
How does rural e-commerce make farmers "hot"?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How does rural e-commerce make farmers "hot"?

Farmers 'first taste of "Internet +"

At present, in some economically developed rural areas, the Internet is quietly integrated into rural life, especially during the Spring Festival, online chat, grab red envelopes, WeChat New Year and other network communication methods have been familiar with and accepted by farmers, but also try to understand the latest agricultural information through the Internet, online shopping, open micro-stores to sell agricultural products, sell agricultural machinery, etc., farmers can be said to taste the "Internet +" sweet.

The author's investigation found that there are some vivid examples of Internet thinking entering farmers 'lives. "In the past, relying on the market, now relying on the network, agricultural products are sold far away, the quantity and price have also gone up, farmers have hitched a ride on informatization." Mengqiao, in Fengqiu, Henan Province, posted information about his pig farm on Weixin Official Accounts and printed QR codes on pork. In 2015, his sales increased by 10% through WeChat platform. In Datong, our province, family farmers have opened their own microstores, selling agricultural products online is no longer a new thing. Kelei Farmers 'Professional Cooperative introduced strains and technologies from Northeast China to plant agaric, not only adopting the traditional development mode of "enterprise + base + farmer", but also conforming to the trend of e-commerce, taking the road of "agriculture + Internet", creating "Kelei Farm" WeChat store, selling green food from rural areas to cities through the network.

Since last year, Ali, Jingdong, Suning and other e-commerce enterprises have also started large-scale e-commerce into the village, Tian Tian Circle, Cloud Farm, Agricultural Hui Network, Agricultural Merchant No.1 and other agricultural materials e-commerce have also been put into operation one after another, and some local farmers have also walked into experience stores to experience e-commerce. However, farmers don't buy e-commerce like city people, and farmers are still a little far away from e-commerce.

Rural areas are still unable to achieve the convenience of e-commerce

What are the real bottlenecks restricting the development of rural e-commerce? Where are farmers away from e-commerce?

First of all, for rural e-commerce, logistics is the first difficult problem for e-commerce to enter the rural market. In particular, the "last kilometer" bottleneck of logistics distribution is more prominent, which is regarded as a big "short board" to promote rural e-commerce.

Secondly, the investment in rural network infrastructure construction is insufficient. In some backward rural areas, the rural network coverage rate is low, which hinders farmers from using the Internet.

Thirdly, the weak or even missing network consumption habits in rural areas are also the restricting factors for the development of rural e-commerce at present. Farmers are still accustomed to the past "fair" way of buying and selling, more trust to see the physical goods after the first hand delivery of the transaction form, think online purchase of goods difficult to determine the quality and grade of goods. In addition, farmers like to use passbook habits, but also restricted the payment of online banking.

It can be seen that at this stage, the advantages of fast and convenient e-commerce cannot be realized in most rural areas, and a process of perfection and cultivation is needed.

The urgent need of farmers is to solve the problem of selling

The Internet has shortened the distance between the market and consumers. However, the Internet has not really shortened the distance between the market and farmers. Farmers are far away from e-commerce not only in hardware and habits, but also in the demand of farmers at this stage.

It is understood that rural e-commerce and agricultural materials e-commerce mostly want to develop the consumption potential of rural market and sell commodities to rural areas seamlessly. However, at this stage, it is much more urgent for farmers to sell agricultural products than to buy them. How to use the Internet to solve the problem of selling difficulties is the realistic demand of farmers.

Last year, the jujube harvest in Lin County of our province was large in area, but the result was high yield but no income increase. Date farmers in mountainous areas are generally operated by one household, with small scale, no own brand, no QS certification, and difficult to open the market in big cities due to asymmetric information.

If farmers know how to find suitable direct acquisition enterprises through rural e-commerce platform, negotiate prices in advance, organize many farmers and concentrate sales, thus solving the problem of asymmetric information resources and marketing resources, which will bring higher benefits to farmers.

E-commerce wants to make farmers "hot"

Farmers 'demand is the content of agricultural enterprises' services. Selling agricultural products to cities through e-commerce channels is also an important link in rural e-commerce ecological construction and will be an entry point for e-commerce to explore rural market. In the future, it will be the direction of rural e-commerce and agricultural materials e-commerce efforts to truly realize the two-way circulation of commodities such as daily necessities and agricultural materials to the countryside and agricultural products into the city.

At present, the major e-commerce in rural areas are in the loss of money to earn money to expand the market stage, but farmers do not completely buy e-commerce accounts, shaving the head of a hot, how to make farmers "hot" up to become the key. For this reason, if you want e-commerce to go further and longer in rural areas, e-commerce must learn to "prescribe the right medicine."

On the one hand, efforts should be made to train professional and technical talents in e-commerce, guide agricultural subjects, returning youth, college students "village officials" and farmers transferred to other jobs to carry out e-commerce entrepreneurship, organize farmers to enter the market by using e-commerce platforms, and provide farmers with services such as science and technology, information, capital, materials and product sales.

On the other hand, it is crucial for farmers to address their needs. Farmers are facing the problem of falling food prices and low fruit prices hurting farmers, especially this year's three major staple food prices have fallen, and farmers '"selling difficulties" are particularly prominent, which is exactly what needs to be solved in front of e-commerce. Through the way of rural e-commerce platform, more agricultural products can be sold, and farmers' selling difficulties can be solved. Only when the problem of farmers selling is solved can they be able to buy daily necessities and agricultural materials. For rural e-commerce, don't think about how to earn farmers 'money, but let farmers earn money first, so that they can truly enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by e-commerce, in order to lay a solid foundation for the sound development of rural e-commerce. Agriculture thrives, farmers are rich, agricultural enterprises flourish, only in this way, rural e-commerce, agricultural materials e-commerce can really get a piece of the rural market.