
Xiong Dedong: "teach people to fish" and lead the masses to shake off poverty and become rich

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Xiong Dedong: "teach people to fish" and lead the masses to shake off poverty and become rich

Xiong Dedong inspects the fruit trees.

In the patches of citrus fruit forests in Yangping Village, Bayang Town, Yunyang County, you can often see a busy figure shuttling through them, whether it is pruning, pruning, pulling branches, or sprinkling irrigation and fertilization, every action is skillful, sensitive and meticulous. This man is Xiong Dedong, a household name in Yangping village. when it comes to him, everyone can't help giving a thumbs up. About his efforts to learn fruit tree management and protection technology and "teach people to fish." the story of leading the masses to develop the citrus fruit industry to increase income and become rich starts from the history of the development of New Orange in Yangping Village.

Take over the heavy burden on the way

Fourteen years ago, Xiong Dedong's brother Xiong Defu served as the branch secretary of Yangping Village. In order to lead everyone to get rich, after various investigations, he decided to lead everyone to improve the planting of New Orange. However, Yangping Village has grown red oranges since ancient times. When the masses couldn't accept it, Xiong Defu cultivated it by himself, tried it first, distributed seedlings, technical guidance, and so on. After a lot of hardships, everyone finally decided to try to grow New Zealand Orange.

However, something unexpected happened in the sky. In the second year of everyone's trial, Xiong Defu died of serious illness. This is a great pain for the whole Yangping village. For a while, the development of the New Orange industry in Yangping Village lost its backbone, the villagers lost their "bellwether", and there were no technicians in the village. for most of the villagers who had just placed their hopes on New Orange seedlings but were inexperienced in the management and protection of their own fruit trees, it is undoubtedly the most difficult fact to accept.

The helplessness and worry of the villagers plunged Xiong Dedong into deep grief and contemplation. As soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of his elder brother leading everyone to get rich and making painstaking efforts to persuade everyone to grow New Zealand Orange. He decided to turn grief into strength, fulfill his brother's last wish, fulfill the promise made to the common people, be an excellent agricultural technician, lead everyone to continue to develop New Zealand Orange planting, and realize the villagers' increase in production and income on the road of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

"at that time, my brother was the only technician in the village. after my brother died, everyone went blind in planting New Orange, and the village urgently needed this kind of talent. I tried to read the management log and technical bibliography written by my brother before his death, and speculated on practice while learning. I apply the theoretical knowledge I have learned to my own fruit trees, and after it has been confirmed, I will teach what I have learned to the villagers. " Xiong Dedong pointed to a thick pile of notebooks and materials left by his brother.

According to Xiong Dedong's recollection, sometimes those who do not understand and are not sure go to the government and the Committee of Agriculture to consult agricultural experts. Xiong Dedong is already a regular guest of the town government and the Committee of Agriculture. Less than half a year after his brother Xiong Defu died, the New Zealand Orange planted in Yangping Village ushered in a bumper harvest for the first time, and the income of many villagers from planting fruit trees doubled that of previous years.

Selfless dedication fax scripture

After continuous learning and exploration, Xiong Dedong skillfully mastered the scientific planting and management technology of New Zealand Orange. However, he found that not many villagers took the initiative to consult him, and most of them asked him for "help" after their own treatment was ineffective, and did not carry out management, protection and prevention in advance.

In order to teach the villagers in detail the scattered "more or less the same" issues raised by everyone on weekdays, and to further enhance their ideology of actively learning to use scientific planting, management and protection techniques, Xiong Dedong set up a training course on fruit tree cultivation and management in the village free of charge, sharing his summed up experience and research results with the villagers in a timely manner.

"in the countryside, everyone was so busy that there was no time to study, so Dedong took the initiative to come to our home and told us that it would save more time and effort to learn the technology well, and that the price of the fruit would be more cost-effective than that of other crops when the quality of the fruit was good. If we don't refuse his kindness any more, we'll lose face. After going there a few times, I feel that he is really teaching us sincerely, and it is free of charge. For example, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in flowers and combs are taught to us by Dedong. He often comes to our orchard to demonstrate to us for a long time, very patient and meticulous, so that I admire him from the bottom of my heart. " Xiong Jie, a big grower in Yangping Village Group 2, said.

Over the past few years, villagers have mastered practical knowledge and technology of scientific management and protection, and followed Xiong Dedong in the field to carefully manage and protect every step from fertilization, pruning, flower and fruit thinning to pest control, from fertilization, pruning, flower and fruit thinning to pest control. Everyone found that the output of New Zealand orange was higher, the quality was better, the income also increased, and Yangping Village became a famous fruit village.

Guide the way to become rich in a well-off society

In order to keep up with the pace of market changes and development, Xiong Dedong began to study modern orchard management, insisted on holding regular training courses on fruit tree cultivation management in the village, and taught the development trend, management mode and labor-saving cultivation techniques of modern orchards to the villagers. promote the large-scale and diversified development of the citrus industry.

The villagers of Yangping Village have grown the fruits that consumers like, so how to deliver the fruits to consumers in the case of labor shortage is a new problem.

"many young people in the village go out to work, and the old people who stay at home are too busy to pick and sell fruits, so I ask around to contact merchants to buy them." At the same time, in 2013, Xiong Dedong set up a micro-enterprise to buy villagers' fruit, using the modern marketing model of "Internet + agricultural products" to solve the villagers' marketing problem. In 2014, the Fruit Co-operative was established, with more than 80 members, and modern management models such as "company + cooperative + peasant household" were adopted, which further broadened the market channels and increased marketing promotion.

"on the one hand, fruit growers can harvest and sell their fruits locally to non-local merchants who come to buy them, which can not only reduce transportation costs, but also expand sales volume and reduce the loss of preservation, packaging and transportation; on the other hand, fruit farmers can also sell good fruits to cooperatives at prices higher than those in the local market, and after unified hierarchical packaging, they can be shipped to markets inside and outside the province for sales, gradually forming a market for high-end products and brands." According to reports, through scientific planting to create a green pollution-free fruit brand Yangping citrus has been sold all over the country, the pockets of fruit growers have really bulged up.

Xiong Dedong is sensitive to catching business opportunities, experimenting with his own orchard, calling on villagers to adopt the combination of retail and wholesale, and opening fruit picking tours to the outside world to carry out various forms of marketing experience activities such as "happy picking" and "happy farm". While allowing consumers to feel the joy of a bumper harvest and the fruits of labor, it also solves the difficult problem of selling agricultural products and increases farmers' income.

It is reported that by 2015, the area of planting citrus, loquat and other characteristic fruits in Yangping village has reached 5000 mu, the total agricultural output value has reached 60 million yuan, the per capita net income of villagers has reached 12000 yuan, the rural ecological environment is good, and farmers live a harmonious and happy life.