
The way of relying on chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields has been seriously overdrawn.

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, The way of relying on chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields has been seriously overdrawn.

For a long time, the market of agriculture in our country is that there is a large population but little arable land. According to the statistics of relevant departments, China's population has increased by an average of 17 million per year, but the area of cultivated land has gradually decreased. In the past, there has been a reduction of 10 million mu of arable land in one year. Although in recent years, the relevant state departments have also implemented many protection measures, the reduction of cultivated land can not be ignored.

Under such circumstances, how can we meet the needs of industrial development and population growth for agricultural products?

"the only feasible way to increase the output of agricultural products in China is to increase the output per unit area." Liu Haiming, general manager of Beijing Aerospace Hengfeng Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., said that increasing output is closely related to crop varieties, fertilizer, climate, farming system, and other factors and management, among which fertilizer is closely related to yield, and there is no adequate fertilizer. Crop yield is difficult to increase. Without adequate food and feed, there will be no production of large quantities of livestock, poultry and aquatic products, and human beings will not get enough high-quality food, so fertilizer can be said to be the food of crops.

The application of organic fertilizer is the traditional concept of agricultural production in China. From 1950 to 1960 after the founding of the people's Republic of China, most of the fertilizer resources in China relied on organic fertilizer for crop supply and demand. However, simply relying on organic fertilizer as the nutrient source of crops, the yield is difficult to increase, unable to solve the food problem of the national population, the most painful lesson is that many people starved to death in Anhui, Shandong and other places at that time.

In order to make up for this problem, after China began to introduce a large number of chemical technology, the rapid increase in the use of chemical fertilizer led to a decline in the proportion of organic fertilizer. According to the statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, from 1960 to 1970, the world grain production nearly doubled, of which 22 percent increased grain production due to the expansion of sown area, and 78 percent increased grain production per unit area. In the increased per unit yield, the effect of applying chemical fertilizer accounted for 40%, 60%. There is no doubt that the use of chemical fertilizer has played a great role in increasing agricultural production and income in our country.

However, with the extensive use of chemical fertilizer in the later stage, it also brings a series of problems. For example, at present, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer is less than 30%, and the rest is leached into the ground under rainfall and irrigation conditions, thus polluting the groundwater. This not only causes a great waste in the economy, but also has a great impact on the environment, resulting in a rapid increase in the content of nitrate in groundwater. As we all know, nitrate is the precursor of nitrosamines. So far, as many as 300 kinds of nitrosamines have been found, 90% of which have been proved to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic, which is a serious threat to human health.

Not only that, the massive application of chemical fertilizer has also caused the decline of soil fertility, soil consolidation and the increasing cost of agricultural production, so it is difficult to rely on chemical fertilizer to increase production and income. It is under such circumstances that Aerospace Hengfeng has been trying to explore effective ways to improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer, increase production and income, and improve the soil environment. It is precisely because of the precise control and unique views on sustainable development of agriculture, as well as ten years of technological innovation, that the microbial fertilizers produced and developed by Aerospace Hengfeng have found another way to sail the blue sea in the global market economy.

As for how to increase the yield and increase the yield and income of microbial fertilizer, Liu Haiming said: first of all, the microorganisms in bacterial fertilizer will produce a large number of hormone substances in the process of life activities in the soil. These substances can effectively regulate crop metabolism and stimulate crop growth after contact with plant roots. Secondly, rich organic matter can also improve soil aggregate structure and reduce soil consolidation, thus making the soil loose, conducive to ventilation, water conservation, fertilizer conservation and promoting root development, and provide a suitable micro-ecological growth environment for crops. Thirdly, a large number of microorganisms in bacterial fertilizer grow and reproduce in plant roots, thus forming a dominant flora, inhibiting and reducing the invasion and reproduction opportunities of pathogens, thus reducing crop diseases. There is no doubt that all these provide the basic guarantee for the increase of crop yield.

At present, the microbial agent products of Aerospace Hengfeng have been widely used in tobacco bases in Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou and Chongqing. Hebei Zhangjiakou and Inner Mongolia potato planting base, * * Construction Corps agricultural fourth division, agricultural fifth division, agricultural 10th division, agricultural 13th division and Shandong Province soil testing formula fertilization and water and fertilizer integration project, has a significant effect on increasing production. According to the introduction of local agro-technical extension personnel in Altay, winter wheat using aerospace Hengfeng highly concentrated bacterial agent products has basically increased by more than 20%, which can be said to inject a new force at a time when grain production is gradually declining.