most farmers will not fulfill their promises and sell to other vendors instead." A staff member who promotes bee breeding in remote mountainous areas of Yunnan told reporters that farmers in remote mountainous areas, although simple, often lack the spirit of contract. "If you can't 'pinch' farmers from technology or follow-up policy subsidies, it's very difficult to make farmers keep their promises through a paper agreement!" The staff member said.

The reporter learned that in Yunnan Province, many governments have actively promoted order farming, guiding farmers to sign sales agreements with companies before planting maca, thus avoiding the risk of market price fluctuations. However, just a few years ago, farmers who signed the agreement did not sell maca to merchants, but said their breach of contract was "human nature".

Farmers are reluctant to sign contracts with enterprises during the price increase stage. In a maca producing area in Yunnan Province, some enterprises refused to sign the purchase agreement with villagers before signing the purchase agreement. If an agreement is reached with Maca enterprises, villagers can not only obtain seedlings free of charge, but also obtain corresponding compensation. According to the agreement purchase price, the income per mu of land is nearly ten thousand yuan. However, there are still villagers who believe that the market for maca at harvest time "may be better" and are unwilling to sell at a low price. Unexpectedly, this year's harvest stage, waiting for prices to plummet, farmers want to cry but no tears.

In the eighth street of Anning City, Yunnan Province, edible roses also encountered a price roller coaster last year. At the lowest time, the price of roses also fell to two or three yuan, and even the labor cost of harvesting was not enough. There have been attempts by businesses to place orders with farmers in advance, but a paper agreement has not produced benefits. "Our company buys seven to eight tons of roses every day during peak season, but some small vendors buy them at a slightly higher price because they buy less, but other farmers hear about it and start arguing with us." Anning Runsen Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. staff Dai Xiaobang spoke of rose acquisition, quite helpless.

In fact, non-performing farmers also have their own calculations. "Whoever sells is selling, and the price is higher, the income is higher." Besides, the person who accepted the flowers is also an acquaintance. It's not good to reject them." Villager Li Shi (pseudonym) told reporters. Li shi didn't seem to care about the breach clause on the contract."They're a big company, so they won't argue with me." Dai Xiaobang was helpless about this idea: "There will be such people in every village. They think that breach of contract is not a big deal. Even if they are kicked out of the cooperative, they will plead with the village cadres. They are all from the same village, and finally they are all gone."

A rose processor told reporters that to solve the problem of agricultural product price collapse, order agriculture is effective, and the capital advantage of large enterprises helps to combat the risk of market price fluctuation. "However, as far as the current performance of farmers is concerned, which enterprise signs the purchase and sale contract will suffer losses."

The original win-win contract between the two sides has become a shackle restricting only the enterprise.

Merchant rights protection, won the lawsuit can not maintain the right

Farmers do not fulfill their obligations, can enterprises safeguard their rights? No easy task.

Although the overall loss is relatively high, the loss falls to relatively scattered farmers 'homes, the output and output value of each household is not high, the collection cost of each enterprise is high, and it is easy to win the lawsuit but extremely difficult to execute it. "If we really want to enforce it, once the peasants unite to resist and make a mass incident, the government can only adopt a peaceful attitude." Eight Street Street Industrial Office Director Liu Zhiwei said.

And when prices plummet, companies have to buy at order prices. A very small number of farmers even refused to sell to enterprises when prices were high a few years ago, but asked enterprises to implement contracts when prices plummeted. Over the past few years, many enterprises are unwilling to purchase agricultural products through orders, and order agriculture is difficult to sustain in many places.

"Farmers 'planting scale is often determined according to the purchase price of the previous year, but the market often lags behind, and farmers' ability to resist risks is relatively poor." Liu Zhiwei said that at present, the problem of timely disclosure of supply and demand information in agricultural products market is more prominent, which is an important reason for the large fluctuation of agricultural products prices.

In the face of violent fluctuations in agricultural prices, the government faces a dilemma: on the one hand, the government has no right and dare not require farmers to plant more or less crops; on the other hand, if the government does nothing at all, once agricultural products are slow to sell, the income of farmers cannot be ignored, especially once serious damage is caused to a certain real estate industry, it will often affect social stability in a small range.

Liu Zhixiong, associate professor at the Business School of China University of Political Science and Law, told reporters that it is still common for order agriculture to encounter farmers 'default in reality. "Once farmers default, companies are often in a weak position." Liu Zhixiong believes that under the current situation, farmers 'contract consciousness is relatively poor, while the cost of forcing farmers to perform is very high, and there are also high social risks. At present, there are no effective measures to solve this problem.

Complete integrity short board, long way to go

In fact, seeing the potential risks of order agriculture, many grass-roots governments began to guide enterprises to stabilize the market by protecting prices.

The reporter learned that in July, the price of roses in Anning Eighth Street fell to 3 yuan again, and even at such a low price, many farmers still could not sell them.

And because Runsen signed a protection price, many farmers do not worry about selling. Dai Xiaobang told reporters: "We signed a contract with farmers and coordinated the protection price. This year we signed more than 200 mu." When the market price is low, we buy at five yuan a kilo. If the market price is higher than the protection price, we will go with the market."

Why $5? Dai Xiaobang calculated the account for the reporter. In the market downturn, excluding farmers 'costs and manpower, the protection price of 5 yuan can ensure that farmers can have a net income of 2,670 yuan per mu rose a year, which is better than planting rice. If it is less than 5 yuan, the florist will dig up the flowers directly.

However, the protection price range signed by Runsen Company and farmers is not large, and both parties have cooperated for many years, and there is a certain trust relationship. How to develop order farming on a large scale? The opinions of all parties are relatively unified: the key is to do a good job in rural credit reporting.

"Many farmers are older, neither need to go to the bank loans, but also rarely go out to work, credit problems after the loan, ticket purchase restrictions and other ways are difficult to form effective restrictions." Liu Zhiwei believes that, at least in the short term, the rural credit reporting system is not easy to operate effectively quickly. Liu Zhixiong believes that the concept of credit reporting cannot be achieved overnight, and continuous and extensive publicity is particularly important. "It is suggested that enterprises should know more about farmers before signing contracts, and gradually establish relatively stable supply relationship with some farmers before considering signing orders, so as to form an interest community of company + farmers." Liu Zhixiong said.