
How else can it be grown in the field of "replenishing food by machine"?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How else can it be grown in the field of "replenishing food by machine"?

On June 29, it rained in Kangping County, Liaoning Province, and Meng Yajie, chairman of Yajie planting Professional Cooperative, went to the fields to see the situation of the seedlings. Last year's drought led to a sharp drop in the output of bracts, coupled with lower prices. "Last year, we lost money. Had it not been for the supply of agricultural machinery cooperatives, it would have been difficult to survive solely on the planting industry." Meng Yajie said.

However, low prices have also brought opportunities for the development of cooperatives, and the price of contracted land has dropped from 750 yuan / mu to 400 yuan / mu this year. The cooperative has contracted 1000 mu of land to plant cash crops and increase the added value of its products. Cooperatives also began to explore the mode of land share cooperation in order to reduce the cost of land management and promote more farmers to participate in production and management.

Scale operation: farmers farm land to reduce costs cooperatives earn "nanny fee"

Different from ordinary planting cooperatives, Meng Yajie also set up a professional agricultural machinery cooperative for veteran farmers to "subsidize" the efficiency of grain production.

In 2011, Meng Yajie learned that the no-tillage seeder could carry out no-tillage sowing under the condition of straw returning to the field, and immediately bought four no-tillage sowing sets. This advanced seeder can operate under the condition of full coverage of corn straw and can achieve the effect of one sowing to protect the whole seedling.

"at that time, we provided seeds and fertilizers and sowed 2000 mu of arable land of 97 farmers in the county. Due to the realization of returning straw to the field, it was tantamount to covering the earth with a quilt, and the seedling preservation rate reached more than 95%, with a bumper harvest and a 20% increase in production. The cooperative has also achieved considerable benefits, and the cost of purchasing the machine was recovered in that year. " Meng Yajie said.

In 2012, the cooperative bought another 23 no-tillage planters, with 25 sets of no-tillage seeding and 30,000 mu of no-tillage sowing, covering nearly 100 villages. In 2013, cooperatives bought another 33 no-tillage planters and 8 new power machinery. In 2015, 8 large corn harvesters and 9 subsoiling machines were added, and the number of them reached 87 (sets).

Cooperatives provide full escrow nanny-like services to farmers. Cooperatives are responsible for selecting excellent seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, and providing no-tillage sowing series services on time, so that farmers can buy quality and cheap agricultural materials without leaving their homes, and unified farming. Due to the ten-year spring drought in Kangping area, their finger clip no-tillage planter has played a great role in Kangping area and won the trust of farmers.

Meng Yajie said: thanks to the support of the Shenyang Municipal Committee of Agriculture and the Kangping County Party Committee and the county government, the profit level of cooperatives has been continuously improved for several consecutive years, and the operation scale of cooperatives has been growing. In 2016, the land area of cooperative operation reached 100000 mu, and the area of mechanized operations expanded to 80, 000 mu, focusing on the development of green pollution-free products and promoting large-scale agricultural production and intensive management.

Bian Yongfeng in Sanjiawo Village, Xiaochengzi Town, Kangping County has 26 mu of land, and now he has become a "shopkeeper" when it comes to farming. He told the reporter: "entrusting the land to the cooperative saves money. It costs 35 yuan per mu to find someone to grow arable land, and the cooperative earns only 20 yuan per mu. It also guarantees that 80% of the seedlings will be produced, and the deep pine will be released free of charge. At the time of harvest, the harvest will only be 30 yuan per mu, and it will cost at least 50 yuan to find others to harvest. And I can make time to go out and do odd jobs. It turns out that when the land is not entrusted, I always take the time to have a look in the land. "

Joint establishment of the society: implementing the whole process of mechanization to share the benefits of production and marketing

Huilao farmers' agricultural machinery professional cooperatives are well-known in Kangping County, and many cooperatives ask to join in the establishment of a joint cooperative. At the beginning of this year, Meng Yajie became chairman of the Shenyang Huizhi Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative Association, which has 17 member units. The service concept of the United Society is to increase grain production, increase agricultural efficiency and increase farmers' income.

As early as 2013, Kangping County proposed that farmers' cooperatives should cover every administrative village, expand the single scale, and improve the rate of peasant households joining the society. We will encourage farmers' professional cooperatives to carry out cross-regional and cross-industry alliances, and develop land joint-stock cooperatives, cooperative federations, trade associations and product associations. Develop various forms of new farmers' cooperative organizations and multi-service systems, and achieve effective docking with the market by improving the degree of organization.

The United Society provides member societies with a series of pre -, mid-and post-natal services. Efforts should be made to improve the ability of unified marketing and product processing, and gradually extend the agricultural industrial chain, so that members can obtain agricultural value-added benefits. We will actively carry out unified procurement and supply, unified standardized production, unified storage and transportation services, unified product marketing, unified product certification and unified technical training services, so as to improve the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Next, they should strengthen the construction of brand. Meng Yajie told reporters: "We will implement the brand management strategy, establish and improve a standardized credit management system, win the market with reputation and brand, improve the level of operation and management, and enhance the ability of sustainable development." Attach importance to registered trademarks, carry out relevant certification of pollution-free products, green food and organic food production bases, improve brand awareness and enhance the market pricing power of the United Society. "

The United Society will make use of the country's good policies to increase investment in agricultural equipment, extend service links, expand the operating area, and constantly expand the whole process of mechanization; absorb more farmers to join the club, integrate scattered land to achieve intensive production, and share advanced science and technology. share economic benefits.

Zhang Zhenfu, director of the new agricultural planting cooperative in Kangping County, believes that joining the United Society can quickly learn from and copy the successful experience of the old farmers' cooperative, develop together with them, and end up fighting alone.

Joint-stock cooperation: farmers get the right to land income cooperatives to save land investment

Different from the land trusteeship, Cui Liang of Sanjiawo Village, Xiaochengzi Town, bought a stake in the old farmers' agricultural machinery professional cooperative with his own 30 mu of land. "I signed a contract with the co-operative to guarantee the maximum output of the same plot in that year. For example, if the same plot produces 1300 jin per mu, but actually reaches 1500 jin, then in addition to the income of 1300 jin, I will share the extra 200 jin with the co-operative equally. On the other hand, the cooperative is fully responsible for the whole investment from planting to harvest, which is at least 100 yuan less than self-planting per mu. "

For cooperatives, because there is no need to give land lease funds to farmers, land investment is saved. In addition to 5000 mu of land entrusted to the co-operatives in Sanjiawo Village, another 1000 mu of land has been transferred to the co-operatives in the form of shareholding this year, which is managed by the co-operatives. Cui Liang told reporters: "I never leave my hometown, and I am still in charge of production management in the cooperative. You see, because of the deep pine, the contrast between the deep pine and the non-deep pine is obvious, the rhizome of the bract is long and thick, and the leaves are also thick. "

These 1000 mu are all selected excellent varieties of bract rice, which will be processed into bracts in the future. Meng Yajie said: the cooperative has set up a local specialty sales company to transform itself into cash crops and develop efficient agriculture. This year, it has planted 1000 mu for deep processing, and next year it will also grow peanuts, wheat, buckwheat and other cash crops. "you can't make money by growing ordinary corn, and if you can't go the way you failed in the past, you have to think of another way."

"if the peasants join the co-operatives and become shareholders of the co-operatives, the interests will be divided into 46%, 6% and 4% respectively. We have signed 2987 shareholding contracts with farmers this year. In this way, for farmers who join the cooperative, agricultural machinery cooperatives can help them get out of the isolated state of production, get corresponding services, and achieve resource sharing to a certain extent. " Meng Yajie said.